Chapter 1 Ridiculous Death (Re-written and typo fixes)

MC: Soooo, which level of hell am I going to, and of which religion?

???: Excuse me, what?

---------------*pause sound*---------------

MC: Hello, my name is Max Hills and I died... if you wonder how, I'll just let the author explain. *ahem* *ahem* *gestures the author to do his thing*


-----------{flashback Author pov}------------

It was a cold morning on Christmas eve. Dec. 24, 2022, Max Hills is on his way to the back from the mall with bags of groceries for Christmas.

After a 10 minute drive, Max was finally home. As Max got out of the car, an orange blur came out of seemingly nowhere and smacked him right in the face, sending him to the floor head first with his groceries. Everything went dark for him.

Finally Max woke up, and as his vision clears, he sees that he was in a cozy well furnished room. Looking around for a bit, he finally noticed two people sitting in front of him, looking at him. One was an old man in a blue bunny onsie, and the other sitting on the man's lap, a little girl around 10 years old with hazel brown haired, emerald green, and currently in a pink bunny onsie.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence being stared at by the 2 strangers, Max decided break the silence.

----------flashback end {general pov}----------

Max: Soooo, Which level of hell am I going to, and of which religion?

Old man: Excuse me, what?

Max: Which level of- *gets interrupted*

Old man: I heard you the first time, I'm asking why is that your first question? I have reincarnated a few people before. You aren't the first to be calm, but you are the first to immediately assume that you are going to hell.

Max: Meh. I know I'm not good enough to go to heaven, and I've done some bad things. Also this place it nice.

Old man: Nice. That's all you have to say after finding put your in a situation just like the fanfics you read?

Max: Oh trust me I'm very overwhelmed by all this, but I'm not a very reactive person. By the way, I have a question.

Old man: What is it?


Old man: There's the screaming I was looking for. Also your dead was kind of an accident.

Max: What do you mean "kind of"

Old man: Well I planned on appearing in your dreams and let you choose to isekai or stay where you are. But...

Max: But?

Old man: My granddaughter's pet gold fish got to you first.

Max: ... So your telling me that I got mirked by a ten year olds gold fish.

Old man: Not just any gold fish, it is actually a mythical beast of another realm. But yes, you got mirked by a child's pet gold fish, who is also named Bean.

Max: So what about my corpse?

Old man: I got rid of it and made a copy of you to take your place, so none of your neighbors will notice. As messed up as that sounds.

Max: So that means I can't go back at all?

Old man: No, you can. If you want I can just put you into the copy body. Since this accident was cause by us, you aren't considered truly dead by the world's will.

Max: I see.

Old man: So... do you want to go back?

Max: Honestly, not really. After my parents passed away, things never was the same. My life consisted of the same dull routine. Even became an alcoholic for a year.

Old man: Very well then, lets talk business. First things first I'm what you humans call a R.O.B. But you can just call me John, and the little one on my lap is Sophia.

Sophia: Hi.

Max: Hello to you too.

John: I'm pretty sure you know why your here, but I say it anyway. I will transmigrate you to another world to entertain us. More specifically Sophia. I also will give you 5 wishes and a special gift instead of the usual 3 wishes, to make up for the whole killing you on x-mas eve.

Max: Any limitations to the wishes? And what world?

John: You can with for anything, so long as it isn't too overpowered. Also youll be going to "My Little Pony" courtesy of Sophia.

Sophia: Mn! *proud smile*

Max: Alright, here are my wishes

1.A simple game-like system with a shop that can guide me

2.My talent is related to magic and crafts

3.Greater comprehension

4.Stronger body

5.As smart as Twilight.

John: Granted, but don't expect to find sharinganns or any similarly op in the system store. You'll also be as strong as an earth pony.

Max: Anything I should know before I go?

John: Aside from the fact that some settings will be chosen by us, you will also forget about the major events regarding the villains, but if I feel like it, I will let you keep the memories of one or two events. Any way off you go.

With the annoy part out of the way, John snaps his fingers and sends Max on his way. While Max is slowly disappearing, he got an idea.

Max: Mr. John I don't feel so good.

Both John and Sophia starts chuckling at the refernce. After they calmed down, John and Sophia starts to work on some of the little details.

Time: 16 years before canon

Place: Canterlot

Starting age: FETUS (1 year older then Twilight)

Voice: Sounds like Cinder from RWBY

Gender: Female

Race: Unicorn

Magic color: Pinkish red

Appearance: A unicorn with straight dirty blonde mane that fades into red at the tip, banana flesh yellow coat(not banana skin), and lilac eyes


Hope this rewritten version is a little better. Also if any of you notice the constant update of this one chapter, that's because I am proofreading and fixing my mistakes at 4 a.m. and needs sleep.