Filler 4- Filly Again

A/n: I'm kind of disappointed in myself. Gone for year and all I got is a filler chapter. But nevertheless, I hope whoever is still reading this, enjoys the chapter.


---[Sugar Cube Corner]---

{3rd pov} (One day after Briddle Gossip)

Within the Sugar Cube Corner, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are giggling together. Should any pony witness this, they can immediately tell that these two are planning something devious.

Pinkie: Hehehe, I can wait to see Stardust's face when she realizes!

Rainbow: Me too! We can finally get a prank on her!

*knock* *knock*

Rainbow: She's here! I'll go hide!

Rainbow flies out the window, and Pinkie went to greet Stardust at the door.

Stardust: Hey Pinkie, you said you needed help with something?

Pinkie: Yep! I need you to help me taste test a new recipe for a drink! You have no idea how glad I am that you're willing to help!

Stardust: What about the others?

Pinkie: Everypony else is busy. Rarity got a big order, and Applejack is working double to make up for her "tiny" problem. 

Stardust: Sure, but I'm not sure if I'll be much help. I've been taste-testing a few potions before coming, so my taste buds may be a little off.

Pinkie: That's not a problem. This is a new recipe like, I just thought of it new. 

Without wasting anymore time, Stardust grabs the glass filled with a magenta-colored liquid. Stardust examines the drink. First by smell, which gives of a light fruity smell with a small floral scent in the mix. Then by sight, overall, the drink's appearance isn't special it just looks like your everyday fruit-punch. Lastly by taste, it tastes like fruit-punch but minty, flowery, and bitter. 

Pinkie: Sooo, what do you think?

Stardust: Not bad, but not great either.

Pinkie: I see. Anything specific?

Out from her hair, Pinkie pulls out a note pad and a pen. Waiting for Stardust's critique.

Stardust: It tastes like a minty fruit punch with some floral scent. Something in there does not mix well with whatever flower you used. It gave the drink a lasting bitter aftertaste. Also, my tongue is kind of itchy from drinking it.

While this may be a prank, Pinkie still wrote down everything and thought of improvements. She can use it in another prank or for a party she's planning next week.

Stardust: Is that all?

Pinkie: Yep. Thanks for your help!

Stardust: No problem. I guess I'll see you next time then. 

After Stardust leaves, Rainbow Dash flies back in with an excited smile.

Rainbow: Did she drink it?! Did she!?

Pinkie: Yep! she drank the whole cup and didn't notice anything strange.

Rainbow: Yes! Her reaction is going to be SO funny!

---[Next day]---

{Spike pov} (that's right he's getting screen? Page? Time.)

*Yawn!* Good morning Equestira! Waking up, I see Twilight doing her usual thing, reading. I go downstairs to the kitchen to get breakfast ready. Only Stardust and I cook, we take turns and today is my turn. NEVER let Twilight cook without supervision, she is improving compared to the first time, but she still needs a lot of work.

After I'm finished cooking, I go call everyone.

Spike: Twi, Star, Albert! Breakfast is ready!

Albert: *honk!*

There's Albert, and no pony else. *sign* This is sadly a very normal thing. Twilight sometimes gets so into her reading she just ignores everything. Stardust is messier, she sometimes shows up and sometimes she doesn't. Welp time to drag those two to the table.

First is Twilight, she doesn't have the same reflexes Stardust has. So, all I need to do is break her concentration, via dragging her to the table.

Twilight: What the! Spike! What's the big idea.

Spike: Breakfast.

Twilight: Can I just finish this one page?

Spike: We both know the answer to that.

Twilight: Fine.

It's funny how sometimes our role gets switched. Now, time to get Stardust. I hope she just overslept. Before opening the door to her room, I gave a quick prayer to Celestia.

Going in, I found something I was not expecting. Stardust has somehow become a filly again! Awoken by my presence, filly Stardust looks at me with sleepy eyes.

Stardust: Hewwo Spike.

Nope! Not dealing with this today. I grab Stardust and carry her to the dining room, where Twilight is having her tea, which she spits out seeing who I'm holding.

Twilight: Pffff! Spike?! Is that who i think it is!?

Spike: Yep.

---{Twilight pov}---

No! No! No! How could this happen! I thought Stardust already cured herself of the effect of poison joke! Should I write a letter to the princess? No, this is too trivial to bother her. Wait! I can just make another batch of the cure!

Twilight: Spike-

Spike: Way ahead of ya.

A sense of pride swells up in my chest. He is truly my number one assistant. But I need to focus on the cure right now. Opening the book to page 25. I have Spike make a list of what we need.

Suddenly the raspy voice of my good friend Rainbow Dash called out from behind me. Giving me a scare.

Rainbow: Hey Twi! Watch'u doing?

Twilight: Gyah! Rainbow, when did you get here?!

Rainbow: Oh, just now. Is that filly Stardust I see?

Twilight: Yes, she is. Stardust somehow became a filly again. But no worries I'll just get the cure ready.

Rainbow: Ooor, you could let me, and the other girls foal sit little Stardust so we can get to know her better.

Wait a minute! Something is not right. Filly Stardust, Rainbow suddenly showing up, and Rainbow suddenly want to foal sit Stardust, it's all adding up now.

Twilight: What did you do?

Rainbow: What in the ever do you mean Twilight?

Twilight: Don't play dumb! Stardust suddenly becoming a filly again, and then your sudden appearance. Almost as if you're checking on something. Not to mention the slight tone of excitement in your voice. All the evidence points to you!

Rainbow: Alright detective, you got me. It's a little prank I thought up for Stardust, and she didn't notice a thing!

Twilight: What!?

Rainbow: Relax. She'll be fine. It'll wear off in a week.

Twilight: But, why?

Rainbow: Well, up till now, Stardust is the only one I haven't been able to pull a prank on. So, what do you say? Let the other girls foal sit Stardust throughout the week. Besides, don't you want to know how Stardust in her younger days act? 

Twilight: No. I grew up with her, so I know how she is as a child.

Rainbow: Weeeell, too late I already told the girls, and they agreed to it as well bye!

And with that, Rainbow flies out the window. I'll just turn Stardust back and explain to the girls. Is what I thought until somepony busts down the door.

Fluttershy: Twilight?! I heard Stardust isn't feeling well! Is she ok? Does she need a doctor?

Twilight: What the! Fluttershy? Stardust is fine, she just got pranked by Rainbow and now got reverted back into a child.

Fluttershy: So, no super deadly virus that causes her to mutate into some horrific monstrosity that requires the tender loving care of a kind pony?

Twilight: What?! No! Is that what Rainbow told you?

Through the busted down door, the other girls have arrived.

Rarity: Twilight, dear. I heard from Rainbow that Stardust is willing to help try on some new dresses for me.

Pinkie: Hey Twilight! I'm here to pick up Stardust for our two-pony sleep over party!

Applejack: Howdy Twilight, I heard Stardust needed me fer somthin'?

---[One moment later]---

{3rd pov}

After Twilight explained everything, each one of the four have different reactions.

Pinkie: Aw man, no two-pony sleep over party.

Fluttershy: Phew, it's good that she is fine and healthy.

Rarity: But the dresses.

Applejack: Should've known Rainbow was up to no good. She was all giggly when I saw her. 

Twilight: Yes. Now that you're all clear about the situation, I'll just turn Stardust back to normal and everything will-

Rarity: Hold on, Twilight, darling.

Twilight: Yes?

Rarity: Would you perhaps allow me to borrow Stardust for an hour or two?

Twilight: Why?

Rarity: I've made an assemble for the fillies, and Sweetie Belle is still in school right now. While Stardust can't try on what I originally had in mind, but she can still help me with this one.

Twilight: Well, the cure does take a while and it's just trying on some clothes. Sure, just be sure to not take too long.

Rarity: Much appreciated darling.

Spike: Wait! What if Stardust wanders off? Remember what happened?

Right on que Stardust starts to walk away. Before she can get far, Spike drags her back.

Applejack: Why don't you take Pinkie along? I'm sure she can entertain Stardust while you tor-*ahem* dress up Stardust.

Pinkie: *Gasp* We could have a dress up party!

Rarity: You have a point Applejack. Pinkie, dear if it is convenient for you, would mind assisting me?

Pinkie: Of course! I've got all day to help!

Rarty: Oh, and please no confetti or sudden loud noises.

Pinkie: Yes ma'am! *Does a salute*

With that Stardust was taken while Twilight go and prepare the bath.

A few hours later, everything seems to be going smoothly, the bath is ready, and Rarity should be coming with Stardust. Should. Rarity busts through the door, that was fixed not too long ago, with a panicked expression.

Rarity: Oh Twilight, it's horrible! Absolutely the worst!

Twilight: What's going on?

Rarity: It's Stardust! She's GONE!

Twilight: WHAT!? Wait, where is Pinkie, shouldn't she be with you?

Rarity: About that darling, Stardust seems to have teleported Pinkie with her.

Twilight: Spike!

Spike: Yeah?!

Twilight: We're going to go look for Stardust please go tell the other girls.

Spike: On it!

---{Pinkie pov}---

Hey readers~🤗 I'm waving at you if you couldn't tell. Man, I finally got my own point of view. Nice to see the author didn't forget us. Especially after his sudden yearlong block. They have been going on and off this fanfic. 

Author: Pinkie! You're getting sidetracked.

Oh! my bad! Let's see... Oh yes! I was with Rarity to help her keep baby Stardust entertained so Rarity can put dresses on Stardust.

It went very well, until a bright light enveloped me. When my eyes cleared up, I see a startled Fluttershy in front of me.

Fluttershy: P-Pinkie?

Pinkie: Hey Fluttershy. It seems Stardust teleported us.

Fluttershy: Oh, I see.

Stardust: Hi.

Before Fluttershy can respond, I was once again enveloped in a bright light. This time we are in Zecora's hut, who is understandablely confused at the moment.

Zecora: Greetings Pinkie Pie, what a peculiar way to drop by.

Pinkie: Sorry Zecora. Me and Rainbow played a prank on Stardust and now she is teleporting around with me in tow.

Zecora: Ah~ Stardust has become young once again I see. So, I presume another batch of the cure is what you seek?

Pinkie: Nope. Twilight got that handled, just watching Stardust to make sure she is safe.

Lights start to shine again.

Zecora: Seems you're about to leave. I was hoping you'd stay for tea.

Pinkie: Maybe next ti- *teleport away*

This time we ended up in someone else's home, specifically their living room. Standing in front of me is a unicorn stallion with a blonde mane and a dark yellow coat looking at me in surprise and confusion.

Stallion: What in Celestia! Who are you and why are you here?!

A mare came in before I can answer. The mare is also a unicorn. She has a black mane and white coat.

Mare: Honey what's the noise about? *Sees Pinkie* Oh! Hello, didn't know we had guest.

Stallion: She is not a guest! She just appeared out of nowhere in front of me!

Mare: Don't be silly dear, she is clearly an earth pony, and they can't do magic. Not external magic like teleportation at least.

Stardust: Mama! Papa!

Pinkie: Wait what?

Mare: Hello little one, you look exactly like my daughter when she was younger.

Stallion: Your right. I wonder how she is. It has been a few weeks since her last letter.

Pinkie: Humor me a bit. What is your daughter's name?

Mare: Stardust Falls.

Pinkie: You're her parents! Stardust never told us anything about you guys.

Stallion: Wait? You know our daughter? I don't believe that.

Pinkie: She has a goose companion with flames on its head, named Albert and have a sister like relationship with Twilight Sparkle.

Stallion: How do you know that!

Pinkie: Where are my manners, I'm Pinkie Pie, party planning extraordinaire and a resident of Ponyville.

Mare: Your Pinkie Pie? Show me your cutie mark.

I did and they seem to calm down afterwards.

Mare: Names Niagra Falls and this is my husband Walter Falls.

(A/N: ha-ha SURPRISE! Never thought to see them again so soon did you!)

Niagara: So, Pinkie, how did you get here.

Pinkie: About that.

I spend the next few minutes explaining everything to Stardust's parents.

Walter: So, let me get this straight, this filly right here is Stardust herself after you and this Rainbow Dash played a prank with the poison joke?

Pinkie: Yep.

Niagra: Awww, she wasn't this cute when Stardust was young.

Pinkie: What do you mean?

Niagra: She has her cute moments, but for the most part Stardust always acted more mature, hardly cried and always curious. And now thanks to you, I get to spoil her again and this time with the cutesy side.

Pinkie: So, you're not mad about the prank?

Walter: Not really. Stardust is not harmed, and she finally called me papa once more.

---[back at Ponyville]---

Twilight: Any luck, girls?

Rarity: Unfortunately, no.

Applejack: Nope.

Rainbow: Nuh-uh

Twilight: Spike, send a letter to the princess.

Spike: Are you sure?

Twilight: Yes, desperate time calls for desperate measures.

Spike: On it.

Fluttershy: Twilight couldn't you sense where Stardust is?

Twilight: I can't. Her magic signature is everywhere around Ponyville. And my sensory range is smaller than Stardust's as vexing as it is.

Rainbow: Why? Isn't your magic like way more than Stardust's.

Twilight: Never thought I'd say this, but my large amount of magic is the problem. With less magic, it gives Stardust time to refine her control of magic and mastery over her slow expanding repertoire of spells. While I, focused on learning more spells and never truly master them as Stardust use to say.

Rarity: What do you mean, darling? We've seen you do magic and it's awe-inspiring.

Twilight: By Stardust's standards, I'm only proficient.

Rarity: Yeesh, talk about strict.

Twilight: But it's thanks to her- *gets interrupted*

Rainbow: So long story short, you can't find her.

Twilight: *sign* Yes.

---[Back with Pinkie]---

{Still Pinkie pov}

After we cleared up any misunderstanding, Stardust's parents showed me around Canterlot even the parts that I never been to before. I've been here a few times due to my job as a party planner, but I didn't get the chance to explore everything.

---[Meanwhile in the royal palace, Celestia's study]---

{Celestia pov}

Another peaceful day, another stack of documents... I hate this. It's so boring! But for the sake of Equestria, I must do what I must. I wonder how Stardust is doing.


Oh? What's this? A letter from Twilight. Let me see.


Dear Princess Celestia,

 Due to an unexpected circumstance, Stardust Falls, has been turned into a filly. Unfortunately, despite becoming younger did not hinder Stardust's magic abilities, only her control over it. Therefore, it means Stardust has been teleporting with one of my friend's, Pinkie Pie, the bearer of the Element of Harmony: Laughter, along. I would like to formally request for your assistance in search for Stardust, if you have time that is.

 Sincerely, your ever faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

P.S.- Spike says hello.


Oh, harmony how you have favored me so! A smile comes to my face. I finally have an excuse to leave without causing a panic in the castle. For now, let's finish this stack.

---[Niagra Falls pov (Stardust's mom)]---

This is the best day ever! I get to meet one of my daughter's best friends and my daughter got herself turned back into a filly, without the usual maturity. Best of all, according to Pinkie, this lasts a week.

???: Niagra! fancy seeing you here.

I turn around to see who is calling me, and it is my good friend Twilight Velvet.

Niagra: Velvet! How have you been!

Velvet: I've as good as ever. How about you? 

Stardust: Auntie!

Velvet: Oh! Hello little one. Niagra, you didn't tell me you had another kid.

Niagra: About that.

---(One explanation later)---

(3rd pov)

Niagra: And that's the gist of it.

Velvet: I see. Got to say, I'm kind of jealous. Wish I could do the same with Twilight. *Turns to Pinkie* So, you're the Pinkie Pie Twilight wrote about. Nice to finally meet you.

Pinkie: And nice to meet you too, Mrs. Velvet.

Velvet: Please just Velvet is fine. By the way, Pinkie, you should probably send a note to Twilight about Stardust's current situation. Knowing my daughter, she is probably panicking right now.


Twilight: *Hyperventilates as her imagination runs wild*

Rainbow: C'mon Twi, calm down. Knowing Stardust, she'll be fine!

Twilight: Clam down? CALM!? DOWN!? How can I be calm, for all I know she could be lost, hungry, and alone! *Gasp* What if she is in danger!

Rainbow: Twilight, Pinkie is with her...

Twilight: *Not listening*

---[Back with Stardust]---

(3rd pov)

Eventually Celestia had found Stardust, which didn't take long, but not wanting to go back to doing paperwork when she can finally go out and take a break.

What's her solution? Use a transformation spell and disguise herself as a normal unicorn, and join Pinkie, Niagra, Velvet, and Stardust, on their day out. Of course, not without sending a note to Twilight, at Pinkie's request, so the purple sparkle would stop panicking. 

[Few hours later. Train station]

After a fun day together, it was time for everypony to go back home. Celestia being the first to leave, then Velvet, and lastly Pinkie.

Niagra: Pinkie, dear, you sure you don't want to stay the night?

Pinkie: I would love to, but something tells me that the girls are going to need me soon.

Niagra: Well, if that's the case, then may I trouble you to bring this note to Twilight and Stardust's other friends?

Pinkie: You can count on me!

Putting the note into her mane, Pinkie gets on the train. She waves Niagra and Stardust goodbye, as the train departs to Ponyville.


Pinkie: Author, wait!

Fowl_Immortal: What?

Pinkie: You forgot to tell the readers about the note!

Fowl_Immortal: Really? Was the fact that Stardust didn't leave with you not enough of a clue?

Pinkie: No offence, but you aren't exactly a good writer, so some readers may still get confused.

Fowl_Immortal: One, while it is true, ouch. Two, I'll just leave that to you. In the meantime, I'm going to find some glue to fix the fourth wall.

Pinkie: Okie dokie lokie! Hello readers! It me again, your favorite pink party pony. The note Mrs. Niagra gave me basically says that Stardust will stay with her for the week, until the poison joke wears off, and she wants to meet the other girls.

Fowl_Immortal: I'm back. Now will you let me end it?

Pinkie: Yes.

[Now. The end]