I'm Pretty And I Know It

While waiting for Bing Bing to come, Yue Qin decided to take a look at her new appearance after she upgraded her physique. Although she didn't have a mirror, selfie cameras existed for a reason.

Holding her phone to her face, Yue Qin turned her face left and right as she admired how beautiful she seemed to have become.

A pair of grey eyes that glowed like a pool of mercury framed with lush lashes stared back at her. Below her eyes sat a small button nose and a set of plump strawberry lips. Her fair complexion and rosy cheeks were framed by tumbling lustrous black locks. Her once chubby face had slimmed down to become sharper, her chin more angular. As she smiled, a set of dazzling white teeth was reflected by the camera.

Yue Qin couldn't help but dance a little internally. Although she couldn't be called a great beauty by any means, at least she no longer looked like an ugly duckling. Although the pain to improve her physique was terrible, for the sake of beauty, it was all worth it.

"You are truly narcissistic beyond words." Apollo drawled contemptuously.

"Is it wrong to admire my own beauty?"

"If you're a beauty then your standards are far too low."

"Excuse me? Are you calling me ugly?!"

"You're excused. And for your information, I never said you were ugly. You reached that conclusion by yourself."

"..." If Apollo had a physical body, Yue Qin would have long grabbed an axe to hack the system into pieces. Didn't the System know that one of the greatest taboos in life was to criticise a girl's looks?

Breathe in, breathe out.

Yue Qin took a few deep breaths to calm her mind. She would not let that smart-alec of a system get on her nerves. She knew that she was pretty and that was enough. One day she would become the legendary devastating beauty that made empires collapse.

"What's my stats now?"


User: Yue Qin

Age: 12

Class: Priest

Affinity: Heaven Grade Light Affinity (Extraordinary), Mortal Grade Earth Affinity (Medium)

Level: 1 (0/1000)

Health: 20/20 [+10]

Mana: 30/35 [+30]

Stamina: 5/20 [+10] (Careful you don't faint)

Strength: 19 [+15](Congratulations, you can now truss a chicken)

Agility: 10 [+5] (You can finally run faster than a turtle)

Intelligence: 20 (Average for a 12-year-old kid. Were you a salted fish in your past life?)

Charm: 13 [+10] (Maybe a beggar might be charmed by you)

Free Stat Points: 50 (+20)

Current Skills:

(Iron) Idiocy Level 3: You are an idiot. Activate this skill to decrease your intelligence by -25%. When used, people will underestimate you due to the sheer aura of idiocy you emit causing aggro -5%.

(Bronze) Wallflower Level 4: You are just a wallflower that no one notices. Activate this skill to decrease your sense of presence by -30%. Most people will ignore you and forget about you. This skill lasts for 1h. You may cancel it as you wish. Note that charm drops -60 when this skill is activated. The loss in charm lasts for 7 days.

(Bronze) Bad Student Level 5: You are a bad student. Activate this skill to increase aggro by +50% from any teacher within a 500m radius. The effects last for 24h.

(Gold) Individual Healing Level 1: Allows the user to heal 1 person of their choice, replenishing their HP by 50% immediately. Has a 30% chance of healing mental injuries. Able to heal any injuries of the flesh and injuries of the bone. The degree of healing is determined by the amount of mana used.

>>>STATS END <<<

As soon as the stats panel appeared in front of her eyes, Yue Qin's pupils zoomed onto the most critical information.

"13?! Why is my charm still so low? It only increased by 10 points! Even my strength increased by 15 points!" Yue Qin protested indignantly. "And what the heck do you mean by 'maybe a beggar might be charmed by you'? They would all fall at my feet if I wanted to alright?!"

"Continue dreaming Host."

Yue Qin gnashed her teeth and decided to ignore the system's snide remarks. There were other things she had to clarify too.

"Then why did the experience needed to level up multiply by 10 times?!"

"Your current physique is a pinnacle tier physique. Of course, it would become harder to level up. Isn't it the same for all the games you played in the past? Those with hidden classes would have a harder time levelling up but in return, they would have power beyond those of the same level as them."

"Doesn't that mean I should have levelled up before upgrading my physique?!"

"Either way does it make a difference? The cost of upgrading would still have multiplied no matter what level you were at."

"But at least I wouldn't be a noob stuck at level 1!"

"I hear water leaking somewhere. I think it's from your brain Host."

"Fine, then I want to complain that there's a bug! My physique was upgraded from an ordinary one to the Supreme Body of Holy Light! A pinnacle tier physique! Why didn't my intelligence increase?"

This time it was finally Apollo's turn to become speechless. "Only your physique was upgraded. Why would your intelligence increase? Host, I think you need to see a doctor. I'm afraid your brain might truly be badly damaged."

"..." Dammit, she really wanted to punch that irksome System. It didn't have to rub it in her face right? "Scram!"

"Hehe. Host, you have 50 stat points now. Shouldn't use them already? You know that this isn't a bank and you don't get any interest for saving your points right?"

There was no need to even think where to put her points. "Put all 50 into charm!"


"What are you waiting for?"

"Host, I think your intelligence needs the points more."

"Stop insulting my intelligence! It's perfectly normal! I'll have you know that I graduated from University!"

"Then why would you put all your points into charm? You didn't transmigrate into the Imperial Harem and I'm not some Conquer the Male Lead System or anything along those lines!"

"Can't a girl desire to be prettier?"

"Your charm already increased by 10! If it increases any further how are you even going to explain to anyone the dramatic change in your looks before and after school?"

"Erm this....."

"You didn't think about this right? In fact, you didn't think at all right?" Apollo retorted flatly.

"Alright alright, then add 20 points to intelligence, 1 to strength and 2 to charm. I'll save the rest for now." Yue Qin would admit that she wasn't the smartest person out there so perhaps increasing her intelligence might do her some good. That way, maybe it would become easier for her to counter that damnably annoying system! As to the other 3 points? She just wanted to round off the numbers so that they became more pleasing to the eyes.

"Ding! 20 points have been successfully added to intelligence, 1 to strength and 2 to charm."

As to saving her points, if there was one thing her modern life taught her, it was that when playing a specific class, it was always the best to invest all her points into one particular attribute. Although she probably would not do exactly that since she did not have unlimited revivals like in those RPG games, it wouldn't hurt to do something along those lines. In simpler terms, this was a choice between becoming a Jack of all trades master of none versus becoming a specialist in a certain area.

Health would increase her ability to survive after taking damage. Mana would allow her to cast more spells continuously. Strength would improve her body allowing her to defeat enemies in close combat and increase her survival rate should she be unable to cast spells. Stamina would increase her ability to fight protracted battles. Agility would improve her ability to flee from battles. Intelligence would make her smarter. Charm would make her prettier.

Honestly, Yue Qin was truly tempted to increase everything and spread her points evenly across the board. That way, she would be able to get the best of all worlds. However, she guessed she might probably regret it like she did every time she did so in her in-game characters.

That was why it was best for her to start thinking about which attribute to focus on in her future training and point distribution. Of course, that did not mean she forgot her ultimate goal! To become the world's most devastatingly beautiful woman!

After all, if one didn't take advantage of their life in a fantasy world to become a nation collapsing beauty, then she wasn't a true woman!