Chapter 4: Rudeness Overload

"Aunty, how long did you work here?" I suddenly ask.

"I work with him when he was just a kid, he was with his family not until his father died. He became more arrogant and cold towards others. I became his one and only friend before Sir Dexter came into his life, I was always by his side, and until the day he got a job, he takes me with him and we never came back to their old house." she says. I think he must have been a sad past.

"Where is his mom, Aunty?" I asked and I saw Aunt's face become sad. Aunty was about to talk when someone speaks.

"That's enough!" he shouts. Sir Kevin was home already?"

"Kevin? Something happened?" Aunty asked, but he just ignored us and walk upstairs.

"What's his deal?" I say as I was shaking my head.

"His mother must have contacted him again," she says. I looked at her and talk.

"They aren't on good terms after his dad died right?" I asked and Aunty nods. It was late at night when I went inside my room. I feel tired as I was walking all around this house.

I was in my room when someone knocks. "I wonder who could that be. Is it him? No way!" I get up and open it. Then I saw Aunty with her bags.

"Aunty... What are you doing? Are you leaving already?" my eyes began to wet, tears slowly fall from my eyes.

"Yes, I have a family who is waiting for me. You take care of Kevin, okay?" I couldn't help myself not to cry as I was hugging her. I wiped my tears and I nodded, help her with her bags. We walked towards Sir Kevin's room. My hands tremble as I am holding the doorknob. I took a deep breath before knocking.

I knock on Sir Kevin's room, but he wasn't answering nor even talking.

"Sir?" I say and knock, but I heard nothing from the room. I slowly open the door and saw him on his table looking seriously at his laptop. I saw his back and it gives me butterflies. I shake my head and begin to talk.

"Si-" he hit the desk hardly which makes me startled.

"Why aren't you knocking?" he says angrily and stood.

"I knock three times, Sir," I said. He then stood up and went towards me.

"So, tell me what do you want?" he asked me in a deep tone of his voice which sounded scary.

I was looking at him. I was stunned and I didn't even want to tell him about Mrs. Vaness's departure. "Mrs. Vaness is leaving, Sir," he then looks at me and quickly goes towards the door. He then saw Aunty Vaness with her bags. I can see the sadness in his eyes.

"Are you leaving right now? Can you stay a little longer?" right now at this moment, I can see a different person from Kevin. It was sweet and soft. A different side of him. I can see that he's a good person like what Mrs. Vaness told me.

"Yes, I am. Ms. Tan is here to help you, I'll see you soon, okay?" Auntie's eyes went teary as she was holding Kevin's face. I was touched too, I remember my mom... I looked down as I can feel my tears slowly dripping from my eyes.

"Take care, Aunty. I'll see you soon," he said without even putting emotions to it, but I can feel how sincere he was. I can see he cares for Mrs. Vaness, but he's in denial about what he feels.

Aunty just leaves and it feels like I'm living with an iceman. He was back at his old self and it makes feel like I can't handle him alone. He doesn't have any emotion when talking to me. He always frowned which makes him look old. I sighed and I went back to my room. I lay down on my bed, but still, I'm thinking about how did I get here? How did my life turn to be like this? How can I be a maid when I have a proper job? I finished college, but because of that incident.. My life turns out like this.

I slowly closed my eyes as I'm getting ready for tomorrow's work.

Lalala... I was singing as I was cooking his breakfast. Some people said that... If you were singing while cooking the food can taste so good.

"hmm... This looks so delicious," I say as Kevin went down. I had already prepared his clothes, his necktie, and shoes.

"Good morning, Sir," I greeted him with a broad smile, but he just passed on me and ignores me. I still smiled as he was just passing me and ignoring me. He was eating as I was looking at him. He does have that charm that every girl will fall.

"Are you done staring at me?" I suddenly went back to my senses and shook my head. I then look away.

"Do you want me?" he suddenly asked. I was surprised.

"What? I-I mean... N-no. No Sir," he was still looking at me.

"Why, Sir? Is there something wrong with the food?" I asked and he just spits out the food he eats. I think it wasn't good. I swallowed in terrified.

"It tastes gross, how can you help me when you even don't know how to cook. Are you interested in this job?" I started to tremble. I got scolded once in school, but I think I might be scolded many times while doing this job.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I'll do my best next time, Sir," I smilingly utter.

He was done eating and it's time to tie his necktie. I think I can't do this, I think I can't do it. My hands tremble as I was holding the tie.

"Can't you do it?" he says.

"I can," I said and I started to tie it, but it didn't work.

"Get lost! How can you be so useless? This is just a simple job, but why can't you do this?" he said and I was hurt. How can a person said those harsh and rude words so easily?


"I said, Get lost! Didn't you get that too?" he shouted at me as the door opens. I saw Dexter coming in.

I left quickly when I saw him. Every time she saw me, it's not good timing.

My heart hurts by those words from his mouth. I have to get back to my job quickly. I checked my phone and there's nothing. They haven't messaged me about getting my work back.

"I have to get out of here."

I quickly went out. I feel embarrassed when he sees me like this. "Why I'm crying just because of that man?" I uttered and wiped the tears in my eyes.

I sigh and calm myself. I walked for about an hour, but I don't think I can go back there. He's still angry at me and I can't let him see me like this.

"He's not a human. How can he get angry because of that? I just can't tie his necktie? How unbelievable of him!" I said as I fold my fists in anger.

"I mean... How can he be so rude just like that? I really don't get him," I continue speaking to myself as I was walking in the street.

I noticed the sky turns dark. It looks like it's going to rain. I looked back and I didn't notice I have gone far from his house. I continue to walk.

"I guess, this job doesn't suit me." the rain then started to pour. I ran towards a small shelter near the road. I sat down as I wiped my shirt, I'm wet right now and I can feel the coldness with my body.

I was hugging myself as I was giving myself body heat. I can feel the cold wind that hits my body.

"Oh, cold," my knee was shaking as the rain started poured so heavy.

I was leaning my head on my knees and hugged myself. Then after a minute, someone puts a coat on me. I raise my head and saw Dexter. My eyes started to get teary as I saw him.


"I'm sorry, Dexter," I sniffled, trying to compose myself. "I didn't mean to run away like that. I just couldn't take his words anymore."

Dexter sighed and sat down beside me, his expression filled with concern. "Gaia, don't worry about Kevin. He can be difficult at times, but deep down, he's just hurting. He's been through a lot."

I looked at Dexter, searching for answers in his eyes. "But why does he take it out on me? What did I do wrong?"

Dexter's gaze softened as he reached out and gently wiped away a tear from my cheek. "You didn't do anything wrong, Gaia. Kevin has built walls around himself, and sometimes he lashes out at the people closest to him. It's not an excuse, but it's a defense mechanism."

To be continued...

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