Chapter 20 : We're getting married

I was outside the school with Mr. Kevin. I pulled out my hands from him.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked him in anger. He looked at me coldly.

"What do you mean, Ms. Tan? I'm the one who helps you there," he said and I rolled my eyes while looking at him.

"Then, you're not helping. I don't need your help, okay," I uttered in anger and walked, but he speaks.

"Is that how you treat people who care for you?" he scoffed while looking at me. I looked at him coldly. "I never said to care for me. I never said to look after me! I never--" I stopped as someone talks.

"Are you two fighting?" I looked back and saw Kevin's Mother. I looked down and bowed my head.

"Good Morning, Ma'am,"

"What are you doing here?" he asked his mom.

"I came here as the Principal calls me. Why are you canceling the sponsorship?" she asked him and I remember why he did that.

"I just don't someone who treats my Fiance rudely. I--"

"You!" she angrily said and looked at me. I gulped as I can feel she was on fire. I can feel the hotness that surrounds us.

"What did you do to my son? I thought I made it clear. I thought you'll going to keep distance from him," she said.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but I--"

"How dare you to talk to me like that!" she said angrily as she slapped me. I was startled at what she did to me. I looked at her as my eyes were teary.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Mr. Kevin asked his mom, but she was just looking at me like she had a grudge.

"You! Get away from my son!" she shouted at me. I scoffed. "Madam, I know it's rude for me to say this, but--"

"We're getting married, Mom," Mr. Kevin suddenly said and I was astonished by those words.

"W-what did you say?" his mom asked him and he went to me. He then hols my hands.

"We're getting married, Mom. And you can't stop that," he said while smiling at me. I wanted to talk, but I can't. I'm speechless. I can't even defend myself. I can't do things on my own. He's always there for me when I'm in trouble.

"Kevin! Come back to your senses. You must marry Ms. Gonzaga. Not her. I don't like her for you!" she said as if she disgusts me. I fold my other fists while I'm looking at her. She's the first person who slapped me and hurt me with those words. Expect for my mom, who abandoned me years ago.

After a minute, she left. Kevin and I looked at each other. "I'm sorry I did tha-"

"That's okay. Thank you," I said and walked.

I never looked back at him. I want to live my life on my own. I can't just depend on him anytime. I have to live like how I live before.

I got to the bus stop. I immediately bowed down and suddenly tears welled up in my eyes.

"Why can't I fight and speak for myself?" I sighed while asking myself. I immediately wiped away the tears when suddenly the cellphone in my pocket rang.

I cleared my throat and fixed myself.


"Umm, it's me. Gaia," I immediately stopped at what I heard. Her voice was very familiar. I don't know but I was suddenly nervous while holding my cellphone. "Gaia? Are you still there?" I still couldn't speak as I heard her voice.

I swallowed twice when it spoke again.

"Gaia, It's me, your mom," I immediately let go of the cellphone in my hand. All the pain I had experienced before was coming back. The time she left me.

The time she denied me in front of other people that I was not her child. I couldn't help but cry because I remembered what he did to make me forget that I was just rubbish if he threw it away and let it go.

I never once felt her love for me as a mother. She always scolds me when I'm little. She was unfair.

I got home to my condo, I immediately went to bed and lay down on the soft mattress.

I sighed. "How can I go back to how I used to live before?" I asked myself but I was shocked when my cellphone rang. I immediately looked at it and saw the email from the school.

My eyes widened when I saw it. "They want me back?" I happily mentioned while reading what was written in the email. But, I frowned when I noticed their sudden email to me. "They never emailed me before," I confusingly asked myself.

"Maybe it's because of Mr. Kevin, they want me back to continue the sponsorship," I asked as if I were looking like a detective.

"He can't be involved here. It's not--" there was a knock on the door. I stood up to open it and was shocked to see Mr. Han was standing and looking at me.

"Mr. Han? What are you doing here--"

He approached me and I immediately smelled the smell of wine coming from him. I covered my nose because of its foul smell.

"Mr. Han, what-" I couldn't finish speaking when he suddenly grabbed my two hands and leaned against the wall.

We leaned against the wall as he held my hands. I gulped while looking at him.

"You're drunk," I said but he just stared at me.

"Why don't you want to get married to me?" my eyes immediately widened at what he said. I could not speak and he spoke again.

"Let's get married," he said and touched my cheeks.

"What are you doing, Mr. Han?" I asked nervously while he was still holding my cheek.

His eyes were closed as he approached me, but it suddenly stopped and in an unexpected situation, he vomited on me.

"Ugh!" I said angrily but he fell asleep on my shoulder.

"Hey! I shouted at him, but he was asleep.

I sighed in annoyance as I lifted him towards my bed. When I put him to bed properly, I immediately looked at my clothes which were full of his vomit.

I immediately turned my attention to him. He looked so innocent as he fell asleep. But when he wakes up, he was like a monster because of his cold attitude.

I went to the bathroom and immediately got dressed.

I look at him now who is sound asleep. I don't know what I will do with this man. I shook my head while staring at him.

I got closer to her and slowly as if unbuttoned her dress. I covered my nose as I smell how stinks it was.

I even got a towel to wipe him. I sighed. "Why did he come here?" I questioned while wiping him.

My cellphone rang and I immediately answered it when I find out it's Mr. Anthon.

"Mr. Anthon, do you know Sir Kevin is here?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Tan, I'm here in the province right now and I can't go to him right now. Can you take care of him for now?" he said and I looked at the man who was fast asleep in my bed.

I exhale very deep. "Okay, I have no choice. It's too late now, and there's no taxi," I said and ended the call.

After I wiped him, I immediately fixed the bed and put a blanket on him.

As I approached her I suddenly looked at his lips. I was swallowed up when I was suddenly tempted by temptation.

I looked away from him but he suddenly spoke.

"I don't love her, Mom," she said which makes me surprise. I just sighed and went to the sofa.

I woke up early and immediately prepared food for the drunk person with me today.

I was in the kitchen when the door to my room suddenly opened. I turned around and I was surprised to see him topless. I turned around. "Your shirt... You can get it there," I uttered and I pointed to the bathroom.

"I'm done," he said and I gave him a bad look.

"Why am I here? What did you do to me? Why I am topless?" he immediately asked me.

I couldn't believe what he said so I laughed. "Are you really the one to ask that? Don't you remember what you did last night?" I said angrily.

He frowned at me as he shook his head.

"Forget about it. Here, eat this first," I said and immediately put down the soup I cooked for him.

He was sitting with me but he was still staring at me.

"Why? Isn't my cooking delicious? Is it bad?" I asked him, but he just smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked him.

"Thank you,"

"For what?" I asked him again.

"Last night, I--"

"Stop it, I forget about what happened. So, you can leave after you finish your meal," I said to him coldly.

"Hey, why are you so rude? You spoke so informally to me," he said and I scoffed.

"Yes, I am. You're at my house so I can speak like this," I said.

He laughs. "Cute,"



To be continued...