Chapter 26 : Edwin meets Zoe

Kevin's eyes never caught sight of the woman he saw who looked exactly like Gaia.

Anthon was panting as he followed his boss.

"Sir Kevin? Did something happen?" he asked and he continued to catch his breath.

"I thought it was Gaia," he said disappointedly and immediately got back in the car. Anthon doesn't know but he can feel Kevin's anxiety as he chases after what he says that he saw someone who looks like Gaia.

They have already gone to the company. Kevin let out a faint sigh as he spun around in his swivel chair.

Kevin doesn't know if he's crazy or if he just misses the girl.

"I don't know what's wrong with me anymore,"

He sighs again. "Where are you, Gaia?"

Zoe was inside the condo while cleaning the doctor's house. This is all she can pay because she doesn't have the money to pay all the doctor's expenses.

After cleaning it, she immediately wiped its bookshelf and saw a variety of books that were all about medicine. Zoe gasped as she wiped on the not-so dusty bookshelf of the doctor.

He was stopped by someone who saw a book not related to medicine. Zoe took it because curiosity was already rising in her.

When he opened the book he was immediately exposed to a photograph with a woman.

Zoe frowned as she stared at the picture stuck in the book. She was about to take it when the door opens and it was Zack. He's home.

Zoe immediately closed the book. He immediately returned it to the shelf.

"Oh, you're home," she greeted the doctor with her broad smile. The doctor smiled back at her.

"Oh, I finish everything earlier," Zoe nodded her head.

But she could not get the picture of the doctor with the other woman out of her mind. She feels jealous. She couldn't understand why but that's all she felt while looking at the photo.

"Zoe, wanna come with me?" the doctor asked her.

Irritated, Zoe looked at him and asked, "Where are we going?"

Zack can sense Zoe was mad. He wanted to talk and asked her, but he changed his mind and just smile at her.

"Let's go,"

Annoyed, Zoe followed Zack to his car. She puts on her seat belt. Zack can feel there something wrong with her today. She's acting weird and unreasonable.

Until they got to the mall, Zoe was silent. What she had in mind was still the woman in the photo. She wanted to ask the doctor that but she knew that she was interfering too much in his life.

They got on furniture. The doctor immediately went to a small foam that could be Zoe's bed.

"Zoe, is this okay with you?" doctor Zack asked her.

She rolled her eyes, "Yes, it's okay for me. Anything is okay for me,"

Zack shook his head. "Did I do something wrong? Are you mad?"

Zoe sighed, "You didn't do anything. Why should I be angry?" but in the tone of her voice, she seemed really mad.

They went to a diner. "Maybe she's just hungry," Zack said to himself as he looked at the girl whose with him but didn't speak.

They were sitting down when a waiter came to take their orders.

"May I take your order, Doctor Zack? Ma'am?"

Zoe sighed, "This one," she said in a dull tone.

"Is that all, Ma'am?" she just nodded.

As the waiter was back at the counter he had in mind that the woman he was talking to earlier was familiar. He immediately thought of where he had seen her but he could not remember it.

"Are you okay?" the cashier asked the waiter who had been stunned.

"I'm just thinking. That woman, it's like I've seen her but I just can't remember where," they looked at the woman with Doctor Zack at the same time.

"You're just mistaken maybe, Edwin," the cashier interrupted him while still thinking.

After 10 minutes, their order was cooked. Edwin immediately served it to them.

"Here's your order, Ma'am," Zoe looked at him, and there, their eyes met and he immediately remembered it.

"Right! It's you! It's you!" he shouted with mixed excitement. He laughed awkwardly.

Zoe was annoyed and said, "Excuse me? Do you know me?"

Edwin smiles, "Yes almost everyone knows you,"

Zoe's reaction was shocked. "Me? Everyone knows about me?"

He nods. He was about to talk when Zack stops him.

"You better leave us, we're eating our meal. Please,"

Edwin glared at Doctor Zack, "He's hiding something," he said into his mind.

"I'm sorry. Enjoy your meal," he left immediately.

"Eat your meal, we're going somewhere else," Zack said as Zoe nodded.

As Zoe ate, what the waiter said could not be erased from her mind. "Me? Does everyone know me? Am I famous? Or maybe, am I an actress?" she asked herself a confusing question.

They were almost done when Zack decided to went to the bathroom. Zoe was finishing her meal.

When Zack entered the bathroom, Edwin came out of the kitchen near the bathroom.

He immediately approached Edwin. "What do you know about her? Do you really know her?" he asked while holding its collar.

"Easy Doc, just one question at a time," a teasing voice he replied to the doctor.

Zack has already let him go. "What do you know about her?"

He smirked. He then took out his phone and immediately showed the doctor the news about Zoe.

The doctor's face showed shock.

He is in the bathroom, he can see his reflection in the mirror in front of him. He sees himself and his gloomy eyes. He folded his fists and remembered the news he had read about Zoe.

"She was raped? How can someone do that to her?" Zack is back at their table and he sees Zoe smiling at him.

"Thank you for the food, the taste of their food -"

"Let's go. I want to take you somewhere else,"

Zoe didn't even know and didn't know where they were going.

In a beautiful park, they stopped. Zack was already out of the car so Zoe didn't ask any more questions and just followed him.

This time, Zack wants to protect and show Zoe that she is important to him. She's one of his friends now and he doesn't want to hurt Zoe when she finds out the truth of what happened to her.

Zoe looked at her, "Why are we here, Doc?"

The doctor couldn't help himself and hugged the girl, "I'm sorry,"

She frowned, "For what?"

"Just," he replied, "

"What's wrong with you, Doc?"

"I just want you to have a look at our beautiful place. Here, you will feel the relaxation you are looking for. If you're stressed out, you can go here," he said and let go of her.

Zoe then closes her eyes and the sunlight hits her face.

"You're right, I feel relieved," the doctor felt as Zoe wanted to remember what really happened to her. He couldn't tell her this because he knew it would surprise her.

"Do you want to remember what happened to you, Zoe?" the doctor asked her.

She sighed, "if I had to choose, of course, I would love to, but for now, I'm happy with what I have and who's with me,"

"You're right, just stay here and be like this," Zack utters as Zoe worries.

She smiles teasingly, "why? Will you miss me doc?"

Zack looked at her, "I see you're happy here. I want you to be happy, Zoe," the doctor immediately became serious which stopped Zoe from teasing him.

"Hey! What is this! Why are you so serious suddenly," she laughs awkwardly.

"I know you'll leave soon after you'll recover your memory," he said.

"Hey! I will pay you back first when I recover my memory," she said and laughed.

They both laughed. "Yes, do that. I don't have enough money because you have the strength to eat," he said teasingly.

"Hey!" Zack immediately ran and Zoe chased after him.

"Hey, Doc! Get back here!" he shouted as he ran, chasing the doctor.

They were panting when they stopped running. Both of them laughed and had a lot of fun in the park.

People were looking at them as they think they look like a kid running and chasing each other.

"I didn't know you could run as fast as a horse," Zoe teased the doctor.

He scoffed, "What did you say," he said squeezing the maiden's cheek.

"Ouch," she held her cheek that was now red after he pinched it. "That hurts, you know,"

Zoe doesn't know that the doctor already knows anything about her true identity. The doctor said nothing to her but he deceived her as if he doesn't know about her identity.

They have been returned to the doctor's house. The two did not realize that the waiter was taking a picture of them from the resto where they ate

"I caught you right now, Doc," he grinned demonically as he took pictures.

To be continued...