Chapter 28: The Album

"Welcome home, my love," a voice Zoe heard from the man standing next to her.

"W-What did you do to me?" she asked as she looked around, still feeling dizzy.

Kevin stared at his face.

"How I wish ... I could tell you what I wanted to tell you," he scoffed.

Zoe raised her head and looked at him. She was speechless. She doesn't know what to tell him. How she would start a conversation with a stranger.

Kevin approached her and held her hand. Zoe slowly backed away from him.

"You don't really remember me, don't you?" he asked.

Zoe looked at him and shook her head. She looks so scared while Kevin was with her.

"I guess time made us strangers again," a sad voice as he utters to the maiden.

He was looking at Zoe, wanting to kiss her, wanting to have her.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked which surprised Zoe.

Zoe couldn't speak, she didn't know but didn't open her mouth. She could not speak.

Kevin was touching her face as she avoided it. He stopped and sighed, "I'm sorry,"

"Let me go. I want to go back where I belong!" she utters and stood from the bed.

"You belong here, my love,"

"No, I don't belong here. I don't even know you or maybe I do, before I lost my memory. But, I can't just trust you. I'm sorry," she said and was about to leave when he speaks.

"What kind of medicine do I have to take to forget about you, Gaia?" Zoe was stunned. Every time she heard that name, she had headaches. She was massaging her head.

"Are you okay?" he asked, she nods her head.

She was walking when suddenly she was about to fell... When Kevin catches her. Everything went slow-mo the time he catches her.

Zoe swallowed hard as she stared at the man who had caught her. Kevin's hands were wrapped around her waist.

Kevin then let go of her. She was standing in front of him, don't know know what she had to do.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She scoffed, "Can you please stop being nice to me. It's annoying," she walked, but Kevin hold her.

"Please, let me tell you what I know about you. It can help to bring you back to your old-"

"I don't need that anymore. I'm happy what I have right now, Mister, so please, stop bothering me and don't ever come near me again,"

She was walking towards the door when Kevin said, "I may sound crazy but, I know I don't have a chance. But I still like you, Gaia. You still make me smile, Gaia. Even if, you're the reason why I'm sad and alone," she looked at him, stunned but later on she realized she can't fall to his trap. She was rolling her eyes before she left.

Zoe is in a taxi now, she doesn't know where she is so she decided to call the doctor.

"Zoe! Where are you? I've been looking over for you," he said worriedly. Zoe couldn't speak anymore because her first reaction was tearing up when she heard the doctor's voice.

"I don't know where I am, Zack,"

After an hour, Zack sees Zoe, sitting on a bench in a park. He walked towards her. "Are you okay?" he asked her immediately, and Zoe hugged him.

They were hugging when Kevin saw them. He sighed in dismay as he was looking at both of them. "How I wish, I was him," he turns around and started to walk away from them.

Zoe fell asleep when they got home to the doctor's apartment. He was looking at her, as he started to realize he was smiling while staring at Zoe's face.

"You look beautiful, Zoe. How could I stop myself from falling into you?" he said in a whisper tone while observing her asleep.

When Zoe woke up, she wasn't surprised that she was already in the doctor's bed. She was surprised as she surveyed the place.

She looks at her clothes and feels relieved when they are the same clothes she was wearing.

"I thought-"

"Let's eat," Zack uttered and she gets up.

Zoe couldn't get the man who kidnapped her out of her mind. He wanted her so bad, but Zoe didn't remember him.

"Zoe? Is there a problem?" the doctor asked her as she did not move her food.

"Ah, yes," she replied immediately and began to eat.

Anthon was looking at Kevin, who was sleeping on his sofa inside his office. He sighed, "Mr. Kevin, I promised to bring Ms. Tan again here," he uttered and continue to investigate what happened to Gaia.

As he was searching all the CCTV footage he gathered, he then found someone suspicious. A car that was familiar to him. He looks closely at the plate number and...

"No way," he utters in surprise.

It was morning, Kevin opens his eyes and saw the wide window in front of him. He gets up and stretches his arms. He looked around and saw Mr. Anthon's laptop was still on. He looked at the laptop as he heard a voice.

"Get rid of her for me," a familiar voice he heard from the laptop. He stood and went closer to it. His eyes widened as he saw his mom.

"Mom? What is she doing here?" he asked himself with confusion while watching the video.

"Sir Kevin-" Anthon was surprised when Kevin was already watching the video on his laptop.

"What is this, Anthon?" he asked him.

"S-Sir... I was about to-"

The door suddenly opens and his mother came. Anthon's eyes widened as so does Kevin's.

The atmosphere between them is getting hotter as they were silent, looking at each other as if they are strangers.

"What did you do to Gaia? What did you do to her!" Kevin shouted. The employees were surprised as his voice came out from his office. Anthon closes the door and leaves them.

"Mr. Anthon? What happened? Is Sir Kevin still didn't move on?" they asked Anthon.

"Go back to work and don't ask me such silly questions,"

They went all back to work, but their eyes were on Kevin's office.

A man in a cap was standing in front f the doctor's apartment. As Zack saw him, he began to run as fast as ge could. He was hiding. Zack looked around, surveying the place if he can see the man standing in front of the condo.

He then went inside his car as he checked the man was gone. The man who was hiding was about to come out when he suddenly saw Gaia.

"Doc, you left it," he said and handed the doctor his lunch box. The man's eyes widened when he saw Gaia with the other man.

"How could she-"

When the doctor left he ran towards Gaia.

"Gaia? What are you doing here?" he immediately asked Zoe while holding her hand.

Zoe gave him a confused reaction.

"Who are you? What are you saying?" he was shocked at what she said.

"Don't you know me?" he asked and she shook her head.

"Let me go, will you?" she utters and pushes him away.

"Gaia, it's me," the man uttered and removes his cap.

A handsome man appeared to Zoe. He's flawless and handsome.

"Who are you? I'm so sorry but I don't know you," she said and immediately walked away but he stopped Zoe.

"What happened to you, Gaia?" he asked again.

"What! Why is everybody calling me Gaia! Gaia! I'm not Gaia, I'm Zoe. Z-O-E," she angrily utters.

"Because you're Gaia, that's your real name. Let me help you," he said.

She refuses, "Just leave me alone! You and that Kevin! Leave me alone!"

"Kevin? Did you just say, Kevin?"

"Yes, you two have in common by the way. Just get out here and don't ever come back. That Gaia you know? That's not me, maybe we're just the same appearance," she said.

"Alright, but let me tell you one more thing. Call me if you need some help. And also, take this. This is your pictures that I have taken, Gaia," he said and handed her the album he was holding.

He left. Zoe was left in confusion while holding the album. "What is this?" she asked herself and went inside.

She then opens the album. "What is this?" she was surprised when she saw herself smiling at those pictures inside the album.

"Why I'm here? They're telling me the truth? But what if?" she then checks the photos if they were photoshopped, but she's sure it's not.

She was surveying the photo, looking at each photo that was giving her goosebumps. "How did-"

As she flips into the next page, "Kevin?" she surprisingly utters while they were together with Kevin. Kevin was smiling, looking at the window while she was looking at him.

"What is this?"

She then began to call that man's number.



"Let's talk. You need to explain these photos you give me,"

"Okay, I will,"

To be continued...

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