
Alice couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Am I seeing a ghost?" she gasped, "I've already seen a ghost ?!" she shakes her head to find out if what she sees is real or imaginary but Gaia doesn't disappear. It was still standing in front of her while staring at her. 

"Is it really you?" Gaia nodded. Alice gasped and hugged her. Tears slowly drip from her eyes. "I'm sorry Ma'am Gaia. I didn't-" 

"It's not your fault, Alice. Stop saying sorry," she replied while caressing her hair. 

Gaia thought of going to her grave which is the one that plastic people visit in her life. She was laughing while looking at her grave.

"Looks like they're still celebrating my disappearance! How dare they!" Gaia just clenched her fists and immediately punched her grave.

"Ahh!" a shout Aliah heard from not far from where she was. She looked around, she was going to Gaia's grave. She visits her often because she can't do anything at home. After all, she can't talk to Maya either. 

When Gaia heard footsteps, she immediately hid and was shocked to see her mother, who was carrying a flower.

"How are you, Gaia? Did you sleep well? Are you eating on time?" Gaia's tears immediately flowed at what she heard.

"How dare she come here? Why is she here?" she folds her fists while looking at her mom. 

Gaia was about to leave, "I want you back, Gaia. Mom ... Mom missed you so much," Gaia's knees stiffened. She seemed to faint as she heard those words. Her chest feels pain again.

She slowly walked as she can't feel her legs. Tears continued to flow from her eyes. She feels weak. 

"I should have not abandoned you, Gaia. I wish I had at least shown love as a mother to you," Gaia punches her chest as she can't understand and stop herself from tearing up.

It was as if her chest was being squeezed in pain. She was panting while walking away from her mom. A huge rock was in front of her as she leans her back on it. She slowly slid and sat down. She was covering her eyes as tears keep dripping. 

Ian was looking at Maya from afar as he noticed she was very happy when she comes inside the agency. Ian thought she's broken and depressed, but what he was seeing right now is a different and very happy Maya. He was confused, frowning while looking at her. 

"I guess something happened between them," his eyes narrowed, and shakes his head. "Ah, I don't care if anything happens to them," he annoyingly said. 

Maya happily taping in her new movie project. It's a movie about a contract marriage to which she can relate so much. While on the set, Kevin was just looking at Maya from a distance. He was looking at her, her hair was tied and he can clearly see the scar on her neck. 

Anthon was behind Kevin, looking at Maya he was shaking his head as he remembered Gaia's alive. 

"How can I tell him about Gaia," he asked himself as he was looking at Kevin. Maya saw Kevin from afar and she waves her hands, smiling at Kevin. 

All the staff from the set were staring at where Maya was staring.

They all saw Kevin. Maya walked towards Kevin. Smiling, Maya looked at Kevin as he came in front of him.

"Kev? What are you doing here?" Maya immediately asked when she met Kevin. Reporters also arrived who were now surrounding them.

Kevin smiles, "I'm just looking how are you doing," he replied with his sweet smile.

The paparazzi began to take pictures as well as the reporters around. Maya smiles as she was looking at the reporters.

"Ms. Maya, everyone already knows about your issue with alcohol. What do you plan to do about it?" one of them asked. Maya smiles and was about to talk when Kevin cut her. 

"I love the way she is. So, there's no point in leaving her because of that matter," Kevin said. Maya was stunned and she gulped while looking at the man in front of her. 

Maya felt her heart beat faster as she just looked at Kevin. The two stared at each other which was the trending and most searched news and topic on that day.

Gaia turned away from what she saw. Her heart aches as she was watching both of them. "What's that? They're indeed getting married?" she asked herself as if she couldn't believe what had happened. 

She was about to leave when she heard again from a reporter. "How did you meet, Ms. Maya? Mr. Han?" 

Gaia immediately turned in their direction, her tears already dripping. 

Maya smiles, "We meet ages ago. As I've said in the interview, he's my childhood friend and I guess destiny bought us together to meet again," 

"Ah, you're envious," 

Gaia couldn't stand what she was seeing anymore so she decided to just leave the place when suddenly someone pulled her which surprised her. 

"What are you doing here?" Gaia raised her head and saw Dexter. 

She sighed, "I just wanted to see him, but I guess he's happy with her," a sad face Dexter sees from Gaia.

"Didn't I tell you not to go out first? You should rest more, Gaia. Let's tell him everything when you're ready and all our plans are ready," he said.

She scoffed, "And by that time, he was already married to Maya. Didn't you think of that?" Gaia asked tearfully.

Dexter stopped and looked at her. He wants to be selfish. He also likes Gaia but he can see Gaia's desire to be with Kevin.

Dexter just sighed, "I'll do everything, no wedding will take place," Gaia's eyes immediately widened at what she heard.

"W-What do you mean?" she asked as her voice starts to tremble. 

Dexter would have answered but, "Dex? What are you doing here?" they were immediately surprised at what they heard. 

It was Kevin's voice they both heard to which surprised them. 

"I have to go," Gaia quickly left the place. Kevin looked at the woman who had just left that Dexter had talked to earlier. 

"Who's that?" he immediately asked when he could get close to Dexter. 

Dexter makes himself calm and smiles at him. "It's nothing. I don't know that woman. She just bumped at me and said sorry," he lied. 

"Ah, I see. By the way, let's go. I'm going to have a party at my house tomorrow. Help me to plan," he said and Dexter nodded.

Gaia was in a hurry as she bumped into someone. "I'm sorry," she said and was about to walk when "Ma'am Gaia?" she was surprised what she heard. She gulped twice and shakes her head. She then lowers her voice. 

"You're mistaken, Miss. I gotta go," she said and walked. She didn't know who wa sit, but all she can do right now is to run and hid from the people who wanted to hurt her. She was secretly investigating what happened to her and finding some evidence to make sure they pay for what they did. 

Gaia was in front of an abandoned warehouse when she saw Kevin's mom went out and ride in her car. She was folding her fists while looking at the woman who wanted her dead. 

"What? Why? What did I do wrong to you and you wanted me to be dead?" she angrily utters while looking at the moving car where Kevin's mom ride. 

Even though Gaia is angry, she can't take revenge on the people who oppress her. She knows the oppressor also has a position when the time comes. 

She sighed, "How I wished I could them into ashes. How I wish by just snapping my fingers, they could disappear like bubbles," tears were dripping from her eyes as she remembers all that they have done to her. 

Kevin is home. He feels relieved that he has now recovered from his guilt towards Maya. He was laying on his bed as he stared at the ceiling. 

"I finally found her, Dad. I will cherish and never hurt her," he said as he didn't realize he had fallen asleep. 

Gaia is already inside the warehouse. It was secretly walked inwards. The guards also fell asleep so he could enter inside the office from the end of the warehouse.

She then started to look for her phone. She was opening every drawer inside the office, wearing gloves to not leave any fingerprint. She was losing hope when she raises her head and stretches it, she saw a box in the upper right side of the drawer. 

She was getting up when she heard someone was about to come inside. 

Gaia immediately hid in a hole above. While peering into the hole, Gaia could clearly see the man who had thrown her into the sea. Her blood raises while looking at the man. 

Gaia just stared at the man who was now busy searching as well.

"What is he looking for?" Gaia asked herself as she peered at the man from the hole. The man looked up who was avoided by Gaia immediately and backed away.

"This is it," Gaia peeked again and she was shocked to see her cellphone now held by the man.

"Thanks for your help. I won't have a hard time finding that,"

To be continued...

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