I got you

Gaia stopped in her tracks, she didn't know what to answer. She was about to walk but Kevin stopped her again.

"Who are you?" Gaia could already feel the nervousness building inside her.

"Kevin!," Dexter immediately arrived which caused Gaia to take a deep breath.

"Kev, you need to go back. Maya lost her consciousness. She needs you to be there," Dexter said. Gaia wants to visit her sister but people in the area can't see her.

Kevin was about to leave but he couldn't take his eyes off the woman facing him. When he left, Gaia immediately rested deeply.

"That was close," she utters. 

"Are you alright?" he asked and she replied with a nod. 

"Is Maya alright? How is she?" she asked Dexter. 

"She'll be okay. Don't worry too much, Kevin's there for her," she utters.