Every woman's type

Maya was in the room as she remembered what she saw last night.

Last night, Maya saw Kevin and his secretary kissing. He stared angrily at himself in the mirror from his bathroom.

"Am I not enough?" she asked and immediately put make-up on her face.

She smiles, "Kevin and I are getting married. I don't have to make some scene before the wedding, but that woman's challenging me to do so,"

Gaia happily got out of her room but Maya immediately dragged her to a corner.

Maya pushed Gaia against the wall. Maya was looking at Gaia who was angry with her. Her eyes widened as she was blazing with anger.

"You ... You stop bothering, Kevin. Know your place, Ms. I don't know who you are, but-"

"I'm Katy," she replied as if she was teasing her sister. 

Maya scoffed, "Okay, you're Katy, but I don't care who you are. Me? Do you know me?"

"Yes, Madam,"