"Rich people always win"

"I'm back," Gaia muttered while looking around the university. Gaia slowly walked towards the Principal's office. As she walked, the students just stared at her.

"Woah, she's pretty," they murmur.

She stared at them as she continued to walk towards the office. She was carrying the documents required for her job.

She knocked three times before entering.

"Good Morning, Mr. Principal," she greeted as she sat down.

The Principal looked at her and seemed to be studying her face.

"Is there something on my face?" she asked herself as she started to feel uncomfortable. 

"Are you new here?" he asked and Gaia nodded.

He frowned, "Why do you seem that I have seen you before?"

Gaia chuckles, "I'm really often mistaken by other people, but yes Mr. Principal, I'm new here," she replied.

"Ah, at least your beautiful face can be mistaken for an actress," he said jokingly.