Lover's quarrel

Kevin hurried to Maya's house. He was knocking on her door a few times but her door did not open. Kevin immediately called downstairs and immediately opened Maya's room. Kevin immediately rolled his eyes around but he couldn't see Maya. He then went to her room and found her lying on the floor and she recks of alcohol.

"Maya? Are you okay? What are you doing down here?" he then carried her and puts her gently on her bed. 

"Sir? Do you need anything else?"

"No. I'm okay here. Thank you,"

Kevin was about to stand when Maya holds him, "Don't go. Please... D-don't leave me again," Kevin went to sit down again and pats her hands. 

"I'm here,"

Gaia waited for Kevin just in case he returned to the place.

"Alright. Why am I waiting here like a fool? I know he won't come back but I'm still waiting," she said with tears flowing from her eyes.