The Field Trip

It was the day of Alice's field trip. Their boss gave them a bonus and allowed everyone who worked in the coffee shop with Alice and Clinton to have a field trip. Dexter was outside the corner where Alice lived. Alice happily carried her bag towards the corner but lost the smiles on her lips when she saw Dexter leaning against his car. 

She ignores him and walked but Dexter calls her, "Wait a minute," she paused and turns her back at him, "What is it this time?" she asked him in an annoyed tone. 

"Don't go with him," he said. 

Alice laughs at him, "Why? Why did you sound so worried?" she teasingly asked him. 

"I'm serious, Alice. Don't go or else you'll regret it,"

"What are you talking about?"

"Just listen to me, Alice. He's-"