The Good news

Dina was flaming with anger at Sam. She wants to punish her sister because she envies Sam for all the attention she gets from her pregnancy. Dina was smiling wickedly at the mirror. 

Meanwhile, Kevin was on his bed as his phone beeped. He then opens his eyes, and it suddenly widens because there is a notification from his phone that it is Gaia's birthday today. He got up quickly and went to the bathroom.

After taking a bath, he immediately called Anthon to help him prepare. Kevin was with Anthon now; they were in the mall and choosing a gift for Gaia. Kevin doesn't even if Gaia likes gifts. He hasn't given Gaia a single present yet, or let's say that Gaia didn't accept his gifts before.

Kevin is having a hard time choosing a gift for Gaia. She was in the jewelry section while looking at all the necklaces in the glass. As he continued to stare, one necklace grabs his attention. He smiles when he sees the necklace with the letter G on its pendant.