Someone's back from the past

The woman swallowed hard before she injected it into Kevin. She closed her eyes as the syringe was on his legs. The woman then called an ambulance.

Kevin was taken to the hospital, and the woman who gave him the injection came with him.

"Excuse me?"


"What's your name, Miss?"

"Ah, I'm Gaia,"

While Kevin was inside the emergency room, a woman came into the hospital, looking for her son.

"He's in the ER, Madam," Gaia looked at the woman at the front desk.

"Oh God, Kevin," as Gaia heard that she then decided to leave.

"Alright, his mom is right here now," Gaia said with a smile on her lips. She walked away and went back to school. 

Kevin woke up. "W-Where am I?" he asked as he slowly got up. 

"W-what happened to you, son?" Kevin then saw his mom beside him. 

"Mom? Why are you here?" before his mom could talk, Anthon arrived.