The video

Gaia was about to leave when Kevin went out. "Where are you going, love?" he asked. Gaia smiled while looking at him. "I was wondering to buy coffee for you," she replied. 

"Ah, it's okay. We can go home now," Kevin uttered, but Gaia refuses to do so. She sighed and hold his hands, "Kev, you need to look after your mom. I'll visit her once she'll wake up," Gaia said and walked. 

Kevin grabbed her hands and hug her. "Thank you for understanding, love," Gaia nodded and smiled at him before she left. 

Kevin went back inside the room with Kim. Gaia couldn't help but think badly between the two of them. Gaia sighed and forget about everything she'd been thinking. She was outside when Dexter saw her. 

"Gaia?" she turned around and saw him. She smiled as Dexter went closer to her. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going home now, Dex," 

"But, where is Kevin?" he asked.