The Pres conference

"What's the problem, Anthon?" Kevin asked him. Anthon immediately fell silent and handed Kevin his cellphone containing an article about him. Kevin just sighed as he read about his condition as stated in the article.

Gaia was alone in the house while she was pregnant with her child. She looked at her cellphone and saw the article regarding Kevin. She read it while holding her tummy. Even if she wanted to go and greet Kevin, she couldn't. She was worried that she might get hurt again and that her baby might get involved.

Gaia was sighing when her mom went inside the house, "Are you okay? You look so gloomy," she uttered. 

"Mom... I want to meet him, but I'm scared," Gaia said. 

Her mom, Aliah smiled at her and patted her shoulders, "You know, being scared is okay, you can see him whenever you're ready. It takes time to heal a wound. So, you can rest and meet him when you're ready," Gaia smiled at hug back at her.