Rest in peace, Becca

They were inside, Kevin went closer to her and held her hands. Alice looked at him and smiled. Kevin holds her hands and kissed them.

"I shouldn't have left you there. I'm sorry,"

As Alice looked at Kevin she could feel his sincerity towards Gaia. She can feel that Kevin's character is pure in front of her, that he isn't just showing off. This is why Alice liked Kevin for Gaia to end up with. Alice knew that Kevin will stay by Gaia's side no matter what happened. 

"Mr. Han?" Alice uttered, and he immediately turned around and looked at her.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Why did you two split up?" Kevin immediately stopped when he heard her question. Alice noticed that Kevin seemed to be avoiding that question.

"It's okay if you don't answer that," Alice added.

Kevin sighed and speak, "She thinks I cheated," he said which surprised Alice and looked at him with wide eyes.