The butler

"I'm sorry, Alice,"

"It's okay. I think I'm better now," Alice said as she finish telling her story to Gaia. It was as if a large bow had disappeared into her chest as she opened up to the thing about her love life. She was feeling great now.

"Thank you for telling me that, Alice," Gaia uttered. Alice smiled at her and went in closer. She then hugged her tight.

"So, don't lose Mr. Kevin this time. He loves you and I know you do too. I have a lot of regret in life, Ms. Gaia. What I learned is... If you don't want to regret it, then you have to do,"

Gaia smiled at her while nodding her head. "I will. I'm just waiting for the right time, Alice,"

"I'm looking forward to that,"

Meanwhile, Kevin was back in the city as he was thinking about Gaia. Everything about her and the baby. He was walking back and forth while holding his chin. Anthon knocks on the door and went inside. He saw Kevin was restless.