X Activated

The facility surrounded by demons as they heard breaking sounds,believing the devils try to break the shield viciously.

Why the place?What were the demons aiming for?

Dean has no slightest clue about the demons' main purpose except for their killing intent.

The armies who were supposed to prevent demons from coming through city must be losing as demons reached the facility.At this point,Dean refused to imagine the citizens' horrible fate as he is in pain himself.

He tried his best to active all defense securities of the facility.While he at it,the defense mechas suddenly raging out and abandoned their duty to defend the facility.The tragedy ended up with scientists were killed by mechas instead of the demons.

Dean was having a tough row to hoe to fix the mechas as he has been hiding in the private room for a long time until Aria bursted herself out and took down all rage mechas.

If it was not because of her,Dean must had been killed too.

"What is project X,master Dean?"

Aria wants to delete the curiosity flowing in her mind when she watches Dean walks slowly towards the door and types a mysterious code on a tab.

This must be the last door.Project X was locked behind this.Dean bit his lip before answering Aria.

"Aria,Sir Henley was working hard to finish this for you"

The project was for Aria.What is it?A new weapon?She thought the project was for the military.

Dean's heartbeats are getting quicker as he is holding back the pain he has now.He can't give up regardless.Everyone is fighting hard to push back the demons.While his job is to get the project before the place destroyed.

He had been entrusted to take care of the project by Henley.He is really sure he will regret for his entire life if he fail the task.

"Whether we had enough time or not,just make sure project X merged with project Aria.Humanity needs both of them for the future"

Henley's talk still ringing in his mind.Dean couldn't forget the man's smile when he was called for aid for the military.He left in the early morning when everyone was still on their slumber.Leaving the lab mess like usual.

The military had blown a warning sign that demons might be start invading this morning.So Henley didn't had time to write a report and just rushed towards the base.

"Master....is alright,right?"

The mecha suddenly asked.Dean also,worried of Henley's safety as he might be possibly headed to the battlefield.He chose to keep silence about him.

"(Heavy breathing)...Here."

The door opened after he applied the correct code.Dean and Aria could see nothing inside because the room covered with darkness.The lamp was broken so the room just left in black.

Only,the source of light is in the middle of room.A piece of yellow fragment glowing in the dark looks so beautiful from Aria's place.She noticed several devices surround the fragment,and wires attached on them.

She believes the light fragment was the so called project X.She glances at Dean who was still holding his right.The man moves the eyes ball towards the fragment,signing Aria to grab it.

"Go.I will wait here..."

The voice came out from the throat almost faded.Aria knows Dean is getting weaker as time moving.But she doesn't feel bothered to ask his condition so she just proceeds towards the fragment.

The closer she get,the brighter the fragment glows.It is like reacting to Aria's presence.A long hand device moves when she stepped on a red line,3 metres from the fragment.

The device releases a blue light onto Aria's head.It is verifying if Aria is type 000 or a impostor.

[Verify Completed]

[Welcome,type 000]

The device returned to it's original spot and the red line turned to green.It is a green light for Aria to grab the fragment as it confirmed her identity.

She takes a good look at the fragment.It has a sphere light shaped coloured yellow.It is as big as tennis ball.This is the 'object' Henley made for Aria.At the moment,she should be happy when got a present but as usual,her face stayed emotionless.Like years ago when she got presents on her birthday.

The moment her fingers touch the fragment,the yellow light suddenly become huge and spread through the whole room.The room which was dark,turned into yellow bright in instant.

Aria couldn't move her hand and body.Her hand froze when a signal displayed in her mind.

[Downloading Project X....]

Her eyes opened wide as she stares at the yellow ball fragment absorbed by her body.She can feel a light energy flowing in her entire body,awaken all small stationary devices.The devices become active.

At the same time,all memories she had back are overflowing through her mind.Like when she opened her eyes for the first time.She could see Henley was having a happy conversation with his colleagues.And when she met Dean for the first time.Also when she talked with Henley.

All happy and sad memories cycling in her mind and she can see the moment clearly like it were all happened yesterday.

The process happened so fast but Aria could catch up all the events.Without noticed,tears came out from her eyes for the first time.Cry.She is crying.The emotionless mecha is crying.


Aria doesn't know the feeling she has now.

"Why ...why am I crying...?Why am I sad now?I can feel....sad?"

[Download Completed]

[Congratulations,type X]

[New Programme: X]

[Fragment Downloaded : 1/5]

Notices displayed in her mind but she doesn't care about that anymore.Her feelings now mixed with all sad,happy and anger.

"..... what's happening?"

She closes her eyes with both her arms.While she is crying,she smiles a bit.She recalled both happy and sad memories causing her emotions mixed.

"I can feel....I can feel the emotions.I can feel human's emotion??!"

Aria still panic with her new found.This is so sudden that she couldn't accept yet.But when she turned to Dean behind her for explanation,the man was already lying weak on the floor.

"Master Dean!!"

She runs to to check his condition.She feels relieved when Dean is still breathing.She needs him.She still need him to explain the sudden changed.

"Master Dean!Hang in there!I....I'll go search for medical tools!"

Aria stood up and ready to use her leg booster to check the whole facility but Dean grabbed her leg,stopping her from go.

"Aria...finally...after 10 years....you're completed.Now I can show off to that stupid bastards,project Aria is finished."

He said with a fading voice but Aria heard him loud and clear.He sounds like he is about to die.

"What are you feeling happy about??You're dying!!!"

She screamed.

"No,I'm fine.I just took a quick nap,you see"

He casually turned his position from lying down to sit pose while grinned at her.Aria felt deceived so she gave the assistant a good lap slap.

"Ouch!That hurts,Aria!What if I die from your iron slap?"He purposely tease her.

"At this point,I'll be happier if you died along the corpses"

She gives an anger expression while look away from Dean.

"Ahh...you tiny mecha.This is how you repay me after got an emotion,huh?How mean..."

Dean pretends to sulk when Aria was sulking.Now, both of them like an older brother and younger sister who like to annoy each other.


Aria was about to get mad.

"I'm happy.The emotions really fit you.Now,you looks more like a real human.Congrats, Aria."

He is smiling but why his eyes look sad?

"So,this was project X about?To fix my emotionless problem?"

"Not really.You know your master,right?I'm pretty sure there were lots of thing Henley kept secret from me.Huh,that guy...Even I'm his loyal assistant"

Now he sulked again.What a child attitude.

"But I can't accept this.Just look at your wound,I feel really scared if something worse happened to you,master Dean!"

Dean smiles again.This is what he wanted.He wanted Aria to feel what humans always feel.Sad and scared of losing someone dear.He didn't mean to see Aria suffer.He just wanted Aria to be treated like a real human, not like a thing.He's pretty sure people will think Aria as a human now,looking at her perfect female human body with emotions.

The place shakes again.Dean and Aria glance at the door.They doubt if the demons manage to broke inside already.

"This is enough.Aria,now go"

"Go where?"

"Go,save the capital.You don't have much time left"

"But...what about the faci-"

"Everyone here is dead already!The capital is much more important!"

"But...you're alive.Let's go together,master Dean"

Dean shook his head.He knows he has no strength to walk as his sight was getting blurred.

"I'll stay"

"Then,I'll stay too to protect you"

She made up her resolve very quick.

"Don't be dumb,Aria"

"I'm not dumb.Im just worried"


He lost a word.This mecha is ready to argue with someone and probably will win,he bet.At this point,he is a little regret to not pushed Henley to make Aria as a male mecha instead.

"Aria,since when you dare to go against my order?My order is the same as Henley's order,you know"

"Since this X downloaded"

She answered very quick.


He sighs.Whatever happened he must send Aria to the capital now.

"Aria,remember your purpose on living?"

"Of course"

"Then,why are you wasting your time here?They need you, Aria"


Aria gives a look that she's about to cry.Dean can see the mecha is shaking in scared.

"Master Dean..if....if I leave you here....what if...the demons..."

He smiles.The dark blue colored hair of hers,Dean touches it gently to calm her down.

"There's something I must do here.Thus,I can't leave.I'll be fine here.I promise"

"That's a promise,master Dean?"

"Yep.That's a promise"


There's a emergency door which leads outside in the room.Aria walks towards the door reluctantly then glance back at Dean.

"As a token of gratitude,I'll keep my promise that I've promised you."

"????What promise?I can't remember"

Dean puzzles when Aria said she had promised something with him in past.He remembers it was years ago but doesn't has a clue what was the promise about.

"I'll call you 'brother' when I reborn.With my emotions now,I can say I'm reborned,right?"

Dean grins as he's remembering the moment he frustrated when he had no siblings to talk with.He gives Aria a satisfaction look,amazed she could remember that silly memory.

"Thank you "

He said gratefully.

"See you later,brother.I'll be back after clean up those demons"

Dean nods with a deep down in his heart,he doesn't want to let Aria go.Since Aria is completed now,she is officially become a saviour of the city.He assumed Aria as his dear younger sister already.But,fighting was Aria's purpose from the begin with.He can't change that .Even with a thousand powerful mechas,he can't change her fate.

The door shutted as Aria went outside to deal with the monsters.A moment of silence for Dean alone,he takes out a small tab from a hidden pocket.

"The barriers broke.The demons must be wandering inside the facility"

The place shakes like crazy,signing Dean the fierce demons' appearance.He guess the numbers are like 11 or 12 demons.11 demons are much enough to take thousand of humans' life.Thus,his real mission begin now.

"When you even have a slightest chance to exterminate a demon, don't miss the chance"

He takes out a red switch he hided from Aria.The switch connected with the basement,where explosive items were stored.He doesn't hesitate to do it,even it'll cost his life.

"Im sorry I can't keep my promise,my dear sister"

With a sadness look,he pressed the button with a firm resolve.He doesn't care anymore since he has no regret.His goal to merge project X with Aria was a success is good enough for him.He done his job as an assistant.

[Self-destruction Activated]

[Time remaining: 30 seconds]

After heard the system's warning that opened a death door for him,he threw the button away and cursed the demons.

"That's what you get for invading our home.Die you,filthy creature!"