My daughter

it's been quite a long I didn't cuddle my daughter, she must have been surviving in loneliness these days, she must have experienced the absence of her mother. the eight years girl, how could bear the pain of departing from mother. when I reached there she had laid on bed. her optimistic face had turned to pale, her body was turning motionless.

I strolled on her bed, put my palm on her forehead, which was hot as fire. I sat beside her, not making any sound. I slowly pick her hand which was smooth like her mother's.

Unhurriedly, my daughter opened her eyes, finding me she got surprised but tried to welcome me with a smile.

"Daddy, where is mommy? she pleaded hardly.

" Mommy will be there if you take medicine on time and be healthy again." I clarify.

"Daddy, fetch her back.

she was losing her consciousness. I was out of my mind so I decided to take her hospital. I picked her in my arm. As I was starting the car, Auntie mamu caught me on the way she insisted on going with me so I couldn't refuse her. we three join, I drove the car and let auntie grabbed nunu. we ride her to a nearby hospital.

we admitted her to a nearby hospital in an emergency ward. I immediately call the doctor, they took nunu away. I and aunty mamu left there.

Nunu still thinks her mother will be back, how I will convince her that her mother will never be back. how can I fetch her back?

" what comes to pass,

I heard a familiar voice that was one of my colleges. he was a psychologist and had helped with my wife treatment before.