You s***y woman

Lin Rui at once knew something wrong was going to happen , and his sixth sense was right on point . The moment Su Wan caught Luo Chenxi blush just because her husband looked her way , she leaned forward and then lowered her voice in a deadly whisper " What are you doing huh ?" 

Luo Chenxi was completely lost when Lin Rui looked at her, infact she was so engrossed with that fact alone that she didn't notice , Lin Rui 's pallid and terrified complexion , instead she thought that Lin Rui was finally paying attention to her thus she never expected that someone would speak to her in such a eerie manner , the moment Su Wan whispered , Luo Chenxi jumped in fright , twisting uncomfortably as she landed on her butt , splattering black mud and dirty water all over her clothes .