so this is what you think of me

That night the dinner finished in a subdued mood , Lin Chen did try to raise the moral by injecting his ' wife the food is delicious ,' comments but Su Wan who was still angry about not being coaxed in the afternoon , ignored him . 

In the end after being snubbed a couple of times , Lin Chen ate his rice sulkily glaring at his bowl , each bite that he took was eaten in such a ferocious manner like he wasn't eating pork meat but Luo Chenxi's meat . 

Su Wan ate her fill , she never once looked at her husbands , on the other hand it was Lin Rui who kept glancing at his wife , he knew that he had to make up with his wife soon and he also knew that he needed to coax his wife but the more he thought about it the more he felt like hundreds of ants were crawling in his pants. 

If someone  asked him to whip a poetry , he would have done it with ease but he knew that a simple poetry won't make Su Wan forgive him , thus the entire , matter was making him antsy.