sucks being poor

Lin Yan pondered about what she had said and thought that it made sense , The Su family have already troubled them twice in just a month , if this continues maybe they might never learn their lesson and keep disturbing them . 

" I will ask Burly Duo if there are any other men who wants to work as a guard , if there are I will hire them for the other shops " Burly Duo was the big guy who picked Su Bai up with the back of his collar . 

Once the lunch time arrived , the dock workers who have finished working like mad men - usually they would take at least one and a half hour to unload the cargo from the ship but today with Old Peng in lead , the dock workers finished the work in just one hour , the cargo owner was so shocked at their speed that he ended up believing that this team of workers were really efficient and hard working . Due to this he promised Old Sun that if he wanted someone to unload his cargo next time he would come to his team for sure .