You jerk

author's note : Warning read at your own risk 

After shying away for more than a few months , the autumn sun finally leaped out of the horizon where both water and sunlight merged together . Thousands of red clouds were hovering  over it trying to once again hide the brilliant reddish glow of the sun beneath them - together they made a beautiful multicoloured veil . 

Today was a rare sunny day but Su Wan who was sleeping next to Lin Jing , woke up with a hurl of curses . Her waist was aching so badly that she thought it was going to detach from her body , last night everyone loved the cream perfume and they also praises her to the moon . Su Wan thought that she has successfully drifted their attention away from the afternoon incident but the second Lin Jing and her entered the room - Lin Jing closed the door behind him and brought her to his arms .