[Bonus chapter] How thick her skin is

Can you all see chapter 227 and 228 ? I made a mistake and pasted the same chapter twice before modifying it to the correct one , some readers can't see it so wanted to know if its the same for everyone or just a few ? 

Madam Zhang's plan would have worked in the past but now this plan was just like a gun with no bullet. Lin Heng had already faced enough cruelty in the hands of Old Grandmother Lin but he still showed her adequate respect because she was still his father's wife in name, however after seeing Lin Ze's cruelty - he no longer had any hopes for this stepmother of his. 

Lin Heng might be a jolly guy but he wasn't stupid or else his sons wouldn't have such an amazing intelligence either. He was really good at observing people, thus he knew that even if Lin Ze tried to kill him - this half brother of his only has limited guts. It was impossible for him not to tell Old grandma Lin about what he did to him, his elder brother.