Will be here no matter what

Lin Rui watched the others leave and gave them a grateful glance, though he has no intention of staying at the Academy on weekends, this was something that he couldn't control, there might be a chance when he would have to stay at the academy for either reviewing his learning materials or maybe the teachers might take extra classes. In that case, he could of course have to stay behind - then who knows when he might see Su Wan.

" you - " began Lin Rui but then he noticed the obvious pain of parting flash in Su Wan's eyes and he hurriedly tried to coax her. He didn't want to see Su Wan hurt especially not because of him, though they might be separated for a while, he would try his best to meet her as much as he can " I  will come back soon, don't get upset, I - I will write letters to you every day, so you won't miss me much"