Her burdens.

Lin Che turned to look at his mother ignoring the discontent and condescending looks that he was getting and solemnly pursed his lips. " Mother, I know what happened wasn't right but it was all because of you. You made grandma angry, you need to understand that grandma is getting old and she can't think straight. She likes to make a mountain out of a molehill if we think carefully then your divorce from father can't even be counted—— at that time Father was asleep and grandma sneaked into his room and got the thumbprint while he was sleeping. Father was really upset with grandma and even fought with her, he really had no intention to divorce you. If you didn't make grandma angry she would've never agreed to let you divorce father, after all, she knows that you are filial. Now grandma is not angry anymore and she knows that she didn't treat you nicely, as long as you return home and apologise to grandma she will accept you back."