
" Enough!" Madam Zhu couldn't listen to their argument anymore as she whipped the stick against their skin once again causing the two men to yelp.  Then she turned to Madam Huo and ordered, " Bring me two washboards would you please?" 

Once Madam Huo nodded and walked away, she turned her attention to her husband and brother in law. " Now you two, are you going to kneel on the washboards till evening since you are too hotheaded to think straight, this will help you too in calming down. I will leave you two at it, give me a  good plan, as for how you are going to solve this mess or else, no one will be worse than me."

The washboards were brought out and Shen Junxi along with Shen Zizhen were left to kneel on them while Madam Zhu ushered everyone to leave them alone. 

" This is all your fault," snapped Shen Zizhen, he was fat and stout with his entire weight being supported by his knees, he couldn't help but groan as he angrily huffed at his brother.