Calm down and eat

Lin Yan immediately turned silent, he didn't dare to say anything anymore seeing that Su Wan was getting angry. But as his gaze dropped to her stomach which was swelling bit by bit with their child, he couldn't help but press on, " Wan Wan, I know that you are unhappy but you should listen to what I have to say as well, shouldn't you? I just don't want you to overwork yourself, you are pregnant with our child, if you were to get tired then it will cause unnecessary trouble for our child." 

" I am not overworking myself," said Su Wan as she placed the last dish on the table and then sit down, her voice was gentle but it was just as firm. " I am trying to do what is keeping me sane, you are being too overprotective. You are driving me nuts, I am worried that if I stay in the house any longer with you dancing on top of my head, I will explode."