Can you make these ——2

Lin Yu did not wake up in the middle of the night only to listen to these two-men quarrels. He raised his hand and rubbed his forehead while glaring at Brother Du and Xiao Bohai coldly as he opened his mouth and then said, " Since you did not know how to make this formula, then you are useless, there is no need for me to keep you." He then turned to look at Little Wu and then added ruthlessly, " Drag this man to the Yamen and drop him there, just tell them that you caught this man stealing and killing someone. It should be enough to convict this man for his crimes."

Brother Du did not act like someone who just killed someone 'accidentally', his manners and that cruel and selfish glint in his eyes told Lin Yu that he was a man who habitually killed and tormented people what was more his complexion was sallow and his eyes were red and popping one could see that he was a man who was used to overindulging himself. How can he be a small robber who simply robbed people?