The show began

When Su Wan drank the soup Old Madam Lai who was watching the show heaved a sigh of relief. With such a powerful aphrodisiac it was impossible for Su Wan to escape from their grasp, of course, her actions were caught by Second Madam Lai who wished to tell her sister that she was relaxing very soon but of course, she could not say anything.

Because if she dared to say a single word against Su Wan, her secret that she had been hiding for years would come out. 

So she stared at her hands that were resting in her lap and did not say a single thing out loud. Instead, she calmly drank her soup while watching Su Wan who was rather amused. 

Once the soup was served, the monks started to chant inscriptions which basically meant that they were hoping and praying to the Sea God asking him to continue blessing their town such that they would not starve, while praying to Mother Nature that she would be kind to them.