chapter 5

He ran his horse fast and walked towards that side. On his way forward, he found a cave. He carefully went inside that cave. It was very dark inside. After going a little further, he saw a donkey standing in a dim light. On getting closer, suddenly he turned into a monkey. The camel-prince was very surprised to see this. Seeing him surprised the monkey said

"Camel-Prince, don't be surprised. There is still a lot to be seen."

camel-prince spoke

"do you know me?"

"Yes. I also know that you have cured your mistress by using golden lotus juice and married the princess after healing her. I also know where you want to go."

"Then please take me there."


"Come on my horse."

"No, you go on a horse, I'll go along."

The camel-prince started walking on the horse and the monkey started jumping and jumping along with him.

On the other hand, all the camels again started talking under the same tree, this time also the parrot sitting above was listening to all these things. When he heard the words of the camel from the west, he thought

"Why not solve the problem of the western camel."

He came downstairs and asked her, the whole point of his trouble. The camel knew that this parrot's remedy was useful, so he immediately told him the whole thing. In fact his owner used to beat him a lot and used to get angry so the parrot told him

"If you don't go home today, your master will not kill you."

The camel did the same and did not go home with the other camels in the evening, but after a while he started feeling very hungry. He started thinking that even though his master used to beat him, but he used to feed him well. He began to relax and thought that he had not been killed today. Then he wandered here and there and went towards the forest in search of food. Here the camel from the west did not come, so its owner angrily went out to find him. He went towards the forest in search of her. A witch lived in that forest. When she got the smell of that man, that is, the owner of the camel in the west, then she went to that side. Seeing the man so close to her, the witch ran to kill him. The man was terribly frightened on seeing his terrible appearance. He stood up with his eyes closed. Then the camel saw this and he came there fast and took his master from there sitting on his back. The owner was very happy to see his camel safe and sound. When both reached home, the owner hugged his camel. Today the owner did not kill him, but loved him a lot because he also understood that the camel was angry with him and left from there. The owner of the western camel now loves him very much. Now he is also happy and his owner too.