chapter 10

Then the witch's daughter remembers something and she says

"My mother gave me a power. You can go inside through this. Just the camel-prince will have to hold his hand. The camel-prince will be stuck there as soon as he leaves."

Leaving the monkey and the horse outside, both went inside. The mouth of the cave grew bigger as the witch's daughter moved her ring forward. When both of them went inside, the bear's attention started getting disturbed. As soon as they saw him, they hid behind the idol of Lord Vishnu in front of him. The bear thought that someone might have come, so he stood up and put on the tartan kept there, then became a golden bird and flew out. In the meantime, the prince put the snake in the bag he had brought with him and then came out in the same manner with the witch's daughter. As soon as they came, they all went on horseback and left for their kingdom.

But after a while listening to the snake's voice, the golden bird came after them, but after getting tired, as soon as it landed on the ground, it again became a bear and returned to its cave.

Here in the palace, the condition of the prince's mother was getting worse due to anxiety.

After crossing a certain distance, the horse suddenly started flying, so those people understood that it was all because of the snake. Going near a pond, the horse suddenly stopped and came down. The prince tried a lot to drive him, he could not move forward, then the snake said

"It's because of me. Let me come here to meet my parents. I promise you prince, I will come to your aid."

The camel-prince sent him off. The snake went to the flowers blooming in the middle of the pond. A Bhanwari came out from there, who was actually a friend of Nag(the snake bought by camel-prince), she told that his parents were waiting for him. Both of them went under water to the city of snakes. There his parents are very happy to hear the news of their son's arrival, but as soon as they came in front of him, they turned their backs. The snake was very sad that he had come to meet them after so many days and they turned away from him. Seeing this Bhanwari said that

"Don't you grieve, because of whose curse I became Bhanwari, he has also cursed them that as soon as they sees you they will become blind."

snake spoke

"Isn't there any way to do it?"

she said

"Yes, there is a solution. If someone brings a flute placed between five stars and plays it in front of them, then their blindness will be removed.

Hearing this, the snake immediately reached its parents and requested to meet them. spoke as well

"I know everything about curses. Don't you worry. I will also cure your blindness. You just meet me once."

They both happily meet him and then the very next moment they become blind. Seeing this, there is an uproar in the snake city. everyone says to snakes

"Now you take over the kingdom."

But he refuses and says

"I have promised the camel-prince I will help him solve his problem and then return here."

Then he comes out with Bhanwari after taking care of the ministers and returns to the camel-prince. Then as soon as they are riding, the horse starts flying and lands shortly before the state border. Those people come to the state.