Cold Hearted Woman

On the evening around half past ten ;

Niha Bharadwaj was standing at the window , staring at her phone and deeply thinking about something absent mindedly.

Diya Mehra reached her and exclaimed

" Niha ".

Niha Bharadwaj awakened by the sudden call and said " God , You scared me to death ".

" Niha , tell me the truth , what are you thinking about at this time ? " Diya Mehra asked Niha.

Niha Bharadwaj said nothing. She was still staring at her mobile.

Diya Mehra asked " Are you waiting for his call ? ". Niha Bharadwaj still kept silent.

Diya Mehra continued " How many days has it been since he called you ? ".

" It is almost a week " Niha Bharadwaj replied.

Diya Mehra said " Look , you are telling it's almost a week. Still he didn't called you , in this period, he didn't even sent a single message to you , Do you think he is still loving you ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Ahh , may be he is busy with his work ".

" Work !! 24/7 work. Wow , I must praise him . He is great a great man " Diya Mehra said in a sarcastic tone.

Niha Bharadwaj said " Stop kidding me Diya ".

Diya Mehra said " I'm not kidding you , I'm telling you the truth , ohh my poor Niha , I have already told you that he is a scum bag , don't waste your time on him , he will never call you back , wake up now ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " So what , I'll call him now ".

" God , You pissed me off. Ok then, let's call him " Diya Mehra said to Niha.

Niha Bharadwaj watching her mobile vacuously without having any intention to call him . Then Diya Mehra took Niha's mobile , she opened contacts , then she searched ' My Love ' , she called him and put the phone on speaker . The phone rang for several times , when it's about to hung up the other side answered " Hello ".

Niha Bharadwaj asked " Hmm , Do you have time to talk ? what are you doing ? ".

The Other side said " No , I'm busy now , I'll Call you later " and then he hung up the phone without giving them a second to speak.

Diya Mehra gave a glance to Niha Bharadwaj , But Niha still looking at her phone with a pity face.

Diya Mehra then suddenly gushed " Niha , did you notice that ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj asked " What was that ? ".

Diya Mehra said " Didn't you hear that ? ".

" No I didn't. What was that ? " Niha Bharadwaj replied.

" huh , idiot , I heard someone's groan on the phone ".Diya Mehra said confidently.

" Diya, put an end to your imagination, have you lost your mind or what ? this is too much " Niha Bharadwaj said angrily.

Diya Mehra said " Darn it. if you don't believe me, make a video call to him and see what's your amazing boyfriend is doing at this late hour. I'm pretty sure he is with a girl ".

Niha Bharadwaj gave an awful expression and said " No need , he said he was busy with his work. So, I don't want to disturb him ".

Diya Mehra said " Wow , what a great defender ! , I Envy him ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Diya you are thinking too much , don't worry about me , I have faith in him ".

" But I don't believe him " Diya Mehra said without any hesitation. She is so straight forward.

Niha Bharadwaj thought for a moment and said " Hmm , I got it now ".

Diya Mehra asked " What ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj folded her arms, she looked at Diya Mehra with a meaningful smile and said " You don't like him , that is why you are trying to bring Anderson and me together , am I right ? ".

" Yeah. You are right. What's wrong in that. I don't like that scum " Diya Mehra said too frankly.

Niha Bharadwaj yelled " How can you do this to me? Do you have a minimum conscience?".

Diya Mehra said " yeah. I do , I worry about you , Niha you deserve the best. When it comes to your boyfriend and Anderson , I prefer the latter . Leave that idiot and consider Anderson Yang ".

Then Niha Bharadwaj showed the pendant that she was holding in her hand to Diya Mehra and said " Look at this pendant , he gave me this pendant when I was seven years old , we love each other so much ".

Diya Mehra thought for a second and then she said " What if he didn't gave this pendant to you ".

Niha Bharadwaj asked " What do you mean ? ".

Diya Mehra took the pendant from Niha Bharadwaj and said " I mean , what if this pendant doesn't belongs to him ? , You don't even have a clue that he the real owner of this pendant. Also, you have no idea about what had happened in your childhood. Tanvi told you that someone gave this pendant to you when you were seven years old. She didn't mention any name. Right ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj snorted. She took her mobile and grasped the pendant from Diya's hand. she turned around and headed towards her bed.

" Niha , I mean it " Diya Mehra shouted.

Niha Bharadwaj said " Don't shout , Stella is sleeping , it's already around half past

eleven , let's get some sleep ".

Stella Johnson already slept a while ago .

Diya Mehra walking towards her bed and said

" okay , have a good sleep ".

Niha Bharadwaj forced a smile and said

" Good night ".

Her phone vibrated suddenly.

It's an offline message from Anderson Yang

" Have you slept ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " I'm about to ".

Anderson Yang " Ok. Take rest. catch you tomorrow in the evening ".

Niha Bharadwaj texted " Ok , see you tomorrow then , Good night " .


On The Next Day Evening ;

Niha Bharadwaj and Stella Johnson were already prepared for the party , but Diya Mehra still choosing her dress for the party.

Niha Bharadwaj said " It's just a party , why are you so picky in choosing a dress ".

Diya Mehra answered " So what , i must pick a good outfit , I don't want to loose my face ".

" come on , you look good in any outfit , make it fast " Niha Bharadwaj said with mockery.

Diya Mehra gave a look to Niha Bharadwaj and said " huh , are you looking down on me ? ".

" ahh, ok , ok. stop fighting , get ready " Stella Johnson interrupted them.

Finally Diya Mehra choose a Pink skirt and a white shirt. While they're talking , Diya Mehra phone vibrated.

" Niha , answer my phone for me " Diya Mehra said to Niha.

Niha Bharadwaj said " Okay ".

The phone displayed Anderson name.

Diya Mehra asked " Who is that? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " It's from Anderson ".

Diya Mehra said " ohh, talk with him ".

Niha Bharadwaj answered the phone.

Anderson Yang said " Hello ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Hii Anderson , I'm Niha , Diya is ... ".

Anderson interrupted her " Ha Niha , where is your mobile , I have been calling you. But no one answered ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " ohh , sorry , I have kept my mobile somewhere , wait a minute ".

Anderson Yang said " okay ".

Niha Bharadwaj found her mobile on the study table. When she turned on the power button , it showed ' 10 Missed calls from Anderson Yang '.

Niha Bharadwaj yelled " Ohh my god , 10 Missed calls ? What's wrong with you ? ".

Anderson Yang replied " hmm, I have been waiting for you at your dormitory ".

Niha Bharadwaj exclaimed " What ! But Why , you have already shared the address , why did you come ? ".

Anderson Yang said " There is still some time for the party , so I came to pick you ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Ohh , okay , we'll be there in five minutes ".

Anderson Yang replied " okay , no problem , take your time , I'll wait for you ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " No need , we are coming ".

Then she hung up.

Niha Bharadwaj said " Diya he is already at our dormitory ".

Diya Mehra said " Okay, I'm done. let's go ".

Ten minutes later ;

Anderson wore an ivory trousers and a black shirt , he tucked his shirt , buckled with a belt .

He is wearing goggles and waiting with his car at the girl's dormitory .

The rays coming from the setting sun hitting his splendid figure and making him enchanting .

The girls who are watching him murmuring

- Hey look at him .

- Wow , he is looking smart .

- Is this our idol Anderson ?

- Yeah , he look so hot .

- Aww, I couldn't take my eyes away from him.

- I'll take a picture of him and make it as my phone wallpaper.

- Hey , stop it , he is already into Niha.

- So what , I like him.

- By the way , What is he doing at our girl's dormitory ?

- Most Obviously he is waiting for Niha .

- How cool , what a sweet boyfriend.

When they are murmuring , Niha Bharadwaj was coming downstairs with her friends . She wore a formal dress as usual. she was looking very charming .

When they're walking Diya Mehra asked

" Hey , Niha. Today , if Anderson confess his love to you , what will you do , will you

accept him ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " No way , I'll tell him not to waste his precious time on me ".

Diya Mehra said " Cold hearted woman ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Thanks " .

Diya Mehra asked " For what ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " For your compliment ".

Diya Mehra said " Hey , look at there , he is looking great today ".

Niha Bharadwaj said with a Sarcastic tone

" Then Marry him ".

Diya Mehra said " You , Zip your mouth ".

Stella laughed out loudly.

Niha Bharadwaj said " Ok stop it , he is coming ".

Anderson reached them and said with a gentle smile " Hi Diya , hi Stella. Hey Niha , you look beautiful today ".

Niha Bharadwaj gave a gentle smile.

Diya Mehra interrupted " Do you mean that she didn't look beautiful before ".

Anderson Yang replied " haha , I didn't mean that , she always looks pretty ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Shall we start ? ".

Anderson gave a smile and said " Okay ".

Anderson opened the car's back door , Diya and Stella entered the car.

When Niha Bharadwaj is about to get in the car Diya yelled " Hey what are you doing ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj stopped for a moment and asked " What happened ? what's Wrong ?".

Diya Mehra said with a mocking smile " Haha , see Anderson is not our driver right , so go and get in the co-pilot seat ".

Niha Bharadwaj exclaimed " What !! ".

< End Of The Chapter 6 >