She looks very familiar

Hello , Hello miss , do you hear me ?

The Cop called Niha Bharadwaj again and again but she is not responding.

He lifted Niha Bharadwaj and brought her to a nearby hospital in his car and admitted her.


In the hospital ;

The doctor gave a strange look and asked the Cop " What happened ? ".

The Cop said sarcastically " That's what I have to ask you ".

The doctor raised her eyebrows and said " Ohh. Ok then. complete the formalities ". The doctor said so and then she left.

The doctor walking towards Niha's bed and asked the nurse " How is she ? ".

The nurse said " Doctor , I think she was frightened about something ".

The doctor saw Niha Bharadwaj face and muttered " oh god , it's her again ! ".

The doctor examined Niha Bharadwaj , she gave an Injection and went out of the room.

Outside the room she met the Cop .

She folded her hands and asked " Have you completed the formalities ? ".

" Not yet " The Cop replied.

The doctor asked " Why ? ".

The Cop said " Because , I don't know about her ".

" Ohh, then where did you find her? , What is your relationship with her ? " The doctor raised her eyebrows and asked the Cop.

The Cop gave a gentle smile and said " Look ' Dr.Hira Samrat ' , I has nothing to do with her. I found her when I was dealing with some gangsters. She lost her consciousness. so I brought her here. Also I called her friends. They will be here in Thirty minutes ".

Dr.Hira Samrat Questioned the cop " Ohh , do you think I believe your words. ' Mr.Delun Chen ' ? ". She stressed his name. Delun Chen is an international Cop. He is from China.

Delun Chen sneered and said " Huh. You... look , you always like this. Wait for sometime , Her friends are coming , then you'll know the truth by yourself ".

Dr.Hira Samrat rolled her eyes ans said " well, No need ".

Delun Chen asked " Why ? ".

Dr.Hira Samrat gave a mocking smile and said " I said , I don't believe your words. It doesn't mean I believe her. I know her ".

Delun Chen gaped his eyes and asked " What ! do you know her ? How ? ".

" I don't know her name . Yesterday she came to our hospital with her boyfriend , I treated her " Dr.Hira Samrat replied.

Delun Chen asked " ohh my gosh , She has a boyfriend ? ".

" Aha , Are you feeling disappointed ? " Dr.Hira Samrat gazed at him and asked mockingly.

Delun Chen gave a smile and said " No , no no. why should I ? I have you ".

Dr.Hira Samrat chuckled. But she said " Enough , I don't like you ".

Delun Chen's face became gloomy.

Hira Samrat smiled and asked " You said you dealt with gangsters. Are you Hurt ? ".

Delun Chen said " Yeah , I was hurt ".

Hira Samrat face changed and she asked with a worried voice " Where ? ".

Delun Chen pointed his heart and said " Here , I was deeply hurt because my girlfriend is looking down on me ".

Hira Samrat rolled her eyes and said " You, idiot. Drop your act ".

Delun Chen chuckled.

Then she asked " By the way. have you informed her boyfriend ? ".

Delun Chen replied " No , I called her friend named Diya ".

Hira Samrat thought for a while and asked " Del , What was she doing in that area ? ".

Delun Chen replied " Don't know ".

Then he asked " How is her condition ? ".

Hira Samrat replied " She was Scared about something. Also she exhausted her energy . She will get her consciousness in a few minutes ".

Delun Chen said " Ohh , okay ".


After receiving the Call from The Cop , Diya Mehra dropped her mobile.

Stella Johnson picked Diya's mobile from the ground and asked Diya Mehra " Diya , you dropped your mobile , what happened ? ".

Diya Mehra stammered " Niha is in hospital ".

Stella Johnson asked worriedly " What !! What happened to her ? ".

Diya Mehra said " A Cop called me and said she was fainted in a street. He said , he admitted Niha in a hospital ".

Stella Johnson patted Diya Mehra and said " It's ok. Calm down First. she was just fainted . Nothing will happen to her. She have us right ? Come on let's go ".

They took a cab to the hospital ;

Our chatty Diya became soundless.

Stella Johnson asked " Diya , Did Anderson have any idea about Niha ? ".

Diya Mehra answered " I don't know ".

Stella Johnson said " Ok , I'll call him ".

Diya Mehra nodded her head.

Stella Johnson called Anderson a numerous times , but no one answered. So she gave up calling him.

Soon they arrived at the hospital. Diya Mehra rushed in the hospital. Stella Johnson paid money to the cab driver and followed Diya Mehra into the hospital. They enquired about Niha Bharadwaj and went to Niha's yard.

In the ward Diya Mehra looked at Niha and burst into tears. Stella Johnson patted Diya's back.

A nurse informed about their arrival to Hira Samrat. After a few minutes Hira Samrat came into the ward along with Delun Chen. She saw Niha's friends and said " So , you're her friends. please go and complete the formalities ".

Stella Johnson said " Diya , You stay here with Niha. I'll go and complete the formalities ".

Diya Mehra said " okay ". Then Stella went out to complete the formalities.

Hira Samrat asked Diya " Hey , Don't worry , She is fine. Where do you live ? ".

Diya Mehra replied " We are living in Columbia University's girls dorm ".

Hira Samrat asked " Where are her parents ? Have you informed them ? ".

Diya Mehra replied " No , Her parents live in india. She is studying here ".

Hira Samrat thought about something and she was staring at Niha Bharadwaj. At that time Niha Bharadwaj slowly opened her eyes. Diya Mehra saw that and shouted with joy " Doctor , look she opened her eyes ".

Hira Samrat didn't respond , after a few seconds he looked at Niha Bharadwaj and asked " How are you feeling now ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Better doctor ".

Hira Samrat asked while checking Niha's pulse " What is your good name ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Niha Bharadwaj ".

After listening to her name , Hira Samrat stunned and became dumb . Delun Chen pinched her hand. Then she came to her senses.

Hira Samrat smiled and asked " Ohh , Nice. Why do you always run into troubles ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj answered " huh , That's my misfortune ".

Everyone became silent.

When Delun Chen is going to ask something , Hira Samrat stopped him and said " Don't disturb her. She need some rest . Clarify your doubts later ".

Then she turned to Niha Bharadwaj and said " Take some rest , Call me if you need anything ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and said " Okay doctor ".

After that Hira Samrat left with Delun Chen.

Outside the ward , Delun Chen saw Hira Samrat who deeply thinking about something and asked " Hira , Are you alright ? What are you thinking about ? ".

Hira Samrat replied " I'm thinking about her ".

Delun Chen asked " What happened ? ".

Hira Samrat replied " She looks very familiar to me. Not only her face but also her name too ".

Delun Chen said " Ohh. I see ".

Then she said " I felt the same earlier. I mean , Yesterday when she came to me for the treatment i felt strange. I don't know why. But, I felt like she is very close to me. ".

Delun asked " Have you seen her before ? I mean In india ? ".

Hira Samrat answered " No, I don't remember ".

Delun Chen put his hands on her shoulders and said " Come on , you are thinking too much ".

Hira Samrat was saying " But....".

Delun Chen tapped on her forehead and said " Don't overthink my baby ".

Hira Samrat raised her eyebrows and said " You.. I'm not your baby. Okay ? Now move your hands off me or else I'll kick your A** right now , right here ".

Delun Chen took off his hands. He pointed his index finger to Hira Samrat and said " You , This is a hospital and you're a doctor. Behave yourself ".

While he was seriously arguing with Hira Samrat, his phone vibrated .He took his mobile from his pocket and answered .

Other side asked " Del , Where are you ? ".

Delun Chen answered " Hey brother , I'm at hospital ".

" Ohh, Are you with Hira ? " Wang Lei asked him.

Delun Chen replied " Yeah ".

Wang Lei said " Okay, I'm coming".

When Delun Chen is going to ask something but ' Wang Lei ' already hung up the phone.

Delun Chen snorted, he looked at Hira Samrat and said " Huh , he is just like you ".

Hira Samrat chuckled and asked " Who ? What happened ? ".

Delun Chen replied " Mmm, Nothing . That punk. My Big Brother, Lord Wang Lei is coming ".

Hira Samrat burst out laughing.


At the bar ;

It's been almost two hours when Anderson got drunk. He got back his consciousness and started looking around the bar.

A waiter came to him and said " Sir , someone named Stella called you a while ago , she said that your friend named Niha got admitted in a hospital ".

Anderson was startled , he hold the waiter's collar and asked " What did you say ? Who admitted in the hospital ? ".

The waiter became nervous because of Anderson's sudden actions. He said " A girl named Niha ".

Anderson released the waiter's collar. The waiter took a deep breath. While Anderson Yang was hurriedly running, the waiter called him and said " Sir , you haven't paid your money ".

Anderson stopped his foot , he put some money on the table and said " Take it ".

The waiter asked " Sir , your change ? ".

Anderson replied without looking back " Keep it with you ". Then he left the bar.

He checked his mobile , it displayed Twenty missed calls from Stella. He started his car and called Stella. At that time Stella was completing the formalities. She answered the call.

Anderson exclaimed " How is Niha ? Share the location of the hospital ".

Stella replied " She is fine now. I have already shared the location ".

Anderson said " Ok. I got it . thank you. I'll be there in fifteen minutes ". After that he hung up the call. He raised the accelerator .

Within fifteen minutes he reached the hospital. Anderson met Stella who wa waiting for him at the entrance of the hospital.

He followed Stella to the Niha's Ward.

In the Ward ;

Diya Mehra yelled " Niha , Have you lost your mind ? Do you know how much I worried about you ? Do you know how many times I have called you ? ".

She started crying. Niha Bharadwaj trying to control her but no use.

Suddenly the door of the ward opened with a bang sound.

< End Of The Chapter 9 >