No , Follow Her!!

Niha Bharadwaj said in a low voice " May be she is one of his colleagues ".

Tanvi Bharadwaj folded her hands and stressed the words " They looked intimate with each other ".

Niha Bharadwaj face became gloomy but she said " You may have been mistaken for someone ".

Tanvi Bharadwaj urged " No Niha, I saw them with my own eyes. I know you don't trust my words that's why I took a picture of them. Let me show you ".

Then she opened albums in her mobile and showed a picture of Ishan Varma with a girl. Niha Bharadwaj Zoomed in the photo and saw ishan's hand entwined with another girl's hand.

Tanvi Bharadwaj asked " Niha do you know her ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " No, I don't know her".

Then , Tanvi Bharadwaj put her hands on Niha's shoulders and said " I think it's better to make clear your relationship with him ".

Niha Bharadwaj forced a smile and said " ok elder sister ".

Tanvi Bharadwaj hold Niha's hand and said " Ok. let's go downstairs ".

Niha Bharadwaj gently pulled her hand and said " You can go. I'll come later. I have to make a call to Diya ".

Tanvi Bharadwaj said " Ok. Don't stay too long. You may catch a cold ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and nodded her head. She walked around the terrace and called Diya Mehra. After a few rings Diya Mehra picked up the phone call and said " Hello , Niha ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Hi Diya ".

Diya Mehra asked " Where are you ? Have you reached ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Yeah ".

Diya Mehra asked " What happened ? Are you alright ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Nothing . I'm just tired ".

Diya Mehra said " Ok then. Take some rest ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Okay Bye ".

Then she hung up the phone and staring vacuously at the night sky. After sometime she called Ishan Varma .

He answered the phone call and said " Hi Niha , I have to do some work. I'll call you later ".

" Wait a second. I'm at home " Niha Bharadwaj said hurriedly.

Ishan Varma said " Ok good. Our boss visited our company, I have to work overtime. So , let's meet day after tomorrow ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Okay. take care ".

Then she hung up the phone and went to her room. Tanvi Bharadwaj was playing games with her mobile . She saw Niha Bharadwaj who was coming to the room and asked " Have you talked with him ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj lay down on the bed and said " Hmm ". Tanvi Bharadwaj lay beside Niha Bharadwaj and asked " What did he say ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " He said that his boss visited his company. So he told me that he will meet me on day after tomorrow ".

Tanvi Bharadwaj said " Ok. Don't think about it. Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best ".

Niha Bharadwaj nodded her head. Then Tanvi hugged Niha Bharadwaj and said " Don't worry . You look tired. Let's discuss tomorrow. Good night Sweety ". And she kissed on Niha's forehead. Niha Bharadwaj said good night and soon she fell asleep.

Almost around half past eleven Aryan Bharadwaj came to home with his son Rishi Bharadwaj . Poonam Bharadwaj was watching TV and waiting for her Husband and son.

When she heard the engine sound, she turned off the TV and opened the entrance door. She took attache case from her husband and kept that on the couch.

Aryan Bharadwaj took off his shoes and asked " Did Niha come ?".

Poonam Bharadwaj was walking towards kitchen and replied " Yeah , she came ".

Aryan Bharadwaj laid down on the couch and asked " How is she ? Did she ate anything ? ".

Poonam Bharadwaj poured some water in a glass and said " Yeah , She's is fine ".

She gave the glass of water to Her husband.

Aryan Bharadwaj drank the glass of water and asked " What are they doing ? ".

Poonam Bharadwaj took glass from her husband and said " They slept already ".

Rishi Bharadwaj parked the car and just entered into the house. When he heard the word ' they ' his face became drab. He was already informed about Niha Bharadwaj's arrival from his mother on phone. He don't like Niha Bharadwaj since his childhood . They two are from different worlds. Niha Bharadwaj is an affable , honest and a courteous girl. Meanwhile Rishi Bharadwaj is a rude , grumpy and a trouble maker in his family.

He don't wanted to handle the company affairs. He likes Pubs , Parties and girls. But Aryan Bharadwaj forcibly taking Rishi to the company. Rishi Bharadwaj always roaming around the company without doing any work. He uses his power only to flirt with lady staff members. But no one dared to complain about his deportment because everyone knows he is the next CEO of their company.

Rishi Bharadwaj took off his shoes and directly went to his room.

" What happened to him ? " Poonam Bharadwaj asked his husband.

Aryan Bharadwaj replied " Don't mind him. Let's go to sleep ". And they went to their room.

Next day morning ;

Aryan Bharadwaj and Poonam Bharadwaj woke up at dawn. Aryan Bharadwaj saw Tanvi who was just got up from sleep and coming downstairs.

He Said " Good morning Tanvi " .

" Good morning Dad " Tanvi Bharadwaj said while yawning. She sat beside Aryan Bharadwaj.

Aryan Bharadwaj asked " Where is Niha ? ".

Tanvi Bharadwaj replied " She is still sleeping dad ".

Aryan Bharadwaj said " Go and Wake her up ".

Tanvi Bharadwaj bobbed her head. Aryan Bharadwaj looked at Tanvi Bharadwaj and said " Go and tell Niha that I'm waiting for her . Let's go for a morning walk ".

Tanvi Bharadwaj rubbed her eyes and asked " Together ? ".

Aryan Bharadwaj said " Yeah , Your mom is also joining us ".

Tanvi Bharadwaj gaped her eyes and said " Whao , My brother ? ".

Aryan Bharadwaj said " No , he is not coming. Now stop questioning and go ".

Tanvi Bharadwaj showed Thumbs up to his father and ran upstairs. She went to their room and hauled the quilt on Niha Bharadwaj.

Niha Bharadwaj aroused and asked " What happened ? ".

Tanvi Bharadwaj jumped on the bed and said " Dad is calling You ".

Niha Bharadwaj parted her lips and asked " For what ? ".

Tanvi Bharadwaj grinned and said " For a morning walk . Mom is also coming with us. Let's go ".

The Two beautiful sisters brushed their teeth and changed their Night gowns to a Running suit. They tied up their hair to a ponytail and went downstairs within fifteen minutes.

Niha Bharadwaj saw her uncle who was waiting for them in the entrance hall and greeted " Good morning dad ". Aryan Bharadwaj also greeted Niha with a gentle smile and later they went to the park. Aryan Bharadwaj and Poonam Bharadwaj were walking meanwhile Niha and Tanvi were running. They finished their exercise and went back to their Home.

Niha and Tanvi went to their room to refresh. Aryan Bharadwaj and Rishi Bharadwaj were preparing to go out. Poonam Bharadwaj prepared breakfast and called them. All the members in the family gathered at the dining table.

Niha Bharadwaj greeted Rishi Bharadwaj with a tender smile on the flip side Rishi Bharadwaj showed his arrogance. Tanvi Bharadwaj patted Niha's hand under the table and smiled. After Finishing their breakfast , Aryan Bharadwaj and Rishi went to the company. Tanvi and Niha helped her mom in the kitchen.

In The Evening ;

Niha Bharadwaj went to the Beach. She wore an ecru and black coloured kurti. There's a heavy traffic on the beach side in evening times. She saw an old couple who were facing difficulty in crossing the road. She reached them to help.

When she was helping them to cross the road , a car came towards them. A young man was sitting on the back seat and talking on the phone. Suddenly , the car driver stepped on the Brakes . The young man twitched and the phone in his hand fell down.

The young man looked at his driver and asked with a hoarse voice " What the hell is going on ? ".

The driver apologized to his master and said " Master , someone came across to our car ".

The young man who was sitting in the backseat ordered his driver to give them some money.

The driver who was getting down from the car stunned. The young man saw his driver and asked " What happened ? ".

The driver turned to his master and stammered " Young master, that girl ".

Wang Lei looked at his assistant and asked " Kai Heng , What are you talking about ? ".

Then he saw outside the car , a beautiful girl bowed her head and said sorry to him. And she went to the other side of the road with an old couple.

Wang Lei got bewitched by Niha's beauty.

Kai Heng called his name twice but Wang Lei didn't respond. He stared in the direction of Niha Bharadwaj through the car window.

Wang Lei turned to his assistant and mumbled " She look familiar ".

" Master Lei , Do you remember this girl ? " Kai Heng gaped his eyes and asked Wang Lei. Wang Lei stared at his assistant with perplexity.

Kai Heng continued " Master Lei , This is the girl that we had seen last time in Newyork " .

Wang Lei asked " Do you mean the girl that rejected someone's proposal in the restaurant ? ".

Kai Heng nodded his head.

" Are you sure? Have you seen her face ? " Wang Lei asked Kai Heng.

Kai Heng replied " Yes young master, I'm damn sure. I saw her face when I came back from the restaurant after searching your wallet ".

Wang Lei was thinking about something.

Kai Heng asked " Young master, What are you thinking about ? ". Wang Lei said nothing.

Kai Heng asked " master Lei , Shall we start ".

" No, Follow Her !! " Wang Lei said without any emotion.

< End Of The Chapter 12 >