' Cheung Lei ' Got Paralysis Attack

Wang Lei replied " Yeah. Don't need that ".

Kai Heng was shocked and asked " But young master how do you solve this issue ? ".

Wang Lei replied " Don't worry. I have a plan ".

Kai Heng replied " Okay Young Master. What's that ? ".

Wang Lei said " Arrange a meeting with Miss Jiang as soon as possible ".

( Kai Heng understood Wang Lei's plan. He know that his young Master's first prior is Niha Bharadwaj's safety. Wang Lei took this decision to divert others mostly Paparazzi from Niha Bharadwaj. If she once caught by the Paparazzi, it would become a Serious complication. Moreover Niha Bharadwaj has no idea about Wang Lei's background. It may cause a lot troubles to Niha Bharadwaj. So, Wang Lei decided to hide Niha Bharadwaj's identify for a while ).

Kai Heng asked " Young Master, Shall I arrange your meeting on tomorrow ? ".

Wang Lei replied " Okay, Arrange the meeting in between five to seven in the evening ".

Kai Heng replied " Okay Young Master ".

Wang Lei thought for a moment and said " Kai Heng, Choose a cafe near to ' We group '. After the meeting I'll go and pick up Niha from work ".

Kai Heng replied " Okay Young Master ".

Then Wang Lei hung up the call and checked the time. It was around half past eleven.

Everyone in the ' S City ' was talking about Wang Lei's girlfriend. But our protagonist has no idea that People were talking and searching about her. She was sleeping soundly in her room.

Next Day Morning ;

Exactly at seven in the morning ; Wang Lei got ready and Opened his mobile. He has logged into Delun Chen's Weibo account. But there was no news about him and Niha Bharadwaj. Almost all of the posts about them were deleted. He smiled and called Alex Zhao.

Wang Lei know it was done by Alex Zhao. Because Alex Zhao is the owner of the top most entertainment circle in china called as ' Global Media '. Although he is young, he is successfully running ' Global Media ' since six years in entertainment circle. At first he faced some difficulties. Later Wang Lei and Delun Chen helped him in managing his business. Now he is solely managing ' Global Media '. He went to Newyork on business purpose.

Alex Zhao answered Wang Lei's call after a few rings.

Wang Lei said " Well Alex. Really you did a good job ".

Alex Zhao smiled and replied " Thank you Big Brother. It's my responsibility ".

Wang Lei smiled.

Alex Zhao continued " After talking with you on mobile , I phoned your Personal assistant after half an hour. Kai Heng told me that you had another plan. But, How can I leave this news like that. Besides, My Sister In Law was involved in that news. I have the responsibility to take care of my Sister In Law. So, I ordered the PR department of ' Global Media ' to delete that posts by any means. That's it ".

Wang Lei smiled and said " Well. I have to drop your Sister In Law at her office. See you ".

Alex Zhao said " Wow, my Big Brother is the most busiest person in China. Before, you're busy in handling company affairs. Now, you have one more responsibility. Big Brother you are adorable ".

Wang Lei thought for a moment and replied " Mmm. Alex, Stop playing around with girls. Wait for your girl ".

Alex Zhao shouted " Big Brother, I'm just enjoying my single life by having fun with girls. What's wrong with that ? ".

Wang Lei said " Alex, One day the girl you like will definitely come into your life. Tell me, How can you face her if she questions about your previous affairs ? ".

Alex Zhao didn't speak a word.

Wang Lei continued " Alex, Listen to me. You still have a chance to rectify your mistakes. It's time to restart your life. Wait for your Miss Right. Until then don't waste your time on other girls. Be like a gentleman. Okay ? ".

Alex Zhao was stunned and he replied " Okay Big Brother. I'm giving you my word. From

now on, I Alex Zhao will not see other girls. I'll wait for my Miss Right. Until then I'll focus only on my business ".

Wang Lei said " Well. Take care ".

Alex Zhao replied " Thank You Big Brother. You too take care ".

Wang Lie smiled and he hung up the call.


After hung up the call Alex Zhao stared at the screen of his mobile. He was stupified and got emotional. Because this was the first time Wang Lei talked with him politely after fifteen years. Also this was the first time that Wang Lei lectured him smoothly. Wang Lei stopped concerning about others when his father met with an accident in India.

The accident that happened on the day of New year Eve ( as per the Gregorian calendar ) in india affected him badly and brought a extreme change in Wang Lei. Because his father ' Cheung Lei ' got paralysis attack. ' Cheung Lei ' is on bed since fifteen years. A famous doctor in china ' Bingwen Mao ', who is also a good friend of Cheung Lei has been giving treatment to ' Cheung Lei ' , but there was no advancement in his health.

All their hopes on Cheung Lei's health condition is becoming weaker day by day. But Wang Lei still hold a desire on his father's health. Wang Lei thought that ' Erin Bharadwaj ' was also in that car at the time of accident. Everyone thought that was just an accident. But Wang Lei strongly believed that was a well pre-planned murder. So, Wang Lei had enquired about the truck driver and discerned that the truck driver committed suicide and was an orphan. He also found out that the truck driver had some disputes with Vihan Bharadwaj that's why he killed Vihan's Family. So he halted his investigation.

' How will he reacts if he knows Erin Bharadwaj is still alive ? And Niha Bharadwaj was the girl who he had met fifteen years ago in India. He still remembered Erin's name and he always wears the Locket which was given by Erin to him '.


Wang Lei locked his room door and knocked on Niha's flat door. Niha Bharadwaj opened the door.

Niha Bharadwaj asked " Hi Ryan, Haven't you gone to your office yet ? ".

Wang Lei replied " I'm starting now ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " I see ".

Wang Lei said " If you're done. I'll drop you off at your company ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " It's okay. I'll go by myself. You will be late for your work ".

Wang Lei smiled and said " Don't worry. My office comes after your company. We have to take the same road ".

Niha Bharadwaj asked " Wow, really ? ".

Wang Lei replied " Yeah. First I'll drop you off at your office and later I'll go to my office ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Okay. Give me a second ".

Wang Lei replied " You're getting late. Come fast ".

Niha Bharadwaj nodded her head. She took her bag and locked her flat.

Later Wang Lei started his car. While heading to their company , Wang Lei looked at Niha Bharadwaj and asked " Are you feeling nervous ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " A little ".

Wang Lei Chuckled and said " Don't worry. Give your best. Be brave ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Hmm, Ok ".

Thirty minutes Later Wang Lei stopped his car at the entrance of ' We Group '.

He said " We're here. Take care ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and replied " Thank you ".

Wang Lei waved his hand. Niha Bharadwaj got down from the car and said goodbye to him.

Later Wang Lei drove his car to his company. It takes Twenty minutes journey from ' We group ' to the head office of ' Lei Group of companies '.

He took the exclusive elevator and directly went into his office. Five minutes later Kai Heng came into his office and said " Young Master, I have arranged your meeting with Miss Jiang at Half past five in the evening ".

Wang Lei replied " Well ".

Kai Heng put some files infront of Wang Lei and said " Young Master, These files needs to be submitted before Eleven ".

Wang Lei nodded his head and later Kai Heng left the office. Wang Lei started reading the files.

At quarter to Eleven Kai Heng came into the CEO office to collect the files.

Wang Lei was doing some work on his laptop at that time. He has read and signed all the files. Kai Heng took the files on the table.

Wang Lei asked " When will the board meeting starts ? ".

Kai Heng replied " Young Master, it will starts in fifteen minutes ".

Wang Lei replied " Okay ".

Fifteen minutes later Wang Lei went to the board meeting room.

The board meeting lasted for two hours. But, No one dared to mention about the latest hot news on Weibo regarding Wang Lei's girlfriend.

< End Of The Chapter 33 >