Hira Samrat Was Shocked

Wang Lei gave water glass to her and glanced at his mother helplessly.

Xiuying Wu smiled and said " Yeah, I mean it. He is the most handsome and eligible bachelor in China. You two look perfect together ".

Niha Bharadwaj widened her eyes in surprise and said " Aunt Wu, please stop kidding me ".

Xiuying Wu replied " Poor girl. I'm not kidding you. If you're interested, I'll arrange a meeting for you ".

Niha Bharadwaj denied Xiuying Wu politely.

Xiuying Wu tittered and asked " Why ? Are you in love with this young man ".

Niha Bharadwaj gaped her eyes and looked at Wang Lei. But Wang Lei didn't speak a word. He didn't even raise his head. He was quietly eating.

Xiuying Wu smiled and said " Haha, Take it with a grain of salt. I'm just joking. Continue your dinner ".

Niha Bharadwaj gave a bashful smile. Later she lowered her head and continued her dinner.

They finished dinner. Wang Lei helped Niha Bharadwaj in cleaning the bowls. Later he said goodnight to them and went into his room. Xiuying Wu and Niha Bharadwaj went to the master bedroom and chatted for a while.

Niha Bharadwaj went to sleep while they were chatting. Xiuying Wu patted Niha's head. She adjusted the cooling on the Air conditioner and muffled Niha Bharadwaj with a Quilt.

Later she closed the door and went to the guest bedroom.

Next Day Morning ;

Niha Bharadwaj woke up from the bed. She opened the door and sensed the aroma of freshly baked cake. She walked towards the kitchen. Xiuying Wu prepared breakfast for them. She saw Niha Bharadwaj who was standing at the dining table and said " Good morning Niha. Go and wash your face ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and went to her room. She brushed her teeth and came back to the hall. Wang Lei and Xiuying Wu were waiting for her. She saw Wang Lei and greeted him. Wang also greeted her. Later the three had their breakfast.

After finishing the Breakfast Xiuying Wu looked at Niha Bharadwaj and said " Niha, You're really a good child. But Be careful. Don't get hoodwinked by the people around you. Not everyone has an angelic heart like you. I asked Ryan to drop me off at the bus station. I have to go now ".

Niha Bharadwaj hugged Xiuying Wu and said " Okay Aunt Wu. You too take care. Come here if you have time in the future ".

Xiuying Wu nodded her head. She stroked Niha's hair and later she left the place.

In the Car ;

Xiuying Wu said " Ryan, Niha is an innocent girl. Take good care of her. Your taste is excellent. I was satisfied with my Daughter In Law. I really like Niha. You know, Your grandfather is getting old and he wants to see his grand daughter in law. I have observed Niha. I saw a flash of light in her eyes when I mentioned your name infront her. I think she also likes you. So, Marry her soon and bring Niha to our mansion. Everyone is eagerly waiting for your wedding ceremony ".

Wang Lei smiled and gave a word to his mother. Later Xiuying Wu phoned her driver. Then she went to the Lei's Mansion.

Wang Lei drove his car to the community. Niha Bharadwaj was already waiting for him at the entrance. She got in the car and Wang Lei started heading to their company. After got in the car, Niha Bharadwaj asked " Have you dropped her off ? ".

Wang Lei replied " Yeah, I phoned her son. He came to the bus station ".

Niha Bharadwaj asked " Oh, why didn't he come yesterday to pick her up ? ".

Wang Lei replied " He said he was busy with his work and He didn't check his mobile. He came here After finishing his work, but he couldn't find his mother ".

Niha Bharadwaj nodded her head.

Later he asked " What's your opinion about Her ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " She is good. Last night , I felt like I was with my mother ".

Wang Lei thought for a while and asked " By the way. I saw her son. He is looking handsome ".

" So what ? " Niha Bharadwaj glanced at him and said.

" Well, You could consider him as your husband. Besides Aunt Wu was being very nice to you. You might have a bright future " Wang Lei Chuckled and said.

" Ryan, Stop kidding me. Okay ? " Niha Bharadwaj looked at him and said.

" No Niha, I'm serious " Wang Lei giggled and said.

Niha Bharadwaj rolled her eyes and looking at the front without paying attention to Wang Lei.

A few minutes later, Wang Lei said " Hey, Why you put a deadpan face ? I was just kidding ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Not that. My manager gave me some files to read. It's about my company. But, I haven't finished reading them yet. previous night, I was slept while chatting with Aunt Wu ".

Wang Lei replied " I see ".

Later Niha Bharadwaj thought for a second and said " Ryan, Can you do me a favor ? ".

Wang Lei looked at her, She was blinking her eyes like a kid.

He smiled and said " Say it ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and said " Your assistant told me that you have well known about my company. Could you help me ? ".

Later Wang Lei said everything about ' We group ' including it's confidential matters. Niha Bharadwaj was stunned. Wang Lei looked at Niha Bharadwaj who was staring at him. He waved his hand infront her face.

Niha Bharadwaj said " Wow, You're Awesome. But how do you about their internal affairs ? ".

Wang Lei didn't answered.

She thought for a moment and said " Huh, I'm really a stupid. Ofcourse, you're in the Business field. You might know about every company ".

Later she said " I must admire you. You are such a brilliant. Wow. From now on, You're my idol. I'm damn sure, one day your company will become the top most company in china ".

The car suddenly stopped.

" Did I talk too much ? " Niha Bharadwaj winked her eyes and asked Wang Lei.

Wang Lei shook his head and said " We have arrived ".

Niha Bharadwaj looked outside. She smiled and said Goodbye to him. Later Wang Lei went to his company.

At Night ;

After finishing their dinner, Wang Lei went to his room. Niha Bharadwaj lay down on her bed and sent a photo to Hira Samrat. Yeah, it was a photo of her with Wang Lei and his mother at the dining table while they were having breakfast In the morning. Niha Bharadwaj asked Xiuying Wu to share that picture. Finally she got Wang Lei's picture without struggling.

The time was morning Ten in Newyork. Hira Samrat was treating someone In her hospital. She found that phone was Vibrated. After finishing the treatment, she took her mobile from her pocket and looked at the screen. She saw Niha's name on the screen and later she opened the image.


Hira Samrat was shocked. She dropped down her mobile after watching the picture of Niha Bharadwaj with Lord Lei and his mother. She didn't came to her senses for a while. He didn't expect the person who has being taking care of Niha was None other than the Cold Hearted CEO of Lei group of companies. It was totally out of the blue.

She got goosebumps and her body started sweating. After sometime, She calmed down herself. She picked her mobile from the ground and called Niha Bharadwaj.

After a few rings, Niha Bharadwaj answered the call.

Hira Samrat asked voice " Niha, The person in that photo. Is that your Neighbour ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Yeah, He is Ryan. My neighbour. Do you know him ? ".

Hira Samrat was startled for a moment.

She pressed her lips and after a second she said " Niha, I have some urgent work. I'll call you later ".

Hira Samrat hung up the call. She sat on the chair and started thinking. Later she got an idea and phoned Delun Chen.

" Hi Babe, What's up ? " Delun Chen answered her phone call and said.

" Del, I have something important to ask you " Hira Samrat said in a hurry.

" Ohh, Say it ? " Delun Chen asked Hira.

Hira Samrat directly came to the point. She asked " Do you have any idea about where your Big Brother is ? ".

Delun Chen understood the meaning behind Hira's words.

He asked " Mm, What happened ? ".

Hira Samrat sent the photo to Delun Chen and said him to check the photo. Delun Chen saw the photo. His mother already called him the previous night. She sent the photo of Niha and Wang Lei to him and warned him to marry soon.

" Did you see that ? " Hira Samrat asked Delun.

" Yeah " Delun Chen replied calmly.

< End Of The Chapter 38 >