She is feeling Jealous

Time flew like an arrow. During this one week, Wang Lei took care of Niha like a baby. He didn't left her alone even for a single moment. So, there was no scope for Rose Jiang to harm Niha.

Niha Bharadwaj didn't run into any problems during these days. Besides, Wang Lei transferred the gossip girls to the head office. So, Niha didn't face any difficulties in the company too.

In this mean time, Niha's feelings towards Wang Lei was gradually growing.

The meeting is going to held for three days on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. So, Niha Bharadwaj applied a leave for two days.

On Friday ;

In the afternoon, After finishing their Lunch Wang went to his room.

The Banquet will start at seven in the evening. Niha Bharadwaj has been struggling to choose a dress for the banquet. She never attended any banquets before.

Niha didn't know that Wang Lei had already arranged everything for her. While she was looking confusingly at her wardrobe, Someone rang her doorbell.

Niha opened the door and saw a group of ladies standing outside with boxes in their hands.

While Niha was looking at them clumsily, Wang Lei opened his room door. The ladies Heard the door sound. They bowed their heads with respect and gave a way to him.

Wang Lei walked to Niha.

" Ryan, What's all these ? " Niha Bharadwaj asked Wang Lei.

" They're here to dress you up for the party " Wang Lei replied with a smile.

" But.. "

Wang Lei interrupted Niha Bharadwaj and said " I have already arranged everything for these three days ".

" For three days ? " Niha Bharadwaj widened her eyes and asked Wang Lei.

Wang Lei nodded his head. After thinking for a while, Niha Bharadwaj said " Okay. But I'll choose my costume for the last day ".

Wang Lei said okay and Niha felt happy when Wang Lei agreed to her. Wang Lei called the costume designer and introduced her to Niha Bharadwaj.

" Tell her which type of costume you'd like to wear on the last day " Wang Lei said to Niha. And she nodded her head.

Later he said " Go and get ready ". Then he went to his room.

The ladies went to Niha's room. Wang Lei selected a Red coloured fit and flare ankle length party dress with unique design. The dress perfectly fitted her curvy body.

" No, stop it. I don't like makeup " Niha Bharadwaj said to the cosmetician.

" Madam, you have a good skin. I'll put a light makeup " the cosmetician said with Niha.

" No need " Niha denied politely.

" But madam, Young master ordered us " the cosmetician said so and started putting makeup on Niha. Niha didn't refuse anymore. Her long straight hair was turned into curls and she was looking more young and pretty.

Hours later, looking at herself in the mirror , she couldn't believe her to be so beautiful and froze for a moment. Her attire was completely changed. She was looking totally different and beautiful.

" Young master does have a good taste. Madam to be honest, this dress was specially designed for you and it fits you perfect. You'll be the most fabulous woman in today's party ". The cosmetician said to Niha.

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and said " I'll show myself to him ".

She was desperate to show herself to Wang Lei. She ran outside and rang the doorbell of Wang Lei's house.

Wang Lei opened the door and stared at Niha. Niha Bharadwaj smiled and asked " Am I pretty ? ".

Wang Lei didn't speak. He was captivated by Niha's Charm. Niha felt disappointed when Wang Lei didn't speak anything.

" You'll be the most beautiful woman tonight ". Hearing Wang Lei's words Niha smiled happily.

" Well, you also looking handsome tonight " Niha blushed and said to Wang Lei. This is the first time that Niha saw Wang Lei in suit. He is looking personable in Navy Blue coloured suit.

Kai Heng was waiting for them at the entrance with Rolls Royce car. Wang Lei and Niha got in the car. Niha was feeling agitated. Wang Lei understood her Ill at ease and tried to comfort her. Half an hour later the car stopped at the entrance of the ' Blue Moon '.

At Half past seven, At the entrance of the ' Blue Moon ' lights flashed. The hotel was looking bring with the lights. People got off the luxurious cars and entering into the hotel.

Exactly at eight, Wang Lei's Rolls Royce car stopped at the entrance. Wang Lei got off the car and stretched out his long hand. Niha hold his hand and got off the car.

The hall became noisy all of a sudden. While walking into the hall on the red carpet Niha became edgy. Wang Lei hold her hand and said her not to be nervous. Niha tried to hide her anxiousness and finally maintained a decent smile on her face.

- ' It's Wang Lei, president of Lei company. Am I dreaming ? '.

- ' Ohh my god. Finally I see the young master of Lei company. He is looking damn hot '.

- ' Who is the girl next to him. She is pretty '.

- ' He came here with a woman ! '.

- ' I hear that Mr.Lei is going to Marry his girlfriend. So, She is his girlfriend ! '.

- ' It turns out to be the girl next to him is his

girlfriend. Wow They're looking good '.

- ' She is not looking like a Chinese. But she looking beautiful. What's her identity ? '.

Some people are feeling jealous. Niha Bharadwaj ignored their words and walking into the hall quietly by holding Wang Lei's hand. Meanwhile they're talking in Chinese.

She heard Wang Lei's name and thought that they're talking about her boss. She thought that her boss also came to the party with his Girlfriend. But she had no idea that the people were talking about Her.

She wanted to see his boss face. But on the second thought she stopped thinking about her boss and didn't turn her head, because it was a correct time and so many people were watching them. She walked into the hall quietly. They seated in their seats.

" Ryan , I think my boss has came here with his girlfriend. I heard his name when people were talking about him " Suddenly Niha Bharadwaj said to Wang Lei in a low voice while looking around.

Wang Lei chuckled and said " Yeah. He came here with his girlfriend ".

" Do you know him ? " Niha Bharadwaj asked Wang Lei. Wang Lei nodded his head.

" Do you want to meet him ? " Wang Lei asked Niha casually.

" No, No. I don't dare " Niha Bharadwaj shook her head and replied quickly. He laughed at her innocence.

The party started and everyone started drinking. Paparazzi were taking photos of Everyone, but they didn't dare to approach Wang Lei and Niha.

After sometime, " Don't go anywhere. Stay here, I have to meet someone " Wang Lei said to Niha. Niha Bharadwaj bobbed her head.

Later Wang Lei went to meet some business persons. Niha was looking at him , he was not far away from her. Wang Lei also looking at her from time to time.

A beautiful girl came to Wang Lei and greeted him. Wang Lei also greeted her politely. After watching the scene , Niha's face suddenly changed. She was feeling jealous.

Few minutes later, after talking with the girl Wang Lei sat beside Niha.

Wang Lei observed her and asked " Are you still feeling nervous ? ".

" No " Niha said angrily.

< End Of The Chapter 46 >