Childhood Sweetheart

Wang Lei tapped on Niha's forehead who was staring at him.

" Ahh, It's hurting " Niha said while rubbing her head.

Wang Lei smiled and asked " What's with that look ? ".

" I.. I just couldn't believe this " Niha stammered.

" We have known each other since a long time " Hira smiled and said.

" It's a long story. Let's talk about this later " she added and then later she said " Wow, you are looking gorgeous in this outfit. This black colour perfectly matched your skin ".

Niha smiled.

" I'm hungry. Come on Let's go and grab dinner together " Hira looked at Delun and said.

Niha and Hira followed Wang Lei and Delun Chen to a box. Wang Lei and Niha sat side by side, meanwhile Hira and Delun sat opposite to them.

Wang Lei ordered Niha's favourite sea food and Delun ordered Hira's favourite food.

" Hmm, Tell me. Last night you said that you have something important to tell me. What's that ? " Hira asked Niha in telugu.

Niha looked at Wang Lei and Delun Chen who were staring at them Clumsily.

Hira smiled and said " Don't worry. Say in telugu, they can't understand ".

Niha nodded her head and later she said " First of all, answer my question ".

" Okay, What's that ? " Hira Samrat said.

" Why didn't you tell me that you and Ryan are friends ? " Niha asked Hira .

" Hey, We are not friends. He is Delun's friend " Hira replied.

" You both were talking about us Right ? " Delun interrupted them. Hira nodded her head in agreement.

" What were you talking ? Talk in English or Chinese okay ? " Delun said loudly.

" It's a secret. We won't tell you " Hira raised her eyebrows and said.

" You... Bi... " Delun suddenly stopped and coughed lightly. Later he said " Brother Ryan, Do you know what they're talking about ? ".

Wang Lei gestured him not to talk. Delun nodded his head and kept silent.

" Okay, Say it. What's that important matter ? " Hira again asked Niha.

" You cheater " Niha said suddenly with a gloomy face.

" Me ? What happened ? " Hira asked Niha.

" I sent you the picture of Ryan. You did see his photo. But.. But you didn't tell me that he is Delun's Friend. Huh " Niha said coldly.

" Actually, Niha I was surprised when I saw Ryan's photo which was sent by you. Later I called Delun and asked him. He said he had no idea about that " Hira explained and later she added " What happened now ? He is a good Guy. Haven't you seen that with your own eyes ? Besides you told me that he is nice to you " .

Niha nodded her head slightly.

" But why didn't you tell me later ? " Niha asked Hira.

" Well, I thought that's not a big issue. I know he is good. So, I rest assured " Hira replied with a smile.

But Niha still pull a long face. Wang Lei and Delun had been watching them.

" Ahh, please change your expression. Don't spoil the pleasant mood. By the way, what happened yesterday ? " Hira asked Niha.

Niha Bharadwaj suddenly blushed. She Visualized the kissing scene that had happened at Wang Lei's flat at previous night and she looked at Wang Lei. Wang Lei noticed that Niha was watching him, So he stared at her clumsily and pretended that he didn't understand anything.

When Niha Bharadwaj turned her head, Wang Lei smiled slightly.

" Something happened previous night. It's personal. I'll tell you later " Niha smiled and said. They talked in telugu.

Later they kept the matter aside and chatted happily. The food arrived while they were chatting. Everyone started eating, but Niha was looking at the dishes without eating.

Wang Lei understood her and started feeding her by using chopsticks. At first Niha Bharadwaj felt ill at ease. Later she started eating quietly.

Delun looked at them and said in Chinese " My gosh !!! How envious. You need not to show off your love infront of others Okay ? "

Wang Lei chuckled and said " I'm not trying to show off. I'm helping her ".

" What ?? " Delun Chen exclaimed.

" Well, she don't know how to use chopsticks " Wang Lei replied.

" I see " Delun said and later he captured a picture of them in his mobile and sent to Alex.

" What he just said ? " Niha looked at Wang Lei and asked.

" He said he wants me to feed him too " Wang Lei replied. Niha lowered her head with shy.


After finishing their dinner, they said goodbye to each other and went to their homes.

In the car ;

" Mr.Lei is being very nice to Niha. I'm feeling so happy " Hira said with Delun.

" Yeah. My sister in law has brought a drastic change in my Big Brother. He is not like that before " Delun Chen smiled and said.

" Yeah. This was the first time I saw him like this. In the past he always pulled a long face. And I felt nervous whenever I saw him. But now I noticed that he act totally different today. I mean I saw a new Mr.Lei today who is very gentle and caring. He was completely changed. I never expected this from Mr.Lei. He is so cool " Hira Samrat said.

" Yeah. I wish this lasts forever " Delun Chen said to Hira.

And then he dropped Hira at her home and later he went to his house.


Wang Lei lazily lay down on Couch and opened his PC. Meanwhile Niha sat on her Bed. She felt very happy. Because she had a great day.

After a few minutes, she opened her bag and took a pendant. She gazed at the pendant in her hands impassively.

Wang Lei widened his eyes and zoomed in. After watching the pendant in Niha's hand he was shocked.

How could he forgot that pendant ? It was given to Erin Bharadwaj ( Niha Bharadwaj ) his childhood Sweetheart by him when he went to India. He was surprised and confused. He stared at his PC blankly and lost in his thoughts.

< End Of The Chapter 49 >