Traditional Beauty

Next Day Evening ;

Wang Lei stood with Kai Heng at the door of Niha's flat and rang the doorbell. Niha guessed it was Wang Lei. She hurriedly ran and opened the door.

Wang Lei looked at Niha and stupified. His eyes brightened and he couldn't took off his eyes from her. He was bewitched by her beauty. He didn't expect that Niha would choose Indian style costume for the last day.

The sea blue coloured saree with unique silver colour border paired her curvy body. Her soft and silky long black hair was brushed neatly and hanging down. She is looking gorgeous in saree. Her cute Cat eyes were shining like stars.

" How I'm looking ? " Niha looked at Wang Lei and asked him enthusiastically.

But Wang Lei didn't utter a word. He was allured by Niha's Charm. Niha was looking at his inky eyes expecting his complement.

At that time Kai Heng who was Standing beside Wang Lei called ' Young Master ' and coughed slightly. Wang Lei retracted his gaze and stroked his chin.

" Speechless " Wang Lei smiled and said while looking into Niha's eyes. Niha Smiled happily.

" Turn around " Wang Lei said to Niha.

Niha turned around. Then Kai Heng handed a necklace from a jewellery box to Wang Lei.

Niha suddenly felt cold around her neck and looked down. She saw a beautiful sapphire necklace on her neck. She tried to moved forward, But Wang Lei told her not to move. So she stood still in her place. She knew the necklace is very expensive.

" Perfect. It exactly matched with your saree colour " Wang Lei said.

" You don't need to do this. I know, It must be very expensive. What if I lost it somewhere ? " Niha said to Wang Lei.

" No problem. I don't care about money " Wang Lei replied.

Niha Bharadwaj sighed helplessly. Wang Lei was felt so happy because it's very important day. He has to give speech and later he decided to disclose Niha's identity as his fiancee.

But somewhere he felt regret, because he didn't expect that Niha would be so beautiful today. If he had known it before, definitely he would not let Niha to choose this costume.

Because only he could see her beauty. Niha is so beautiful today and there were many men in the party being attracted by her beauty. He don't want others to get attracted by his girl.

Anyhow, Niha was already dressed up. So he couldn't do anything. He took off his coat and wrapped Around Niha's body.

" It was cold outside. You better wear this " Wang Lei said to Niha.

Niha didn't understand Wang Lei's intention. She nodded her head and followed Wang Lei to the car. Soon the car stopped at the ' Blue Moon '.

Niha took off Wang Lei's coat and handed over to Wang Lei. Wang Lei wore his coat. Later they got off from the car. Niha felt nervous while walking into the hotel on red carpet and she held Wang Lei's hands tightly.

Wang Lei noticed that Niha was feeling nervous. So he bent over and said something to Niha in her ear. After Listening Wang Lei's words Niha was first shocked, later she blushed.

Because Wang Lei said ' If you still feel nervous. I'll kiss you here to erase your nervous feeling. Be a good girl '.

People watched Wang Lei and Niha who were entering into the hall and they're greatly shocked.

- ' My God. It's indian style '...

- ' Which means, Mr.Lei 's Girlfriend is an Indian!!! '...

- ' How is it possible ? '...

- ' How come the business monster in China fell in love with an indian girl !!! '...

- ' Why not ? What's wrong in that ?? It's fate who bring people together "...

- ' May be they were destined to be together '....

- ' Wow. they both look good together '...

- ' She's looking so graceful in saree '...

- ' Mr.Lei is no exception. He is handsome and rich. Many girls are willing to marry him '...

- ' Hey that sapphire necklace on her neck. I heard that a mysterious person owned that necklace in an auction. It costs reached to seventy million yuan in that auction. It turned out that the mysterious person is Mr.Lei !! ' someone noticed the necklace and said.

- ' My God. Seventy million yuan !! and Mr.Lei presented to his girlfriend !! '...

- ' It seems that Mr.Lei loves her girlfriend so much. She is so lucky. I wish I would get a handsome and rich man like Mr.Lei '...

- ' But, it's not easy to make Mr.Lei to fall in love. How could she do that ? It seems that she is not only beautiful, she is also very efficient woman. Beauty with Brain '...

- ' What a high profile appearance !! '...

The people were envious. They didn't stop gossiping about Wang Lei and Niha. Delun and Hira were already at the party. They heard the noises from the crowd. After watching Wang Lei and Niha, they were also greatly surprised.

Wang Lei and Niha went to them and and sat opposite to them.

" Wow, Niha you look gorgeous. I'm feeling embarrassed by wearing western style infront of your traditional beauty " Hira said to Niha.

Niha gave a gentle smile.

" If I were a boy, I would definitely marry you " Hira Samrat said suddenly. Wang Lei and Delun Chen looked at Hira surprisingly.

" If you were a boy. Then I'll born as a girl and Marry you. okay ? " Delun Chen raised his eyebrows and said to Hira. Hira looked at him coldly.

" I won't let others to marry you. You are my girl " Delun Chen smiled and said soothingly.

Hira lowered her head and giggled.

" Stop your nonsense " Hira controlled her smile and said.

Later, They chatted for a while and then the party started. The host invited Wang Lei on to the Dias to give speech. Because, Lei group of company is donating a huge amount of money to orphanages and helping the poor kids since so many years and also Lei group of companies is running their business successfully throughout the world. Today, They were going to honor the president of Lei company.

Wang Lei stood up from the chair and stretched out his hand. Niha looked at him surprisingly.

" Come with me " Wang Lei said to her in a low voice.

Niha was startled for a moment.

< End Of The Chapter 51 >