God Must Be Crazy

After watching the video, Wang Lei face became dark. His expression was cold as ice. He looked at Niha and asked " Do you want me to deal with her ? ".

" Didn't he get angry because of my words ? " Niha thought and she was surprised. When seeing his dark face, Niha thought he got angry because of her words. Despite Wang Lei asked her whether she needs his help in dealing with Miss Jiang.

" Which means, Ryan only cares about me . He don't have any feelings on Rose Jiang " Thinking of this Niha Smiled slightly.

" Niha, I'm asking you ? " Wang Lei tapped on her hand.

Niha came to her senses and said " It's no big deal. Don't bother ".

" Okay. Where did you get this courage ? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" From you. As long as you with me, I can do anything " Niha mean it.

" You have my word. I will not leave your side. I'll always be with you. Do whatever you want, you have me " Wang Lei smiled and said to Niha while looking into her cute eyes. Wang Lei and Niha expressed their love in this way. The atmosphere became very romantic.

Niha didn't eat much. After finishing their dinner, they started to their homes. At the entrance of the Hotel Niha saw ' Anderson Yang ' from a distance.

" OMG !! Where did he come from nowhere ? What he is doing here ? " Niha spoken out.

" Who ? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

She pointed to Anderson with her index finger and said " Look over there ".

Wang Lei, Delun Chen and Hira Samrat looked at Anderson. All of them knew Anderson. Delun and Hira met Anderson at the hospital in Newyork. Meanwhile, Wang Lei saw Anderson when he was confessing his love to Niha at the restaurant.

" Niha. He is your friend who brought you to the hospital right ? " Hira Samrat asked Niha.

Niha looked at Hira and nodded her head slightly.

Later Niha turned to Wang Lei and said " Ryan, I need your help ". Wang Lei understood her perception and said okay.

Anderson saw Niha who was walking towards him with his friends. Anderson Eyes brightened when he saw Niha. He greeted Niha with a gentle smile.

" Hi Anderson. What a sudden surprise !! What are you doing here ?? " Niha asked with a smile.

" I have to ask you that question . This is my proper " Anderson said to Niha. Niha was shocked after listening his words.

" Huh, What's happening with me ? Did I owe anything to China in my previous life ? Why does Everyone I met belongs to China ? Especially they're all belongs to the same city. Why did i come here instead of going to America or Europe ? Huh, God Must Be Crazy " Niha thought to herself and sighed helplessly.

Anderson looked at Hira and Delun. Then he greeted them with a polite smile.

" You're also from here ? " Anderson asked Hira and Delun.

" Yeah " Hira replied.

Wang Lei covered Niha with his coat and said " You may catch a cold ".

Later he pulled Niha closer to him and said " Mm, Better ".

Niha raised her head and looked at Wang Lei. Wang Lei gave a tender smile. Wang Lei did that on purpose. Anderson looked at Wang Lei and Niha suspiciously.

Niha turned to Anderson and said " Hmm, I forgot to introduce him. Anderson he is my boyfriend " and then she looked at Wang Lei and said " Ryan, he is Anderson one of my good friends ". Wang Lei looked at Anderson and said " Hello. I'm Niha's fiancee ".


Hearing that Anderson's face became gloomy. He was dejected. Actually he just come back to ' S City ' a few hours ago. He had seen the news about Wang Lei and Niha on telivision and shocked.

When he heard from Diya Mehra that Niha had broke up with his Ex boyfriend Ishan Varma, Anderson felt so happy. Because he thought he might have a chance to Win Niha's heart.

He also thought that Niha was hiding somewhere in India. But, he didn't expect that Niha is now staying in his country and also she got a new boyfriend.

After watching the news he directly came to the ' Blue Moon ' restaurant to confirm whether Niha is in relationship with Wang Lei or not. Now Niha directly introduced Wang Lei as her Fiancee. Poor Anderson, he lost his hope again. Because Wang Lei and Niha were very intimate with each other.

Hira also felt little sad about Anderson in her heart. Because she knew that Anderson loves Niha so much. She saw with her own eyes how Anderson worried and took care of Niha in Newyork.

Hira has a good opinon on Anderson. But what she could do ? Even if she Wanted to help Anderson, Delun Chen will not let her to do so. She also don't wanted to risk her life. Because she knew about Wang Lei and his background. If anyone goes against him, they're over. Nothing good will happen in their lives. It's illogical, So she gave up the idea.

It's highly impossible for Anderson and Niha to be together. Besides Niha is already in love with Wang Lei. When compared to Anderson with Wang Lei, the latter one is more handsome and so powerful. He is very capable. Besides he loves Niha and he will not leave Niha at any cost.


Anderson also greeted Wang Lei with a forced smile.

" Okay Anderson. I'll meet you later. We have to go now. We are getting late " Niha said goodbye to Anderson and then Left with Wang Lei. Hira and Delun also started to their homes.

Anderson was somber. He stood in his place and watched Wang Lei's car leaving the restaurant. After a few minutes he started his car and left the ' Blue Moon '.

Wang Lei and Niha went to their rooms. Niha lay down lazily on the Couch and lost in her thoughts. After Fifteen minutes, she got up from the couch and realised that Wang Lei's coat was still with her. So she decided to Give back his coat and the necklace to him.

Thinking of that she opened her room door and Rang the doorbell of Wang Lei's flat. Wang Lei opened the door and asked Niha to come inside.

Niha walked inside the house and sat on the couch. Later she handed over Wang Lei's coat to him. She decided to give the necklace too. Because if she lost the necklace, She couldn't afford the cost. Also, she heard from Hira that this necklace costs about Seventy million yuan which is equivalent to eighty crores in Indian currency. She was surprised after hearing the price of the necklace. She couldn't pay back the money even if she work hard for her lifetime.

When she was about to unhook the necklace, Wang Lei asked her " What are you doing ? ".

< End Of The Chapter 54 >