Flash Marriage !!

Niha didn't understand his words. She kept staring at Wang Lei. Then Wang Lei took the initiative to kiss her. They kissed while coming out from the washroom and directly fell on the bed. The kiss was heavy as he wanted to swallow her completely. Niha was out of breath. Her pale face became red.

Meanwhile Wang Lei looked at Niha and said " Niha, listen ". Niha didn't open her eyes. She mere nodded her head.

" Hey, Look at me " He laughed and said. Then Niha slowly opened her eyes and looked at Wang Lei.

" If you're doing this with me, you can never leave me alone. Do you understand ? " He said so in a calm tone. Meanwhile his whole body was tense. Niha was staring at him whose eyes were sparkling like glitter. She didn't know how to reply his question.

Wang Lei took the chance and leaned forward to kiss her. But Niha stretched out her hands and stopped him.

" Do you like my abs ? " Wang Lei teased her. Niha immediately withdrew her hands and turned her head. Wang Lei chuckled.

Wang Lei became anxious and he kissed on Niha's collar bone. This time the kiss was very gentle unlike the last time. Niha felt itchy and she snorted subconsciously. Wang Lei looked at her and chuckled.

" You said you will not regret it right ? Alright Do not regret then " Wang Lei said and in the next moment he pulled the towel on his body and removed Niha's dress. But his body was trembling. They were so close, Niha could feel his body reaction. Meanwhile, she became nervous and she regretted in her heart for what she had done. Actually she planned to leave after kissing him. But Wang Lei made her embarrassed. Niha's glossy lips were pressed down by Wang Lei's cold lips. The kiss was hard that Niha couldn't resist the kiss anymore. So she stretched out her hands to push Wang Lei. But Wang Lei caught her hands firmly and he pressed her hands above the top of her head. Niha became numb. Wang Lei didn't give a chance to her to come back to the normal state. He directly went into her body. Niha screamed with pain. But her scream was stopped in the middle by Wang Lei's fierce kiss. The room was completely filled with happy groans.

It was almost dawn when they were over. Their bodies were completely soaked with sweat. Wang Lei looked at Niha and called her name. But Niha didn't reply. She was exhausted, so she fell asleep very quickly. Wang Lei kissed on Niha's forehead. He took a bath and also he helped Niha in washing her body. Later he slept beside Niha.


Next Day morning ;

At Nine, Wang Lei woke up from the bed and freshened up. After sometime he heard some noises from the hall. So he wore a bathrobe and walked out. Delun and Kai Heng were standing in the middle of the hall. Delun met Kai Heng at the entrance.

" Hey Big Brother. You woke up so early ? " Delun asked Wang Lei.

" Lower your voice " Wang Lei said to Delun while rushing towards him.

Looking at Wang Lei who was walking towards him aggressively Delun was scared and he hid behind Kai Heng.

" You ?? How dare you come here ? " Wang Lei was furious.

" Big Brother. Please calm down first. I didn't do that intentionally " Delun said to Wang Lei.

" Really ? Do you think I believe your words ? " Wang Lei asked Delun.

" My God. Trust me " Delun said.

" Ohh. Okay then. Tell me. Last night who told Niha that I returned to S City ? " Wang Lei asked Delun.

" It was me. I told Niha about your arrival " Delun replied.

" Do you know how dangerous it was ? " Wang Lei asked Delun.

" Big Brother, i thought you were sick. That's why i asked Niha to look after you. I swear. I didn't know that you were drugged. If I knew that, I wouldn't have send Niha here. Moreover I didn't spike your drink okay ? " Delun replied sincerely. Kai Heng was shocked after hearing Delun's explanation. He understood the whole thing.

" Oh. Then who locked us here ? " Wang Lei asked coldly and narrowed his eyes.

Delun bit his tongue and laughed mockingly. But he was feeling nervous in his heart. He stroke his beard to hid his fear and said " Well. Actually i did that ". His answer aggravated Wang Lei. His face was sullen.

" Oh Wait. I did that for your own sake. You can't accuse me okay ? " Delun said very quickly.

" For my own sake ? " Wang Lei asked him.

Delun bobbed his head and said " Yeah. I helped you out. Didn't I ? You should be thankful to me. Instead of that you're shouting at me. Huh !! You don't have minimum conscience ".

" Shut up " Wang Lei shouted.

" Shh. My sister in law is still sleeping right ? Don't wake her up " Delun said with mockery and chuckled.

" Shameless " Wang Lei said to Delun.

" Whatever. Big Brother listen to me. It's so late. We have been waiting for your marriage. I just made that happens a little faster " Delun said to Wang Lei. Wang Lei didn't utter a word.

" You two were... !? " Delun stopped in the middle and noticed the red marks on Wang Lei's neck.

Later he smiled and said " Okay. We're here to give your mobile. We have so much of work to do. What do you say Kai Heng ? ".

Kai Heng looked at Delun clumsily. Meanwhile Delun winked his eye.

" Give him his mobile " Delun said to Kai Heng. Kai Heng nodded his head and he handed a mobile to Wang Lei.

" Okay Big Brother. We're leaving " Delun said to Wang Lei.

Delun stopped at the door and said " Big Brother take care of my sister in law. We're looking forward to hear a good news from you ".

Wang Lei took a pillow and threw it at him. Delun Dodged the pillow and went outside.


At eleven, Niha woke up from the sleep. She felt little dizzy and her body was sore. She looked down and realised that she was wearing Wang Lei's shirt. Suddenly last night moments flashed infront of her. She bit her lips and covered her body with the blanket. Later she turned her head and looked around the room. She finally found Wang Lei who was working on his Laptop.

" You're awake ? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

Niha didn't answer him. She burried her head inside the blanket. Wang Lei laughed at her childlike behavior.

She thought " OMG !! Last night I and Ryan !!! When did I fell asleep ? I'm wearing his shirt. Did Ryan changed my clothes ". At first she felt awkward. But later she blushed.

After sometime she came out from the blanket and turned towards Wang Lei.

" Are you still feeling dizzy ? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" No I'm okay " Niha replied.

" I bought a dress for you. Go and get ready " Wang Lei said to Niha.

Niha nodded her head. When she tried to got down from the bed. She was unable to stand and slipped. Wang Lei reached her fastly and hold her.

" Can you walk ? " Wang Lei asked her in a gentle voice. Niha nodded her head. But Wang Lei carried Niha to the washroom in his arms.

" Call me if you need any help " He said and closed the door.

After Sometime, Niha finished washing. She dressed up and came out. Later they went down to have Lunch.

" Niha I want to ask you something " Wang Lei said to Niha.

" What is it ? " Niha looked at him asked.

" Shall we marry ? " Wang Lei asked suddenly.

" What !? " Niha was stunned for the Flash Marriage proposal.

< End Of The Chapter 64 >