Niha Known The Truth

Then Niha took pyjamas from the closet and went to the washroom to take a bath. After finishing the bath she came out from the washroom and looked at Wang Lei who was working on his Laptop.

" I'll go and prepare for dinner " Niha said to Wang Lei.

" Let me help you " Wang Lei said to Niha. While closing his laptop, Niha said " It's okay. Don't bother. Continue your work. I can do on my own ".

Wang Lei said okay. Because he had so much of work to be completed. So he immersed in his work. Niha went downstairs.

A Bodyguard saw her and asked " Young madam, Do you need anything ? " ( In CHINESE ).

Niha looked at him and said " I don't know Chinese ".

The bodyguard stroked his head and stared at Niha peculiarly. Because he don't know English. Later he called another Bodyguard near to him. He also don't know English. The two Bodyguards murmured something in Chinese. Niha looked at them weirdly. After sometime they called another Bodyguard who knows English.

" Young madam, what can I do for you ? " The bodyguard asked very politely.

" I have to prepare for dinner. Can you show me the items in the kitchen " Niha asked the bodyguard.

" Yeah sure young madam " He replied and then the bodyguard led Niha to the kitchen and he showed all the items to Niha.

" Young madam. If you need anything you can ask us " He said and then left the kitchen.

Niha started cooking. After sometime she finished her cooking and she arranged all the dishes on the dining table. Later she went upstairs for Wang Lei.


After finishing their dinner, they went to their room.

" You must be tired. Get some sleep " Wang Lei said to Niha. Niha nodded her head.

" I have some work to do. Don't wait for me " Wang Lei said and then he went to the study room.

Niha tried to sleep, but she couldn't. She was tossing and turning on the bed. At that time, her phone rang. Niha looked at her mobile screen. After hesitating for a while she finally answered the phone call.

" Niha !! Where are you ? Why are you not answering my calls ? " Hira yelled on mobile.

" Actually, I'm at Ryan's home " Niha replied in a low voice.

" What !? " Hira shouted.

" Yeah. We got married and he brought me to his house " Niha replied.

" What !!? " Hira exclaimed with surprise.

" Ahh. Please stop shouting " Niha said to Hira.

Hira was dumbfounded and she didn't utter a word.

" Hello !! Hira !! Are you there ? " Niha shouted Hira's name on phone.

Then Hira came to her senses and said " What are you talking ? I didn't get you ". Niha bit her lips.

" What did you just say ? " Hira asked Niha again.

" Hmm. Ryan and I got married " Niha replied.

" When ? " Hira asked surprisingly.

" This afternoon " Niha replied.

" Why didn't you tell me ? " Hira asked Niha.

" I don't have my mobile. By the way where are you ? " Niha asked Hira.

" I'm at hospital " Hira replied.

" Haven't you been to home lately ? " Niha asked Hira.

" No. I got busy with my work. Ahh don't try to switch the subject " Hira said to Niha.

Later she asked " Are you at Ryan's huge villa ? ".

" Yeah " Niha replied.

" OMG !! You're so lucky " Hira said to Niha.

" What do you mean ? " Niha asked clumsily.

" You'll get know later " Hira replied.

" Okay. I have to go. We'll talk about it later " Hira said and then she hung up call.

After completing her chat with Hira, Niha checked her mail. She received a mail from her company saying that ' she got promoted and transferred to the head office '. Niha was stunned after reading the mail. She felt curious and so many thoughts flashed in her mind.


Exactly at half past ten Wang Lei remembered something and made a phone call to his mother Xiuying Wu.

" Hello Ryan. How are you doing ? " Xiuying Wu asked Wang Lei.

" Great mom " Wang Lei replied.

" How is Niha ? " Xiuying Wu asked him.

" She is good " Wang Lei replied.

" Finally you got time to talk with your mother " Xiuying Wu voice seemed drab.

" Mom you know I'm busy. But I got a good news for you this time " Wang Lei said to Xiuying Wu.

" Wow. I'm so glad. For the first time I heard these kinds of words from you. I'm so excited. What's that good news Ryan ? " Xiuying Wu asked Wang Lei.

" I got married with Niha " Wang Lei replied in a happy tone.

" Oh my goodness !! It's really a good news. When did you get married ? Where are you now ? Tell me. Your grand pa and I will come to visit you " Xiuying Wu said. She felt butterflies in her stomach.

" Mom calm down. Niha don't know my identity yet. She is not used this life. I'll bring her home for mid autumn festival " Wang Lei said to his mother. There are still twenty days left for the mid autumn festival.

" Okay. I'm looking forward for your arrival " Xiuying Wu said to Wang Lei.

" Okay Mom. Yeah, I forgot to ask you. Mom call ' Aunt Chu Hua ' and tell her to come to my placeb" Wang Lei said to His mother.

" Okay. I'll inform her. Are you still working ? " Xiuying Wu asked Wang Lei. Wang Lei said yes.

" Go and spend some time with Niha. She may feel alone. Take good care of her " Xiuying Wu said to Wang Lei.

Wang Lei said okay and then he hung up the call. Later he stopped working and went to his bed room. He opened the door and saw Niha who was sitting on the bed.

He closed the door and asked " What are you doing ? ".

" I'm not getting sleep " Niha replied.

Then Wang Lei sat beside her and asked " What are you thinking ? ".

" I got promoted and transferred to the head office " Niha replied.

" Wow. That is a good news. Isn't it ? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" I don't know " Niha replied.

" Trust me. You'll have a good time there. Now sleep " Wang Lei said to Niha.

Then the two slept on the same bed. Lying next to Wang Lei, Niha felt little uncomfortable. She was moving and started counting numbers. Wang Lei observed her series of actions and hugged her from behind. Niha body became stiff. She didn't move anymore and closed her eyes. After sometime she tried to turn.

" If you move again. I can't guarantee that I'll just hug you " Wang Lei said in a low voice. After sometime Niha finally slept quietly in Wang Lei's arms.


Next day morning ;

After completing their breakfast, Wang Lei dropped Niha off at the Lei group of companies. Niha felt nervous and walked inside the company. A manager came and took Niha into her cabin.

Thirty minutes later all the employees working in the company summoned at the entrance. They lined up and waiting for their CEO. There Niha saw the three girls Ji Den, Mei Song and Lan Xie. The three girls looked Niha but they didn't surprise. Because they had already seen the news about Niha and Wang Lei. Mei Song and Lan Xie greeted Niha. But Ju Den stared at Niha coldly. But Niha didn't take that serious.

A few minutes later Wang Lei walked in with Kai Heng. All the employees bowed their head and greeted Wang Lei politely. Niha didn't dare to look at Wang Lei. Because she don't know that she has been working in her husband's company. Niha also greeted Wang Lei. Wang Lei stopped his foot at Niha. Niha became nervous and her legs slightly trembled.

" Come with me " Wang Lei said.

Niha felt the voice was very familiar and she raised her head to look at the person. Then she saw Wang Lei's smiling face and shocked.

< End Of The Chapter 67 >