
" Calm down baby. Don't draw any hasty conclusions. Let's Do one thing. Call Niha and ask her where did she get that locket " Delun said to Hira.

Hira nodded her head and then she immediately grabbed her phone and called Niha.


Niha answered the phone call after few rings and asked " Hi Hira. Have you reached home ? ".

" Yeah. Just now " Hira replied.

Later she said " Niha, the locket on your neck... That's very beautiful. Where did you buy that locket ?? ".

" I don't know. Ryan gave me " Niha replied.

" Ryan !? " Hira asked Niha surprisingly.

" Yeah " Niha replied.

" Alright. Where is he now ? " Hira asked Niha.

" He is taking shower. Do you want to talk to him ? " Niha asked Hira.

" It's okay. I'll talk with him later " Hira replied and then she said goodbye to Niha.


" What she said ? " Delun asked Hira.

" She said that the locket is not hers. Mr.Lei gave that locket to her " Hira replied.

" I see. Let's talk with Big Brother later. By the way where is your locket ? Can you show that to me ?? " Delun asked Hira.

" It's in the locker. Wait " Hira said and then she brought the locket and gave to Delun.

" You're right. It's really very unique design. But... Where did Big Brother get that locket ? There are two possibilities. Either he asked the same shop to make the exact design or Someone must gave that locket to him. Don't worry. Let's wait. We'll get our answers " Delun said to Hira.

" I hope so " Hira replied.


" Who was on the phone ? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" It's Hira. She asked about this locket " Niha said while pointing the locket on her neck.

" Oh okay. Go and fresh up. I'm going to the study room " Wang Lei said to Niha and then he went to the study room.

After sometime he got a phone call from Delun. He answered the phone call.

" Hey Big Brother. Can you spare some time for me ? " Delun asked Wang Lei.

" I don't think so " Wang Lei replied.

" Huh... Come on... You always like this. It's really very important matter. No, actually it's related to you " Delun said to Wang Lei.

" What is that ? " Wang Lei asked Delun.

" About that locket. Where did you bought that locket ? " Delun asked Wang Lei.

" Why ? Do you want to gift the same locket to Dr.Hira ? " Wang Lei asked Delun.

" No need. She already have the same piece " Delun replied.

" Well. Then what do you want ? " Wang Lei asked Delun.

" Just tell me where did you get that locket ? Hira wants to know about that " Delun said to Wang Lei.

" Okay. Then listen. A girl from india gave me that locket in my childhood " Wang Lei said to Delun.

" An indian girl !? " Delun exclaimed.

" Yeah " Wang Lei replied.

" Mr.Lei it's me. Who was that girl ? Do you know her ? " Hira took the phone from Delun and asked Wang Lei all of a sudden.

" Yeah Dr.Hira " Wang Lei replied.

" Mr.Lei if you don't mind... I have some questions... Can you answer those for me ? " Hira asked Wang Lei.

" Yeah sure " Wang Lei replied.

" Thank you Mr.Lei. Who gave you that locket ?? Do you remember her name ? " Hira asked Wang Lei.

" Yeah. Her name is Erin " Wang Lei replied.

" Pardon !! " Hira exclaimed.

" Her name is Erin... Erin Bharadwaj " Wang Lei said to Hira.

" Mr.Lei what you said right now... is that true ? " Hira asked Wang Lei.

" Yes Dr.Hira " Wang Lei replied.

" Mr.Lei can you please wait for a moment " Hira said and then she searched for a photo in her albums.

She sent that photo to Wang Lei and said " Mr.Lei I just... sent you a photo on Wechat. Can you please check that photo and confirm whether she is Erin or not ? ".

" Give me a second " Wang Lei said to Hira.

He saw Erin's childhood photo and stunned.

" Yes Dr.Hira. She was the girl I mentioned to you... But... How come you have her photo ?? " Wang Lei asked Hira.

" She is my childhood friend " Hira replied.

" Ohh My !!! I couldn't believe this " Wang Lei said to Hira.

" I too. When did Erin give you that locket ? " Hira asked Wang Lei.

" Fifteen years ago in vizag " Wang Lei replied.

" Fifteen years ago !? That was the time when Erin met with an accident along with her parents " Hira said.

Later she said " Mr.Lei I have one more question ".

" Say it " Wang Lei replied.

" Do you know about Niha ? I mean... do you know about her past ?? " Hira asked Wang Lei.

" Yeah I do " Wang Lei replied.

" Well. So.. you might know that Niha is actually... Erin " Hira said to Wang Lei.

" Yeah. I have come to know it a few days back " Wang Lei replied.

" Oh my goodness... I can't explain how I'm feeling right now... Niha is actually my childhood friend Erin !? God !! what a mini world " Hira exulted.

" By the way Mr.Lei may I ask you another question ?? " Hira asked Wang Lei.

" Sure Dr.Hira " Wang Lei replied.

" What actually happened to Erin ?? How come she alive in that accident ?? Besides I even went to her funeral with my parents. If Erin is still alive, then who was the girl that died in that car accident ?? What Erin was doing during the accident ? Where was she actually ?? " Hira asked Wang Lei.

" It's a big story Dr.Hira " Wang Lei said to Hira.

" If you don't mind. Can you please tell me ? " Hira asked Wang Lei.

" Alright. Actually I don't know how Erin could survive that accident. I'm looking into that incident. Dr.Hira if you knew anything about Niha,,, let me know. That would be helpful for my further investigation " Wang Lei said to Hira.

" Yeah Sure Mr.Lei. But I have some doubts. Why she is living with her uncle and aunt ?? She actually inherits her dad's wealth. She also knew about her inheritance. Instead of inheriting the billions, why she is hiding somewhere ?? there's no need for her " Hira said to Wang Lei.

" What !? Do you mean Niha's foster parents are actually her uncle and aunt !? " Wang Lei asked Hira and she said yes.

" She inherit billions !? " Wang Lei asked Hira.

" Yeah. Her dad is a successful business man back then " Hira replied.

Wang Lei thought for a minute and said " I forgot to tell you something. Actually Niha lost her memory after that accident ".

" I guessed it. That's why she forgot everything " Hira said to Wang Lei.

" Dr.Hira thanks for your valuable information. Do me a favor. Don't tell Niha about all these things. It might effect her badly. I'll tell her after dealing with all these issues " Wang Lei said to Hira.

" Okay Mr.Lei. You have my word " Hira said to Wang Lei.

" Thank you " Wang Lei said and then he hung up the call.

After hanging up the phone, Hira hugged Delun and said " I'm so happy. Finally I met my bestfriend ".

" That's great " Delun said to Hira.

" Hira, look. Listen carefully... it doesn't seems like a small issue. There is something uncanny behind this. Do not step into this matter. It might be dangerous. I think Big Brother now needs my help. I have to go " Delun said to Hira.

Hira nodded her head and then Delun started his car to ' Aspen Villa '.

< End Of The Chapter 77 >