How Is The Investigation Going ??

Wang Lei coughed suddenly because he didn't expect that Niha would actually speak about that. Kai Heng stepped on the brake pedal and the car stopped with a big jerk.

Wang Lei loosened the seat belt and got out of the car. Kai Heng also got out of the car, he went to Wang Lei and gave him a water bottle.

Inside the car, both the sisters were looking at each other shockingly.

" Niha !! Does your husband knows TELUGU ?? " Tanvi asked Niha while pointing to Wang Lei who was drinking water.

" As per my knowledge.... he doesn't know " Niha replied to Tanvi.

" Are you sure ?? " Tanvi asked Niha. And Niha nodded her head in response.

" But i don't think so. If he really doesn't know TELUGU, then why did he cough at the very right movement ?? " Tanvi asked Niha.

" Ahh!! cut it out. Elder sister you are thinking too much " Niha said to Tanvi. Then she got out of the car and went to Wang Lei.

" Ryan !! are you alright !? " Niha asked Wang Lei worriedly. Wang Lei looked at Niha and nodded his head.

Wang Lei gently stroked Niha's hair and said " Get in the car ". Niha smiled and then she quickly got in the car.

" Young master, what happened !? What were they talking about ?? " Kai Heng asked Wang Lei.

" It's nothing, just start the car " Wang Lei said to Kai Heng. Soon after Kai Heng started the engine. In the car Niha explained how she and Wang Lei ended up marrying each other.

" So,, if that bad situation didn't occur, would you still marry him ?? " Tanvi asked Niha. Wang Lei was also looking forward to Niha's answer.

Niha thought for a while and replied " Probably not.... ". Wang Lei widened his eyes in surprise.

" Mmm.. probably not now,, but later " Niha replied with a smile.

" Elder sister, to be honest with you i do have feelings for him from the very beginning " Niha said to Tanvi. Wang Lei smiled after hearing Niha's sincere reply.

" Hmm... I can see that. Not only me everyone can tell that. Huh!! " Tanvi shook her head and said to Niha.

While they were talking soon the car stopped in front of 'Aspen villa'.

" Wahh !! What a huge villa !! " Tanvi was astounded after watching the huge villa.

She stepped down from the car and asked " Niha do you live here ?? ". Niha nodded her head.

" Is this your husband's house ?? " Tanvi asked Niha. Niha smiled and again nodded her head in response.

While walking into the house Tanvi was glaring at the furniture and the very unique designs.

" You are home ?? " Aunt Chu Hua came out from the kitchen and greeted Wang Lei and Niha. Then she looked at Tanvi and asked " Young madam !! This is !? ".

" Aunt Chu Hua this is my elder sister Tanvi and Elder sister this is Aunt Chu Hua " Niha introduced them to each other.

" Aunt Chu... what's her name again ?? " Tanvi asked Niha.

" Aunt... Chu... Hua... " Niha replied.

" OMG !! these Chinese names are really confusing " Tanvi spoken out. Everyone laughed out loudly.

" Miss Tanvi don't bother, just call me Aunt Chu " Aunt Chu Hua said to Tanvi. Meanwhile Tanvi nodded her head and said " Wow your English is pretty good ".

" Thank you Miss Tanvi and you both look alike, very pretty and elegant " Aunt Chu Hua said to Tanvi.

" Of course we are. Because we are sisters and we do look alike " Niha said and then she put her hands on Tanvi's shoulders and said " Am i right Elder sister ?? ".

" Always... my dear sweet sister " Tanvi smiled and replied.

" Sister in law please go and get changed. I'll ask someone to send your luggage to your room " Wang Lei said to Tanvi. Then he looked at Niha and said " Niha take my sister in law to the guest room ".

Niha bobbed her head and then she held Tanvi's arm and said " Elder sister... come on. Let's go ".

" Young master I had never seen young madam so happy before " Kai Heng said to Wang Lei. Wang Lei nodded his head.

" I think she missed her family so much " Kai Heng said to Wang Lei.

Wang lei again nodded his head and said " Mr.Heng ask someone to bring Sister's in law luggage to her room. As for you,, go and wait in my study. I'll be there soon and i have something to discuss about ".

" Okay young master " Kai Heng replied. Later Wang Lei went to his room. Meanwhile Niha and Tanvi went to the guest room.

" Wow !! " Tanvi gaped her mouth in surprise. Niha closed Tanvi's mouth with her hand and said " Elder sister close your mouth or else mosquitoes will fly directly into your mouth ".

" Niha.... Is... is this really the guest room !? " Tanvi asked Niha while sitting on the bed.

" Yes elder sister. Why do you doubt that ?? " Niha asked Tanvi.

" I can't believe this. It looks like a master bedroom " Tanvi said to Niha.

" Haha. Elder sister,, our master bedroom is much bigger than this. I'll show you around this villa tomorrow " Niha said to Tanvi.

" Okay " Tanvi replied and then she asked " Niha i am asking you again,, are you happy here ?? ".

Niha held Tanvi's hands and said softly " I am. But why are you asking again and again ? ".

" Don't get me wrong. I... I... i am just worried about you " Tanvi said to Niha.

" Elder sister you are exaggerating it. I know what you are thinking. But... But trust me i am truly happy here except missing you guys. And your brother in law really treats me like a princess. No more than that " Niha said to Tanvi.

Tanvi stroked Niha's hair gently and said " Then i can rest assured. But still i have so much to talk to you ".

" First of all go and take a shower. We can talk after having dinner " Niha said to Tanvi.

" Okay " Tanvi replied.

After sometime Wang Lei went to the study room and sat on his chair. Kai Heng sat opposite to him.

" Young master what do you want to discuss about ?? ".

" How is the investigation going ?? " Wang Lei asked Kai Heng.

< End Of The Chapter 86 >