It's Like A Sunshine

" You !! Elder Sister !! " Niha shouted at Tanvi.

" Shh !! Keep your voice low or else your husband will misunderstand that i am causing trouble for his wife " Tanvi said to Niha in a low voice while pointing her forefinger to the door .

" I completely understood your intention " Niha said to Tanvi.

Tanvi tapped on Niha's forehead and said " That's good ".

" Ouch !! it's hurting. Well.... i'm leaving. You can continue with your personal things. Bye bye " Niha said to Tanvi and walked towards the door.

" Thank you then. Ohh !! wait,, stop there " Tanvi said and ran towards Niha.

Niha stopped her foot. Then Tanvi kissed on Niha's forehead and said " Good night sweetheart. Love you ".

Niha smiled and said " Good night darling. Love you more ". Then Niha left the room.

Tanvi locked her room and sat on the bed. Later she took her mobile and texted her father " Hi dad, i have reached my destination. Don't worry, i got a good room for myself and am doing good here. I'm sorry dad, i'm worn out because of the long journey. So i'm going to hit the sack now. You also rest early and say to mom that i had reached. Okay dad,, i'll call you tomorrow. Good night. Kisses... ".

Niha went to her room but she didn't find Wang Lei there, so she went to the study room and slowly opened the door. She put her head inside the room and looked at Wang Lei who was looking at some files on his table.

" What are you sneaking at ?? " Wang Lei closed the file in his hand and asked Niha.

" Me !! nothing... I just wonder what my husband is doing here at this time " Niha said to Wang Lei.

" You don't know !? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" Haha !! I do. I'm just asking " Niha said to Wang Lei.

" Okay but how long are you going to stand there in that pose ?? " Wang Lei asked Niha. Then Niha bit her lower lip and looked at herself.

" Don't hurt your back " Wang Lei said to Niha. So Niha quickly closed the door and went inside.

" Huh !! Come here. Why are you still standing there ?? " Wang Lei asked Niha. But Niha didn't say a word, she still stood at the place where she was standing before with folding her hands backwards.

" Do you want me to carry you over here ?? " Wang Lei asked Niha. After saying that Wang lei stood from his chair.

" Na na na. I'll walk there. You... you don't have to carry me over there " Niha said to Wang Lei and started walking towards him. But Wang Lei didn't listen to her and he quickly walked to her.

Later he took her in his arms and walked to the table. Then he sat down on his chair and asked" Are you satisfied now ?? ".

Niha closed her face with her hands with shyness.

" Move your hands off your face. You are stopping me seeing the most beautiful face in this entire world " Wang Lei said to Niha and Niha giggled.

" You look like an angel when you smile and you know what ?? that angelic smile is making my heart melt like a snow. Your smile removes all of my worries and it's like a sunshine which keeps my day bright and shiny. It's like a morning due and i can't help seeing it over and over " Wang Lei said to Niha while looking into her dazzling eyes.

Niha raised her hand slowly and touched Wang Lei's face with her delicate fingers. Then she asked " What has gotten into you honey ?? ".

" Nothing " Wang Lei replied.

" Then why did you become a poet all of a sudden ?? " Niha asked Wang Lei.

" Poet ?? Haha these are only just a few lines, i can write paragraphs on your smile " Wang Lei said to Niha.

Niha smiled brightly and asked " Really ?? ". Wang Lei nodded his head.

" That's so sweet of you honey " Niha said to Wang Lei.

" By the way why did you come here ?? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" What do you mean ?? " Niha asked Wang Lei.

" I thought you would stay with your elder sister for tonight " Wang Lei said to Niha.

" Hmm... She kicked me out " Niha said to Wang Lei.

" Haha!! Why ?? " Wang Lei laughed and asked Niha.

" She said that she doesn't want to become a thief by stealing someone else's wife and then she chased me out mercilessly " Niha said to Wang Lei gloomily.

" I see. Your elder sister is not like you " Wang Lei said to Niha. Niha raised her eyebrows and looked at Wang Lei as what he meant by that.

" She is smart " Wang Lei spoken out.

" What did you say !? " Niha gaped her eyes and asked Wang Lei.

" She is way smarter than you " Wang Lei said to Niha.

" Ryan !? You are unbelievable.... absolutely beyond everyone's belief !! Huh !!.. " Niha emphasized each word while saying to Wang Lei.

" Thank you my highness " Wang Lei said to Niha.

" You !! " Niha said and raised her hand to hit Wang Lei on his chest.

However Wang Lei caught her hand in the mid air and said " Listen to me first. Look,, your sister doesn't want to ruin our private space that's why she chased you out. Isn't that good ?? ".

Niha drew her hand back and said " It is. But you know i want to spend more time with her ".

" I know. But do you understand her intention to kick you out from her room ?? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" What is it ?? " Niha asked Wang Lei.

Wang Lei smiled and said " I'll show you once we get into our room. Let's go ". Niha acknowledged what Wang Lei meant and therefore she giggled.

After saying that Wang Lei carried Niha to their room and put her on the bed. Later he bent over to kiss her, however Niha dodged from his kiss and said " Let's not do this today ".

" You are not respecting your sister's intention " Wang Lei said to Niha.

" No Ryan. It's not like that. I'm really bone tired. Let's sleep for today please " Niha said to Wang Lei.

" Okay then. Let's sleep " Wang Lei said to Niha and then they both fell asleep.

Next Day Morning ;

Wang Lei woke up early in the morning as usual and also awoke Niha who was still sleeping.

" Ryan... please let me sleep for a while " Niha said to Wang Lei with her eyes still closed.

Wang Lei pulled the quilt off her body and said " Wake up now. Your stamina is not up to the mark. Let's do some exercise to boost your energy, after that we can take a sun bath together so that you can get sufficient vitamin D which is good for your health ".

" No... I'm not going anywhere. I just want to sleep more " Niha said to Wang Lei in a somnolence tone. While she was saying, Wang Lei took her in his arms and took her to the washroom.

" No no no. Ryan.. Ryan... Please put me down " Niha pleaded Wang Lei.

" Shh... wash your face and change your clothes " Wang Lei said To Niha.

" Ahh !! Okay. Get out " Niha shouted at Wang Lei unknowingly.

" Get out !? You are raising your voice at me ?? " Wang Lei asked Niha with a deep voice. Niha came to her senses and looked at Wang Lei who was looking at her angrily.

" I don't dare. My bad... my bad... wait for me in the hall. I'll be there in ten minutes no no five minutes. Exactly five minutes " Niha said to Wang Lei in an imploring tone.

Wang Lei nodded his head and went to the hall. Exactly after five minutes Niha went to the hall.

" Good. You are on time. Let's go " Wang Lei said to Niha and after they both went outside.

While jogging Niha couldn't catch up with Wang Lei's speed and she shouted " Ahh !! Don't go too fast. I have got little legs ".

Wang Lei laughed out loudly and slowed down his speed. After completing their exercise they took a sun bath and went to their villa.

At the entrance of their villa, the guard informed " Young master madam Lei is here ".

" What !? " Wang Lei exclaimed with surprise.

< End Of The Chapter 88 >