Explain Yourself !!

Tanvi just smiled.

" Come come, come here. Don't just stand there " Madam Lei said. Then she walked to Tanvi, held her hand and took her to the dining table.

" My god !! Literally,, you both look alike " Madam Lei said while looking at the two sisters.

" You are right aunty. That's because we both are sisters " Tanvi said and yawned.

All of them looked Tanvi as she was still yawning.

" I'm sorry. I couldn't help it " Tanvi said and taped on her cheeks.

" Haha... You look so cute " Madam Lei smiled and said and later she said " Chu Hua bring some coffe for Tanvi ".

" Okay Madam Lei " Aunt Chu Hua shouted from the kitchen.

" Thank you Aunt " Tanvi said with a smile on her face.

While they were chatting Aunt Chu Hua walked from the kitchen to the dining table with a tray in her hands having 3 coffee cups for Madam Lei, Niha, Tanvi and 1 cup containing green tea for Wang Lei and some biscuits in it.

They started sipping their coffee,

" Do you have a boyfriend !? " Madam Lei asked Tanvi.

Poofff... Tanvi spat out the coffee and gaped her eyes in amazement. Even Niha looked at Madam Lei in surprise.

" Sister in law don't mind my mother " Wang Lei said to Tanvi. Later he looked at his mother and said " Mom... What are you even asking ?? You are making her uncomfortable ".

" You zip your mouth. You don't know anything " Madam Lei shouted at Wang Lei, then she turned to Tanvi and asked gently " Now tell me. Do you have boyfriend or not ?? ".

Tanvi put the cup on the table. Then she put her hands on her thighs,, she took a deep breath and said " Well,, No Aunt ".

" That's very nice. If I have another son I'll definitely make him marry you. How can i miss such a beautiful and lovely girl like you ?? " Madam Lei said In a sad tone.

" Haha " Tanvi and Niha laughed.

" Yeah !! Why are you guys laughing. I'm serious. But don't worry, I'll find a suitable and the most dynamic boyfriend for you " Madam Lei said to Tanvi.

" How ?? " Wang Lei asked out of curiosity.

" I have so many friends and they have unmarried sons. I'll pick the most dashing one among them for Tanvi. Or else I can arrange blind dates for Tanvi. It's just a piece of cake for me " Madam Lei said to Wang Lei confidently.

" Like as you did to me. Mom,, don't you think you are going too far ?? " Wang Lei asked his mother.

" I'm not " Madam Lei said to Wang Lei.

" It's okay Aunt. Don't bother. I'm not in a hurry now " Tanvi cut in and said to Madam Lei.

" Hmm,, Very disappointing. It's okay. Tell me when you are ready. I'll find a perfect match for you " Madam Lei said to Tanvi.

Tanvi just nodded her head and Madam Lei patted on Tanvi's head. Meanwhile Niha just watching the scene while enjoying her coffee.

" By the way mom,, why are you here ?? " Wang Lei asked Madam Lei.

" What else it could be. I'm here to invite my New daughter-in-law to the Mid Autumn Festival " Madam Lei said to Wang Lei with a smile.

" I already told you that i will bring her to our home for Mid Autumn Festival. But why are you here ?? " Wang Lei asked his mother.

" well,, I'm here to invite my daughter-in-law personally, specially, lovingly, enthusiastically and ... ".

" Okay okay, no more explanation needed " Wang Lei said.

" I would like see you in our house too Tanvi. You must come with them " Madam Lei said to Tanvi.

Meanwhile Tanvi looked at Niha and the latter gestured her eyes to say yes.

" Sure Aunty " Tanvi replied with a bright smile.

" That's my girl. You go and Wash up " Madam Lei said to Tanvi.

Tanvi said goodbye and went upstairs straight to her room.

" Mom... Why you did like this ?? Why you came here without even informing me ?? " Wang Lei asked his mother.

" Why should i inform you ?? I'm your mother. I can come here whenever I want to " Madam Lei replied.

" Can you guys talk in ENGLISH. I couldn't understand a single word of yours " Niha said as the both son and the mother were talking in CHINESE. Wang Lei and Madam Lei looked at Niha.

" Sure my darling " Madam Lei smiled and said to Niha. Niha nodded her head.

" See, why you always give surprise visits like a surprise checking officer ?? " Wang Lei asked Madam Lei.

" I love that " Madam Lei replied.

" First you went to Niha's flat and now you came here " Wang Lei said and folded his hands.

" Yes, i have the right to see my daughter-in-law. That time I'm very curious to see how my future daughter-in-law looks like and want to watch her closely. I'm very satisfied with Niha. Now i want to invite her to the festival. And also as per my knowledge it's not a crime to meet the daughter-in-law in China. Is it ?? " Madam Lei said.

" No Aunt... I mean mother " Niha said.

" See, even my daughter-in-law agreed. What's wrong with you ?? ungrateful child " Madam Lei said to Wang Lei.

" Are you well aware about Chinese laws ?? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" Well i'm not. But I don't think there is a law which restricts the in-laws to meet their future daughters-in-law and sons-in-law " Niha replied. Wang Lei raised his eyebrows and looked at Niha.

" Why are looking at me like that ?? What, is there any such type of creepy law in china ?? " Niha asked Wang Lei.

" No, there isn't any " Wang Lei replied.

" Then, what is with that stare ?? " Niha asked Wang Lei.

" Nothing " Wang Lei shook his head and replied.

" Okay okay. Let's end this conversation here. I have to go now. See you at the Mid Autumn Festival soon " Madam Lei said and stood up from her chair.

" Okay Mother " Niha said and got up from her chair too.

Later Wang Lei and Niha walked her to the entrance. Niha waved her hand. Madam Lei said goodbye and left in her Mercedes Car. Soon the car left the huge villa.

" Explain Yourself " Niha said to Wang Lei.

< End Of The Chapter 91 >