Very Pretentious !!

" Elder sister why are laughing ?? " Niha asked Tanvi clumsily.

" See my cutie, your Ryan is a renowned person. Obviously,, everyone knows him. May be.... Someone had informed his mother about you and him. So she got excited and that's why she came there to check on you. As per me... that's not a mistake. Because... See,, even if our mother was in that place, she would do the same " Tanvi said to Niha.

Later she continued " See, Ryan couldn't tell you at that time that she is his mother. That would definitely make the situation awkward. He might have some other plans to introduce his mother to you. But she showed up so suddenly ".

Niha was quietly listening to her.

Tanvi thought about something and said " But Niha,, i found that your mother-in-law is really something ".

" Mm !? What do you mean elder sister ?? " Niha asked Tanvi.

" She is very different. She is very cool and chilled person. I like the way she talks. She has a very interesting character " Tanvi said to Niha and smiled.

" Yeah. She is. I found that too when I first met her " Niha said to Tanvi.

" Wait !! Tell me one thing first,, Are you guys already in a relation at that time ?? " Tanvi asked Niha.

Niha shook her head.

Then Tanvi thought for a while and explained " See you guys are not in a relationship that time. So, i think... he couldn't explain the situation clearly to you since you guys are not so close. That would increase the distance between you and also it might break your friendship. Even if he tried to explain the situation,, you wouldn't listen to him. Would you ?? ".

Niha shook her head again.

" There you got your answer. That's why they pretended like strangers. Simple " Tanvi said to Niha.

" Hmm... Elder sister you really are a genius !! What you said makes sense " Niha said to Tanvi.

" Hmm... I know I'm genius. The saddest part is you only take after me in appearance, too bad god forgot to give you some brains " Tanvi said and again tapped on Niha's forehead.

" Elder sister.... " Niha shouted.

" What now !? Oh my dear god, if you are there please transfer some of my smartness to my younger sister. Please... please... I'm requesting you " Tanvi clasped both her hands and said loudly.

" Elder sister you...How could you speak like that ?? " Niha asked Tanvi with surprise.

" Can't you see !? Don't disturb me,, I'm praying god to bless you with some intelligence " Tanvi said to Niha and again started praying.

" Elder sister !! You !!! " Niha said and started tickling Tanvi. Tanvi chuckled and after sometime she also started tickling Niha. Both of them laughed their hearts out.

" Niha stop... I am unable to breathe. Stop it " Tanvi put her hands on her waist and said while panting.

" Huh... Okay... " Niha said as she was also out of breath. Later they both fell on the bed.

" It's been so many months since we laughed together like this " Niha said to Tanvi while staring at the roof.

" Yeah... after you went to New York for your graduation,, you hardly came to INDIA. I was left alone and...." Tanvi gave a pause and then she said in a sad tone " And i missed you so much ".

Niha turned towards Tanvi and said " I also missed you so much elder sister ".

Tanvi looked at Niha and said " Drop your act ".

" What !? " Niha exclaimed.

Tanvi got up from the bed and said " I don't believe you ".

" Why !? " Niha asked Tanvi while getting up from the bed.

" Well,, because I'm hungry. I'm going downstairs " Tanvi said and then she left the room.

" Huh!! Elder sister you are very pretentious. You are really very good at hiding your emotions. Especially when it comes to me. You care about me more than anyone else in this whole world. Yet you don't admit it " Niha smiled and said.

Later she also went to her room to wash up. Wang Lei was not there, so she washed up and went downstairs for breakfast.

Tanvi was looking at her mobile when Niha went to the dining table. Wang Lei was not there.

" Elder sister have you seen your brother-in-law !? " Niha asked Tanvi while looking around.

" No. Isn't he in your room ?? " Tanvi asked Niha while putting her

" No he is not there " Niha replied.

" You guys are already here " Wang said while walking towards them and sat beside Niha.

" Where were you !? " Niha asked Wang Lei while looking at him.

" Got an important call. Ahh... And also I'll leave early. Have to meet some important clients today. You take a day off and stay here to accompany your sister " Wang Lei said to Niha.

" Okay " Niha replied.

" It's okay. No need. You go to office with him. I want to take some rest. I don't want anyone to disturb me " Tanvi said to Niha.

" Are you sure ?? " Niha asked Tanvi.

" Yup. I'm still feeling very sleepy. I'll go to bed straight after having breakfast " Tanvi replied.

" Okay then. I'll go to office with him. If you need anything give me a call okay ?? " Niha said to Tanvi.

" Okay " Tanvi replied.

" And also sister-in-law if you want anything to eat, ask Aunt Chu to make them for you " Wang Lei said to Tanvi and she nodded her head.

Later Wang Lei said while looking towards the kitchen " Aunt Chu... make it fast ".

" Yes Sir. Completed. I'm coming " Aunty Chu said while bringing breakfast from the kitchen.

After having breakfast, everyone went to their rooms.

" Niha,, Kai Heng will come to pick you up. Call him after you are done. I have to go now " Wang Lei said while getting ready.

" Okay " Niha replied.

" Can you help me with this tie !? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" But I don't know how to do it " Niha said to Wang Lei.

" Come here first and Try it " Wang Lei said to Niha while showing tie to her.

" Okay. I'll try my best " Niha said and went to Wang Lei. She was trying seriously to knot the tie but it didn't working out.

Watching Niha's perplexity Wang Lei laughed and kissed on her forehead.

Niha looked at Wang Lei and said while blinking her cat eyes " I couldn't ".

Wang Lei chuckled. He pulled her closer and kissed her again.

< End Of The Chapter 93 >